Why did God do it? Why did Elohim create the archangel Lucifer knowing that he would at some point become prideful and lead a major rebellion against God? Why then later did Elohim create man upon the earth about 6,000 years ago knowing that he, too, would disobey God’s Word, fall to sin, and produce an entire race of sinners?
Why do it in the first place or why not at least set Adam and Eve aside in some remote location until they died a natural death and recreate another man and woman that would love God and walk in obedience to His Word and His ways?
Have you ever wondered about these kinds of things? I have and over the years have come to understand a broad answer to such questions—at least in part and to the degree that the Lord was willing to share some of the details of “the grand plan of Elohim,” which is the subject matter of these present discussions.
We can begin to understand the answer to these questions by knowing that this next statement is a good place to begin: God did these things knowing in advance about the ensuing rebellions involving some of His angels and created man because—God is after something. He wants something that will come out-of all this trouble. God desires some-thing (or in this case a some-one) that in all His power and wisdom He cannot or will not create.
So What Does GOD Want ???
So what does God want that is worth the trouble caused by His disobedient created beings—and how does He get what He wants? Questions and more questions but the answers should excite your spirit and arouse your soul to a higher devotion to God, if you want to be a part of what He is after!
That thing that God cannot create begins with a living being that is by nature sinful and rebellious—it is born that way. This is a creature that God “calls” to come-out-of his or her rebellion and sin and know God, learn of and walk in His ways, and along the way—with a passion come to love Elohim.
But how does God get sinful and rebellious creatures such as men and women to begin with if He cannot or will not create such a sinful creature (since by His holiness He will not create anything sinful—do you see that)? (Check-out James 1:12-18)
So this “someone” that God wants has to do not with a race of men that were created innocent and free of sin, as was Adam and Eve in the beginning, but what man by his own free-will would choose and would become—disobedient, unbelieving toward God, and utterly sinful—something that God would not “create” as such. From among such a race like that there was something that could be “made”—as was Eve, and not “formed from the dust of the ground” as was Adam. What God is after, what He wants is a Bride for His Son.
If you were present for part one or have heard the audio recording of that message—what single word might describe how you reacted in your mind to the stated fact that the whole of the Church is not the Bride of Christ as nearly all that know of the Bride automatically come to think; were you shocked, challenged, disappointed, disbelieving?
Had you ever even heard about the Bride of Christ, and if you had, did you think it was just a different term for those of the entire Church and somehow interchangeable, or maybe it was what all born again ones as members of the Church would one day become?
While it is true that some within the Church will one day be part of the Bride of Christ, it will not be made up of all those that have been born again but a very special and small number of those that, while living on the earth in their lifetimes, [they] came to love Jesus more than all others and anything else of the world, and His Father, too.
These will be those that (even with the responsibilities of normal human lives) had become completely devoted to their Savior and the ways of God such that they came to be looked upon by God as chaste virgins (righteous, pure and holy), ones suitable and chosen to be an eternal companion for the only begotten Son of the Father. A reminder:
I’ve shared with you in the past that where my understanding of God’s Word and ways is involved, I will either say that “I think” or “I believe.” The difference between them is that what I think has some reasonable basis to think that way—but my mind can be changed, whereas when I use the word believe, that means that I am convinced beyond any doubt of what I say. So what are some of the things about this Bride that we can know and seek for in our own lives?
Now only time will tell but I think this “army” at Revelation 19:14 is His bride—a warrior bride; a bride that has learned and practiced spiritual warfare in her lifetime upon the earth. No general takes into a blazing-hot battle zone those that lack training and have no warfare experience. And no general takes into battle an army 10 times the size of the enemy to be defeated, which might be the difference between the full number of the Church (hundreds and hundreds of millions) compared to the much smaller number that are the Bride of Christ (perhaps many hundreds of thousands); those that are with Him are “called (invited), and chosen (selected out-of), andfaithful” (trustworthy and trusted, true and sure).
This Bride will be made up of men and women that had become dead to the world and its things while in the world. These had crucified the flesh and the lusts thereof and had lived in a new reality as ones that were redeemed, had become separated from all unclean ways, and victorious against personal temptations, the seductions of the world, and all manner of spiritual compromise. These ones had sought first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, became “the servants of righteousness” (Rom, 6:18) and trusted the Lord for all that they needed daily while asking for nothing that was frivolous or vain. These ones would be worthy to ride behind the Captain of all the hosts of Heaven (Rom, 11-16); they had been joined with their Bridegroom and become His wife immediately before His ride against the antichrist and his armies of the world!
