Start here first ... if you want to know what is important to know about me and why I write and speak weekly the things that I do! Except for my siblings and other relatives who call me by my first name (withheld!), I am known by all others as either Scott Riaubia or Brother Scott. The name originates from Lithuania (makes me wonder if that’s why my last name ends in “ia”).
I was born in 1955 on a day when the country puts up our stars and stripes in June. I am a red-blooded American male, father and grandfather, and have been married to my bride of 42 years.
I am a military veteran of the Viet Nam era, although not a U.S Army combat veteran. After leaving military service I spent the next 27 years working for some of the largest corporations in America, generally in financial services in one way or another.
In 1998 I was urged to establish a new Christian church in the area while still employed by the Norwest Corporation. By 2000 I was inspired to leave secular employment (after some tearful arguments with my Lord) to entrust all my needs to the care of my God and His Savior Jesus Christ.
In my ongoing spiritual growth, I eventually left the formal church system and now host weekly house-church meetings at my home in a mountain location above Springville. I rejoice with the way the Lord by His Spirit has led me.
I pull no punches in the exercise of my teaching gift bestowed upon me by the laying-on of hands in about 1977. Since I am sufficiently provisioned by the Lord of Glory, I have no worries that what I teach weekly from God’s Word will offend people, drive them away, and take with them their fellowship or support—therefore, they get the truth each week.
This is what I pray before each weekly message:
“Father, for what I share today that is Your mind and heart, and the Word rightly divided, I ask that You anoint it for the ears of all those that will hear it. If anything I plan to say is vain, confusing to the issue, or otherwise useless to the sheep under my voice—Father, cause it to fall to the ground and not be heard. Amen."
For what I share weekly I set-up a YouTube channel in 2016 called “Preparing for Amos 8:11”, where presently there are more that 390 audio messages ranging from 45 to 60 minutes each. I use the King James Version Bible to support all things that are the main points of what I share. I exhort the true people of God to stop sinning, to love God with a passion and above all others, and to let His Spirit help us each to become holy as He is holy—all commands of the precious Word of the living God.
My counsel is to take such things and others to heart and labor to comply—or a believer will regret that he or she did not on the day when they will stand alone at the Judgment Seat of Christ. On that day Jesus will ask one pointed question: “What did you do with the life I gave you? Let’s see.”
There is really nothing else so important about me to know than what I have written above—chiefly, it is that I will “tell it like it is”; you may take it or leave it!
The YouTube channel description says this: “Preparing for Amos 8:11 are Bible teachings to help Christians grow in the knowledge and grace of God, Who sent His only Begotten Son Jesus to be our Savior. A famine of God's written Word and through true Bible teachers is nearly upon us (the Amos 8.11 prophecy). This channel is dedicated to helping the true disciple of Jesus Christ to learn His Word and His ways in order to live according to His will and to please Almighty God.
"Without holiness no man shall see God"—that means you and me.”
Brother Scott