Being an "early Boomer", I can attest to a time where people expected at least a modicum of civility, character, and respect from those who were "highly visible". That would be such as those who are in public office or in the entertainment and sports industries. For instance: TV shows had network censors to assure that our children wouldn't be receiving an "education" on certain topics prior to their being prepared through the normal course of parenting. Sponsors would take flight if a program were to even remotely offend the viewing audience. Unlike today, they couldn't be bought.
Oh, sure; we knew about some of the celebs who were naughty. We did know that things happened behind closed doors that few spoke about. Even the fact that some were homosexuals was known but no one made a big deal out of it. There were indiscretions committed by a few luminaries or our time. We weren't stupid or naive. And, it wasn't that we (as a people or nation) approved of the matter. It was tolerated because it wasn't forced down our collective throats as an affront to our sense of decency and wasn't foisted upon our children as some sort or right to defile them. You could perhaps say that it was a live and let live attitude (though "head in the sand" would probably work for some at the time too). Nowadays we see something completely different; something that is as obnoxious as it is profane.
A somewhat recent incident concerns perfidious L. A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. He is not unlike the adulterous woman mentioned in the Bible (Psalm 30:29) who, after committing the act, wipes her mouth and says that she has done no wickedness. Certainly, Villaraigosa isn't the first politician to succumb to the seductions and temptations common to those in power. But, this should be the last straw. Being bludgeoned with perfidy is unacceptable.
It is time that all people grasp the simple irrefutable truth that, if a man will not be faithful to his own spouse, he most assuredly will not be faithful to his constituency or his oath of office. His heart is not steadfast but is blown about by every wind of doctrine and demagoguery and certainly it is made malleable through the power and pressure of politics. He can be bought with a price. The Bible confirms this truth with verses like this: "He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much" (Luke 16:10).
This bottom-line concept cannot be argued against by liberal bluster and blather that says "It's his own business and we need to stay out of his private affairs" (pun intended). This "kill the truth at all costs" ranting of Liberals must go unheeded if sanity is to prevail and honor restored.
Let's say this yet another way: the villain, Villaraigosa, needs to be tossed out of office by those of voting age out of the 3,844,829 (the population of L.A. as of 2005) (hopefully) angry voters who have had enough of treacherous politicians. Then, when the rest of the nation sees that Angelinos have placed the fear of God in their politicians, we can all start tossing out the rest of the "bums" in all offices who have soiled and violated our sacred trust and treated it as filthy rags.
The only problem could be that villains love villains. In fact the Bible addresses this exact dynamic by saying that the "world loves its own" (a paraphrase but surely an accurate one - John 15:19). A huge number of people in L.A. are illegal aliens and at least as many are directly related to or are culturally sympathetic to those illegal foreigners. In other words, what's another criminal in a city full of law breakers and those who hate our immigration laws and ordinances?
In any case, the culture of "acceptable shamelessness" needs to be eradicated and that, straight away. Luminaries of all sorts need to be accountable and responsible or they need to be gone. We don't have to put up with the pompous perpetrators of soul-less and value-less perfidy and profanity any longer. It's time to demand respect and resolve this "up yours" attitude we receive from those in the limelight. We can command that respect with the ballot.
The lunacy of pathological Liberalism likewise must go unheeded or we can expect to be ruled over by criminals who call "evil", "good" and "good", "evil" (some of whom many have already exalted as heroes eg Nelson Mandela). No quarter must be given them and their whining and demagoguery must go unheeded 100% of the time (because they are lying and fighting against good 100% of the time). They, too, must be booted from office post haste or we are going to suffer their irrepressible and filthy lifestyles and deceptive and lying politics. Their hatred for this country, their warring against its Christian heritage and Christians in general, their vicious contempt for the Constitution, and their love of evil should never again be tolerated.
We are fast approaching the point of no return. Many criers and heralds have shouted the truth with all longsuffering and patience. It's time that we heed them and act accordingly.
God Bless and Enjoy ...