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The "RIGHT" Word©
- with -
Brother Scott
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Print | "Time is Accelerating"
The Right Word© - Dec 17, 2023
with Brother Scott : scott@portervillepost.com

THE RIGHT WORD - with Brother Scott

Do you like mind-teasers? Today’s discussion is one that if you like to be challenged in your mind you will probably spend some considerable time mulling over what you will hear today. What I will be talking about will involve you and me and everyone else on the planet, including the spiritual beings that are busy on the earth, those for good purposes and those others for evil. See if what you read here isn’t going to be a little mind-boggling/warping/twisting experience for you courtesy of the Word of God.

The Bible makes it clear something very unusual and strange to us is going to happen in these last days and that Jesus also said something else that must be considered with it when He declared “the Scriptures cannot be broken”. But I believe its happening will be in a supernatural way that we can perceive (be aware of) but yet will not violate in any way the declaration Jesus made at John 10:35.

For a long, long time I have pondered these passages from the Bible that seem to be set against one another—passages where these statements or those can be fulfilled but not all of them due to some rational contradictions (or so it seems).

To the point: By my common sense and the analytical mind given me by the Lord, these passages cannot all happen, yet they will while keeping true to God’s Word—and they have to do with “time”.

Matthew 24: [“Sorrows” gives way to the last 3 ½ years of terrible hardships:] 21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. 22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

[Also Referenced: Daniel 12:6, Revelation 11:1-3, John 10:34, Matthew 24:34]

So how can the prophesied 1260 days of great tribulation be shortened yet there must be 1260 days of tribulation because (as referenced) “the scriptures cannot be broken”? I suggest to you that the supernatural gets involved—that which works outside the realm of our natural existence while at times doing so without violating nature’s ordinances—working within what God has created (we generally call such things miracles or wonders).

Therefore, I submit to you today that time is beginning to accelerate. Huh? What? What did you just say? I said, “Time is accelerating”, it is starting to move faster. I’ve always quipped “The older I get the faster I get older” but beyond my natural senses what I perceive beginning to happen now to all of us is that in our human existence, what we know as “time” is somehow and in some way being affected. Here it is the end of 2023; this entire year has already passed by and the days of my weeks have begun to feel like they are rushing by.

Yes, we can still see seconds, minutes, and hours pass by and in that respect, time seems to be behaving normally but something else is now in-play that with our natural senses is not evident—yet for many (a growing number) something is feeling different. Most would agree that knowing or being aware of something outside our five senses comes by what is known as “intuition” (‘the act or faculty of knowing or sensing something without the use of rational processes; a perceptive insight; an impression’).

Time may be marching on in terms of how we measure and track it with our rational minds but something else is going on that is moving us faster within our time toward some point.

As I looked at the definition of time as we think of it, it occurred to me that the essence of time is about divisions and numbers—numbers that are subsets of something bigger than each lower set (seconds make up minutes, minutes hours, etc.).

But time is unlike our other 3 dimensions of length, breadth, and height, which give us a 3-dimensional existence that we can see and touch and affect.

However, except for paying attention to our clocks and calendars, we can do nothing (or very little) about time—we can’t stop it, back it up, make it go faster, skip the next 24 hours completely, nor can we travel into the past or into the future except by seconds, minutes, and hours at a time! We can only live in its flow into tomorrow.

You and I are temporarily contained within a realm perceived as countable days, weeks and years, having ourselves a past, present, and future that we have little control over except for the one big exception—where we will spend our eternity.

Now let me add something to human understanding that must be considered: there are at minimum 2 planes of existence—at least two realities (realities at least as we seem to understand them): the natural realm (where we live) of all things physical that can be seen, smelled, heard, felt, and tasted, which includes on the grand scale the entire physical universe. This is our reality but one that is restricted to 3 dimensions and the experience of time.

The second of our vaguely humanly perceived realities is the realm of God, which many only think of as a spiritual realm but it is in ways beyond our comprehension physical also. It exists more real than what we have here; it has living beings of many kinds, and has anywhere from 10 to 15 or more dimensions than we have in the limited existence of this universe and on this planet.

Other dimensions, as a few examples, might be perceiving colors having different fragrances, music having colors or emotion, having greatly expanded sight (seeing into the microscopic or many miles away as examples), being able to communicate without speaking words out-loud, traveling without either a vehicle or even walking, and always sensing the presence of God. This second place of existence is the perfect and eternal realm of God and is a place that exists outside-of-time.

As far as reality is concerned, others say that the realm of God is the true reality and consists of the pure, the beautiful, the perfect and all things eternal. Of what we may discover here that seems to be yet perfect as God had created it, it is nothing more than a shadow or veiled glimpse of what eternal life is really going to be like for the born-again children of God.

In a poorly stated comparison: we live in a temporary hologram or virtual world—it is God’s realm that is real. Compared to God’s realm, our realm is a virtual reality and only God’s realm is the true existence. Put another way for any “gamers”—we live in a video game of sorts and God’s plane of existence is the real world. We are subject to the constraints and flow of minutes and hours and days, weeks, months, and years but no such thing exists in the third heaven of God’s realm.

[Referenced: Psalm 90:2 & 4, 2Peter 3:8, 2 Corinthians 4:17-18, Psalm 90:1, 1 Timothy 1:17]

So—for the “time-being” we are here on this present earth (a remade one is coming) and have the limits of 3-dimensions, our 5-senses, and time (something Dr. Chuck Missler said was also a physical dimension [meaning it, too, can be affected, manipulated, even rushed within certain constraints])—and time or our existence in it somehow seems to be moving faster even though we see our clocks still moving one second at a time.

