It's official now. I am a minority in my own home state of California. Oh, shock! Oh, horror! No. It's not that I'm a minority. Anyone with a brain larger than a cumquat knew it was coming. Rather, the shock is that the "experts" had predicted that I would get to wait several more years prior to being forced into second-class status and having to learn a new language to be able to live in my own country.
"What cynicism!" some would say. Well ... OK. I've sometimes been nabbed in the frailty of my humanity. I'm guilty as charged. Do you reckon that it does something to a man's mind and he gets a bit "wiggy" when he sees the handwriting on the wall? How can he be unaffected when he is demoted from being a "WASP" majority to a "NWGGYBJ" minority. "Just exactly what does that acronym mean?" you ask? Oh, that. It means "Now We're Gonna Get You Back, Jack." "You don't say, Jose", I say? "Oh, yes. I do say, Jay". Anyway, the handwriting is spelling out a very gloomy future.
Allow me to explain. I'm going to be a victim soon but no one will care including, and especially, the Federal and State governments. Do I have some great gift of prescience that allows me to make this prediction? Not really. I only claim to have been paying attention to the "hate the white folks and make them pay" trend over the years. It doesn't take much watching and studying of the human species to be able to predict much of what they are going to do. Seems they rehearse themselves with great regularity throughout their relatively short history on earth.
Some of that regular behavior is not a pretty sight. One easily observable fact is that most humans relish having dominion over others. You can call it the "I'm lord over you" syndrome. One king dominates another and takes his gold and land; one tribe overruns another and takes their goats and most of the women (I suppose that some of them even the Vandals didn't want); one guy wants to take his neighbor's wife; one tyrant even wants to take the position of ruler of the entire world (Hitler, Lenin, and Stalin, being great examples). Is the point taken yet?
Is there some reason to suspect that humans are going to be less inclined to be "takers" and not be kings merely because they live in the "land of get your milk and honey for free" (if you're an illegal alien, that is. "Homies" have to pay through the nose)? Pardon my appreciation for using eloquence in the English language but, I trow not. It means that reverse discrimination will become the norm. The conquerors will make life miserable on the dethroned "kings".
That's also not to say that the "WASP" ex-majority has anything about which to crow (their record on dealing with minorities is hardly pristine). I grant you that there are some who have found great pleasure in stinging minorities and taking advantage of them. There should be no pride taken in such. It's just that the new majority will take all the more pleasure in sockin' it to the old majority.
But, with a simple reflection on recent (U.S.) history, we see that minorities (legal or not) have been given literally everything it takes to become successful. They have been given free medical and social services; they have been given free college tuition; they've been given free or subsidized housing; they have been given Social Security incomes though they paid nothing into the system. Why shouldn't they be the majority? They have been paid to do so because we've also paid for their numerous children per family.
And, of course, they (minorities) have been zealously protected. Any sign of discrimination (real or imagined) has incurred the wrath of screwy liberals who need only one out-of-context word used vaguely in a half-sentence to generate a lawsuit. Often the result has been swift condemnation and even jail for the hated white perpetrator. Illegal aliens (also a large part of the new majority) are so protected that the Border Patrol agents are now being prosecuted for doing their job of trying to prohibit the illegal invasion of our nation! Man! That's protection! But, does that mean that they will reciprocate and be the stupid socialist liberal pendejos who give their own country away and sell out own their people to protect the proverbial white Anglo-Saxon protestants? Will they have mercy on the ex-majority? I'm not betting the family Hyundai on that one.
Perhaps I am bummed because of being forced by the rapidly-approaching need to get serious about speaking Spanish. There's a lot of inertia to overcome what with having spoken my native language for an awfully long time, don't'cha know. But, with Spanish signs increasingly being placed superior to those in English, even Governor "Moonbeam" must recognize that the end is near for "whitey" (not that he cares). According to certain number crunchers, there will be few or no Caucasians in California in fewer than 40 years. Let's see ... according to easily obtainable facts and figures, Mexican families have 4 children and American families have fewer than 2 per family. Yep. The math adds up quickly.
Or, maybe it's been a blue blue day because of the way I was treated while having lunch at a Mexican restaurant recently. The waiter must have expended all of his energy celebrating and rejoicing for days on end after hearing the good news about being promoted to majority status because he surely didn't waste any of it on me. It really did seem that he had spent much time re-programming himself so that he no longer felt like a minority. You could see it in his eyes how he was smugly enjoying his new status and how he had lost the shame of having to conform to the law. Now it was his turn to treat minorities with condescension. He did a great job of it too. In fact, it has been a long time since I've been so ignored and treated thusly. This trend will continue. You can count on that. At some point we (the new minorities) will most un-welcomed in our own country.
"Aw, come on, Randy. He was just having a bad sombrero day or perhaps he was distracted or such" some well-meaning, understanding, and longsuffering fellow-doormat may tender. Ah, yeah. Well, the last time I checked, if you weren't a good server/waiter (at a Mexican restaurant, at least), you were history and were soon picking grapes or hustling drugs for a living.
God Bless and Enjoy ...