† Revelation 19:5-8
Over the last three weeks I have given you enough to understand that in the grand plan of God there will be a very special subset of the whole Church called out (“chosen”) to become something unique in all of eternity future—the Bride and the Helpmeet of Christ.
All members of the Church are “called” (invited) but “few” (a puny number) will be “chosen” (selected) to be members of the Bride. You should have come to understand that those that are selected out-of the Body of Christ (the Church—in the same fashion as Eve was taken out of the body of Adam) are ones that by their individual choice and follow-through dedication came to love God more that all others and their own lives while having been submitted to the needed transformation from having a sinful nature, idolatries, and all unclean ways to being holy as He is holy.
This transformation involves coming to love the Lord Jesus with a deep passion (and His Father also), the cessation of personal sinning, and the getting free of the sinful nature. Loving God and freedom from sin are the results of living lives changed by the work of the cross and the many trials of their faith arranged by God; these believers had been step-by-step refined and purified by the renewing of their minds and refined by the hardships of life in this realm.
That choice of each believer and his or her relentless pursuit of God in this life can result in being chosen to be a member in the eternity-future close companion of the Lord Jesus Christ. Selah.
There are two other aspects to The Grand Plan of God
There are two other aspects to the grand plan of God (that I am aware of through His Word) that involve the eventual total eradication of all rebellion against Him and the coming forth of an eternal future free of rebellion and one that is perfect in peace and harmony with God and with all He has created and will create time-without-end. You don’t want to miss what God has planned for His holy ones, both angels and those granted eternal life!
Therefore, no matter where your relationship with God is today—I urge you to dedicate yourself to going forward daily-seeking the help of the Lord and do not become content in wherever you grow to next.
Just this last week I was talking to a brother in Christ about life and as a response to him saying where he had come from to where he is now (he seemed to be content with himself), I said, “Do not be satisfied with where you are today—don’t ever stop seeking more from the Lord and being more in the Lord.”
The Second Big Part of Elohim’s Grand Plan
The second big part of Elohim’s grand plan is to begin put an end to evil by removing mankind’s external catalyst to sin temporarily from the earth for 1,000 years. At the end of the Great Tribulation upon Jesus’ physical return and the destruction from off the earth of the false prophet and antichrist and his forces, a mighty angel will bind Lucifer ha Satan and cast him into a bottomless pit for the term of the millennial reign of Jesus Christ upon the earth.
This imprisonment and the Devil’s final eternal judgment are sketched-out for us at Ezekiel 28:17-19 and Isaiah 14:15. The Word does not say it (that I have found), but we might presume (or at least I think) that along with the exile of the Devil to the pit that all other fallen angels as well as all demons will be cast into the Lake of Fire at that time. He goes to the pit and they go to the Lake.
During That 1,000 Years of Jesus
During that 1,000 years of Jesus literally reigning here on the earth as God and King (not long to happen now!), mortal human men and women that have not taken the beast’s mark and somehow lived through the Great Tribulation will continue to live on the earth and bear children but under the rulership of Jesus Christ and the influence of His then eternally living redeemed ones.
I do not know much about how things will be during those years with both Jesus here and the now glorified redeemed ones walking the earth but I suspect many still human men and women, boys and girls will be born again while many others will refuse to surrender. We know this from Zachariah:
But We Do Know This:
But we do know this: At the end of that 1,000 years, the Devil is released and goes out and persuades rebellious nations to rise up against the Lord and His people and they will be destroyed by God, and the Devil finally thrown into the Lake of Fire himself forever and ever. His defeat has long been prophesied!
The Judgment of the Dead ~ Small & Great
The rest of chapter 20 details the judgment of the dead small and great who will stand before the Great White Throne of Judgment and have their lives judged based on what the book about their individual lives has recorded and what another book of life has to say about each one. Whosever’s name is not found in the book of life will be cast into the Lake of Fire. And so ends the reign of the general rebellion and sin of both fallen angels, demons, and all mankind that would not choose the way righteousness.
And finally, as the prophetic eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles begins, our eternity future where time for us no longer exists, there is peace and joy, no more sickness, sorrow, death or pain, and no-more-tears!
God’s Great Plan For His Beloved
I do not doubt that there is much more to God’s great plan for His beloved creation but we know these parts: There is a Bride for the Lamb of God, a Helpmeet to be assembled out of the whole of the Church, the Body of Christ, Jesus, Who is the second Adam.
We know the Devil and all the black host of fallen angels and demons spirits will finally and forever be removed from every corner of God’s creation and cast with extreme prejudice into the forever Lake of Fire—as will all human kind that failed their examination at the Great White Throne Judgment.
And we know that the next thousand years will be wonderful, and beyond that “no eye has seen nor ear has heard” what awaits the redeemed.
God is victorious in all ways through Jesus Christ and has plans for us that we cannot possibly imagine. I urge you to surrender every part of your life to God, leave no door closed to Him, and allow the Lord to renew and transform you every whit.
I can promise you that one day you will not be sorry you did!
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