I have mentioned a few times in the last couple years that it seemed like things were moving faster yet nothing physical could be seen to prove that. I used the example of the old cassette tape that would spin faster and faster as it reached the end of each side yet the music didn’t itself begin to play faster. A conundrum of sorts! As a different and imperfect example maybe, think of it this way:

Being in this physical realm on the earth and subject to seconds, minutes, hours, days, and months and so forth is in a way like being in a moving car. While we are moving inside a car we can look at our watch and see seconds becoming minutes as we travel and time seems normal to us but yet the car we are in can move us from point to point at different speeds. In the car we do not perceive time going any faster or slower but the car itself we are inside of can go from a speed we are used to—to a speed much faster.

Our typical and lives heretofore on earth have been similar to riding in our car at a normal 60 miles per hour (mph) and so, for a destination that is 60 miles away, we will arrive there in about an hour (60 mph). The distance agrees with the time it took to get there.

But what happens if the speed of the car we are in begins to accelerate going faster (and then faster) to say 80 mph (?)—do our watches speed up and our days grow shorter because we get there sooner—our trip has been shortened? No; by our perceptions our time does not speed up and our days do not become shorter but yet we somehow we get farther down the road at 80 mph in an hour than we would have at 60 mph. The distance we traveled was not any less but the time it took us to get there was shortened.

The vehicle we are riding in is not bound by time.

The point I am trying to make is that Heaven can get the earth to the end of great tribulation faster by supernatural means even though it will be going on for 1260 earth days. A phenomenon I have no doubt most will somehow recognize and be glad for!

What does the Word of God say that might indicate that He can cause the hypothetical car to get us somewhere faster that we perceive? Are there hints that God might have one or more ways cause us to get through great tribulation much faster but it still lasts 42 months or 3 ½ 360-day biblical years? How can He shorten a set period of time set in concrete? The answer remains to be seen and understood but we do know that is what He plans to do!

Matthew 24:4 And Jesus answered and said unto them ... 6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows ... 15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) ... 21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. 22 And except those days should be shortened (from Greek “to dwarf”: to dock, abridge, shorten), there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

Dock: To clip short or cut off (dock one’s wages, cut short an animal’s tail). Abridge means to reduce the length of (days).

[Important References: Revelation 8:12, Revelation 10:1-7]

The Lord’s shortening of the time of great tribulation is a good thing and one to rejoice about as earth’s inhabitants feel its affects more and more. But why would God do such a thing—to shorten the days that we are moving into? Four reasons:

To reduce the amount of time available for man and the devil to do what they want to that would result in the end of the species as created by God.

The devil hates God and all that He has created including and especially men and women created in His image. Because of that hate Satan wants to destroy everything that Genesis records as “good” and replace it with things of his own remaking. Even with his giant intellect and knowledge Satan with his fallen angels and demon hordes cannot create anything but only take the basic elements of what God has created and recombine them into different things.

The devil will either get Christians to renounce their faith and follow antichrist (and thereby lose their souls) or he hopes to try to kill those that will not.

For the rest of humanity that does not accept the mark of antichrist they will be killed also if they can be identified and caught—although we know there will be survivors that were not Christians and did not take the beast’s mark.

For others, mostly the wealthy upper class and elite in the world’s system, there is the emerging promise through technology for them to live hundreds and even thousands of years by changes being made to their DNA and to their physical form insomuch that the God-created human body becomes more than human through genetic manipulation, mechanical implants and replaceable body parts (even the planned transference of the man’s consciousness, mind, personality (soul) to a completely synthetic body of unlimited ability and design.

Design your own next body like you used to design the dream house you were going to have built! If you want a retractable third arm or eyes that can see through walls and in the infrared range or a headlight in your forehead—no problem!

This seems to be what the trans-human movement is all about. And so people think “Great—I won’t need to breathe air, need food or water or even have to sleep!” All this and all one has to do is be completely submissive to that godless system with Lucifer ha Satan as the chief overlord—a life itself that would eventually become its own eternal hell.

[Referenced: Genesis 3:4-5, Matthew 4:8-9]

To get His own people through the last days as quickly as possible while working within the original construct of God’s creation.

Jesus shed His blood and died to save those created in the likeness and image of God as well as all creation (it growneth). Jesus did not die to save fallen angels, aliens from other places, giants, demons, hybrid creatures or those that have allowed their DNA to move them away from being completely human as God created us.

If God does not in some way get us from the beginning of the 1260 days of Great Tribulation to its end faster than we can see by our clocks and calendars we will all perish in one way or another while others perhaps cease to be redeemable by significant changes to their human-being ness.

To display His power over not only all substance and space but time as well.

To hasten the return of Jesus to the planet to begin the last phase of the redemption of mankind.

[Referenced: Revelation 12:7-12]

Time is a temporary creation of God and has a beginning and has an end—so why can God not also somehow make time move faster? He can and He will for you, me, and all our brothers and sisters in Christ! I am sure you and I will more and more stand in wonder by the 6th sense we seem to have that time is accelerating—which means Jesus is coming and sooner than most think!

~Brother Scott ... With ... The Right Word© ... For Today~

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