The members of the Bride will consist of those who have learned and practiced walking in the authority and power of the name of Jesus. They had come to live as Jesus did so that the devil had nothing to accuse about them and in fact, the fallen angels and demons stepped way back when this man or woman became involved in a spiritual conflict. These came to know the Word, live the Word, speak it and wield it effectively against the enemies of God and mankind. And not all but many in the Bride of Christ had given their lives in martyrdom by their love for their Savior and God and their brethren.
This is why I think the army accompanying the King of Kings and Lord of Lords is His Bride and not the entire Church; the betrothed to be married are those tested and proven to have been the most faithful, found trustworthy and trusted, true and sure.
Had these considered by God to have become virgins suitable for the Bride of Christ been sinners? Yes, of course, many vile sinners. Had they been physically married in their earthly life? Many, yes. Had they all been devoted followers of Jesus for many years of their lives? Many, yes, but some not as long but had at some time later in their growing relationship with Him made a covenant with the Lord to truly and actually follow Him and to allow whatever refining of their souls needed to be done be done for all their remaining days upon the earth.
How then could such ones be deemed as pure before God, by the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, in my opinion the best term in this case would be they had become “a betrothed virgin”?
For all the members of the Church, the body of Christ, I make this point: You and I have been marred by sin—in a sense our sin has spiritually raped us and stolen our innocence long, long ago. Because of those things, in a fashion, we lost our virginity, and even once becoming born again from Heaven, forgiven, washed clean, and made part of the Body of Christ, we were still not suitable to be included one day among those “chosen” to be the Bride of Christ.
Many things had to happen about us that would restore before God our innocence and purity sufficient enough to become the close companion for the Father’s Son in eternity future. And so, by the supervision and help of the Holy Spirit placed within us and the Word of God working upon us, we can begin to move into a secondary or renewed virginity before God.
What, you wonder? Secondary virginity; virginity somehow restored? For many years I served on the Board of Directors for the local regnancy Resource Center, which offered counsel, guidance, and help for mostly young, unmarried, usually school-age girls that thought they might be pregnant. They were given at least two things at the Center: a free pregnancy test and an introduction to Jesus. The mission of the Center was to divert young pregnant women away from Planned Parenthood and abortion, while working to bring them and perhaps even their male companions into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
One part of that work was to urge them to commit to “secondary virginity” by committing their lives to God through faith in Jesus and in that commitment to abstain from sexual activity until one day married—[commit] to live as virgins until that day. I had myself led some in their wedding vows that had successfully done this because of the Center’s great work among young couples. These young women had grown as disciples of Jesus and remained chaste until joined in marriage and in a love relationship with a man they wanted to spend the rest of their lives with.
God our Father has provided everything a born again one needs to escape the ravages of being molested and raped by our own sin and to become truly pure and holy such that He will agree for that man and woman to be included in the highest form of companionship planned for Jesus in eternity future—the Bride to become His help meet. This is one of the greater parts of the grand plan of the Godhead—Elohim.
Now here is an added piece from the Scriptures that anyone with ears to hear should be able to clearly see! Having shared this before in the 2010 series and having it come to mind in recent weeks again to revisit, I was given confirmation that this was again the time to present it again when by some correspondence between Brother Randy and myself he brought this point up from his studies of God’s Word.
Please understand that this given to us as a “type and shadow” (an advance picture) of God’s plans about a Bride for the eternal Son.
In part one I made the case that all born again ones become part of the universal Church, which is also the Body of Christ, and the Body of Christ (the Church) is all born gain ones both alive on the earth and those now in Heaven.
The Body of Christ is not the Bride of Christ, so realize this: As Eve was formed from that which was taken from the body-of-Adam, the Lord Jesus’ eternal help meet will be taken from His Body, the Church, pointedly and many times in the New Testament called “the Body of Christ”.
Spoken as plainly as I can make it: Just as Eve came from the body of Adam so will be the eternal help meet for Jesus be taken from out-of His Body, the Church.
That is the picture we are given in Genesis chapters 1 and 2 at the beginning of this present creation of what was planned by God to happen at the beginning of eternity future.
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