We all know what the hook was: "Hope and Change". We also know what the line was: "We live in the best country in the world! Help me change it!" Well, a lot of people swallowed the hook and the line and they also got the sinker while they were at it. All things tallied, Barrack Hussein Obama is the "sinker" since it has been his plan all along to sink our nation into the depths of poverty, the equal sharing of misery, and being totally dependent upon a "Big Brother" nanny police state.
The concept that America is an exceptional nation that stands out from the rest of the word is vile to him. He must, therefore, sink America and its Christian heritage, its wealth, and being otherwise exceptional while ignoring the fact that everyone on the planet wants to live here precisely because it is exceptional.
The problem is that the "fish" are too stupid to know that they are hooked. In other words, their liberal brainwashing is quite complete. "Evil" and un-Americanism, socialism, and communism are now "good" while patriotism, free-market capitalism, the Constitution, the Godly principles upon which our country was founded, and even our founding fathers are now all "evil". There has been a complete eradication and repudiation of the very fundamentals of liberty and of the entire foundation of our nation from our school system. America's revised history now shows that everything that made America great is evil... because... because... because.
Because parents didn't personally oversee the education of their children and insure that they were aware of their heritage, they have become enemies of their own freedom, their own culture, and their own country.
Oh, yes. They (leftists/Marxist/socialists/communists/Democrats/Progressives) most certainly do believe that they are fighting for a superior cause for the betterment of mankind. In fact, according to one ex-Marxist, there is no clearer or purer vision than that of the Marxist.
But, this thinking is actually presenting something other than the "egalitarian" mentality where all religions, ideas, people, and cultures et. al. are equal. To them, their way is not "equal" it is superior, better, and more righteous than others. This is a typical liberal-think oxymoron because it is not a hidden fact that liberals do not believe in the concept of "right and wrong" or "good and evil". Though they believe that all are equal, in effect, they are saying "we are more equal and our ideas are better than yours and we're going to shove it down your throat to prove it".
This means that they are not literally campaigning for a "righteous cause" because that would be inconsistent with their well documented platform and doctrines. If they do declare that theirs is a "righteous cause", then they are lying outright. Instead, they are campaigning for an agenda to institute their program to control everyone else with them being the elite in charge of everything. Yes; that is called an "oligarchy" (which invariably ends up also being a "plutocracy").
The oxymoron is that the stated cause is to end what they perceive to be an oligarchy in our government. Yet, in a "saving" gesture, they will replace on oligarchy/plutocracy with another of their own making and with them in control instead of someone else. We see this exact dynamic when Lenin overthrew the Czar of Russia. He replaced an oligarchy (which was plutocratic) with another oligarchy (which was also plutocratic). The bottom line is was that the entire matter was merely a power play. It was never about "the people" at any time despite needing to rally the people for their support to defeat the "enemy" (Czsar). They became what the Soviets called "useful idiots".
John Calvin the "church reformer" did the exact same thing with Catholicism. He was unable to reform the Catholic Church so he created his own church by whitewashing Catholicism and with himself being a Pope of the new system; he was in control. When confronted by this fact by Michael Servetus, he had Servetus killed (1553AD).
Please keep in mind that, though this article is about "politics", we are still dealing with the same "spirit of error" which is also the "spirit of anti-Christ". This spirit is the complete antithesis of God's word and wisdom and it will never humbly serve but can only pridefully control regardless of the political or religious rhetoric or environment. It is the default "spirit of the world" (1 Corinthians 2:12) and there is no truth in it. It is in the world today and pervades every aspect of our society from top to bottom. It can never resolve to peace at any level other than by resorting to a re-defining of "peace" altogether.
The definition of peace seen in the Bible leads to tranquility, unity, and harmony. We understand through the rest of the word that such tranquility is brought about by obedience to the words of the very God of peace who desires to reconcile all "un-peace" to Himself in Christ. We also know that God's ways mean that we make peace as "peacemakers" by overcoming of evil with good and love.
Even when we hear scripture say that His enemies will be made His footstool we know that the God who is love is not thinking like man thinks. He wants his "enemies" to become part of His temple and not merely vanquished.
Contrast that idea with that of Joseph Stalin. His definition of "peace" is "when all of your enemies have been crushed". It's really obvious that God's definition and man's definition of "peace" is quite different.
We can immediately see that this attitude comes from the same murderous spirit seen from the beginning when Cain slew his brother Abel. It is the same spirit that we see when the Catholics slaughtered Christians in the name of the God during their inquisitions. There are only two spirits: the "Spirit of truth" and the "spirit of error" (1 John 4:6). One is good the other evil. So it is with politics and so it is with religion. One spirit will seek to exalt itself and rule while the other will seek to exalt the other and to serve. There are no exceptions.
Keep in mind that part of the brainwashing by the "spirit of error" is to convince "we the people" that the state gives "freedom" to all and empowers the people and protects them from ... oligarchies and plutocracies. When we understand that the "spirit of error" will always contradict itself and can only be facilitated through deception and lies, then it is easy to comprehend the strategy of both politicians and some "religious leaders".
The tacit understanding of the liberal doctrine is that our freedom and liberty is not God-given (they don't believe in God) but man-given and/or that freedom is legislated and state-governed. That delusion is very much complete in the majority of people in this country who have, by and large, thanks to our educational system having been hijacked by liberalism quite some time ago, accepted secularism over Christianity. There is no understanding that the Constitution is to protect the people from the government and not vice-versa. There is no understanding that without Constitutional protection, the government will run roughshod over us and bring us into captivity through the lie of being a "protector of freedom". In fact, most of our nation has been brainwashed to accept the government as the sole source of all things including, but especially, liberty. It is a lie and it is deception by and large brought about by an entitlement mentality inculcated into the population by politicians.
It is this dynamic with which the sane people of our nation are dealing and with which they are so frustrated. It's why we must all be united as a cohesive element to fight for and maintain even a modicum of reason when the world around us has gone insane. This is actually spoken of in the Bible. It advises that there is a "spirit of a sound mind" (2Tim. 1:7) leaving us to understand that non-believers have a "spirit of an unsound mind". We must put pressure against/resist darkness or that darkness and insanity will prevail as the pressure of darkness is without resile.
It's also the reason why too many people have voted for and are fighting for their own destruction (and that, sadly, includes Christians) by supporting the unbelievably corrupt and anti-American, un-Godly person who has illegally, but with consent of the people, taken up residence in the White House. Doing things illegally and doing so regularly and even sanctioned is part and parcel of the way that the "spirit of error" operates. And, it's exactly why more than half of our countrymen have fallen for the hook and the line of the "Sinker-In-Chief".