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The "RIGHT" Word©
- with -
Brother Scott
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The Right Word© - Oct 04, 2023
with Brother Scott : scott@portervillepost.com

THE RIGHT WORD - with Brother Scott

Dear friends in Christ,

On the heels of talking to you under the title How Can We Know, an important 3-part look at one’s genuine faith in God as a Person, including what His Word says, and about one’s love for God, today I want to tag onto what you should have taken to heart this subject today. It falls nicely in place as both a review for some of what we should know and live by, and for others, it will be instruction and an encouragement on how to live having strong faith in God and what His Word teaches us, as well as for one that loves God passionately and knows that He loves us even more than that!

We can be passionate about something good and right but never act on it while God’s great love for us resulted in Jesus coming to the earth and dying on a cross in order to buy us back as His own ones that God loves—loves with a passion that has acted.

In this spiritual lesson today I am going to address the critical and great blessing of God’s grace on your life and mine in a down-to-earth understanding of how we are to dwell day-by-day under His grace with peace. There is much to understand about grace—many things that I myself am still slowly coming to understand. And just how important is grace to us?

And just how important is grace to us?

If we just look at how Paul, John, and Peter open and or close their writings, that observation alone can give you a sense of how very important walking daily in God’s grace upon your life each day is. Paul literally opened and closed-out his writings with a blessing of grace twenty-seven times (Rom. 1:7 “Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. . . 16:24 “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.” Similarly, John does this three times, and Peter two times.

I remind you that nothing stated in God’s Word is just fluff-talk or to be taken for granted or lightly. If we pay attention to all things the Holy Spirit says in our bibles, we learn more and more about God that helps us to walk in fellowship with Him and in increasing victory against sin and through hardships. Speaking of grace and hardships, let me read to you an extremely helpful and instructive passage of an issue in Paul’s life that puts a fine-point on the issue of grace. . .

Let me cut to the chase and then come back around and expand on what we are taught in this very passage. Paul learned (and we are to also) that as true born-again ones from above, beloved by God beyond human understanding, when we face such things as infirmities, reproaches, necessities, persecutions, and distresses, God because of Jesus gives us just the right amount of grace needed for you and me to cope with those things. Not only does He give us grace but in His knowledge and wisdom how much grace He gives us is sufficient; sufficient means it is enough to satisfy our present need to cope with the trouble when we trust the Lord, if we will trust Him through it.

"sufficient means it is enough to satisfy our present need
to cope with the trouble when we trust the Lord ..."

The problem we have is that we do-not-see that degree of grace as enough—we look at it as insufficient (it does not satisfy our need for relief); we react this way because we think God’s grace means that He will cure the situation, solve the circumstances, relieve the stress, or give us an escape route around the trouble—but almost always—He does not.

We must train ourselves to recognize that when these things arise against us that, because of Jesus and by God’s love for us, He gives us the precise amount of grace that you need and I need to cope with the present issue(s). He provides us just the right amount of grace needed to endure the circumstances while growing stronger as a result of the situations of our lives while going through-them! [So much more to hear and understand!]

With ... The Right Word© ... Brother Scott

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