After a somewhat recent article from Stephen Frank's "California Political News and Views" I was forced to finalize a picture of something that I've seen coming for a long time now. It's a hard pill to swallow since I've been influenced by government propaganda for so long (you know; the part where they teach you from the first grade that the government is on our side and they are here to help). I actually had an ever-shrinking reservation of hope-against-hope that our government had a few "good guys" at the top that actually cared if we lived or died. Silly me.
The "pill" is that our government and police (referred to as "they") will not protect us from crime or criminals of any kind. When there was rioting in Detroit in '67, Cleveland in '66, Watts '65, L.A. '92, and most recently, in Toledo, OH, no one's property and no one's personal safety was at any time protected by law enforcement. People died and people were injured (some critically). And, they didn't (on the whole) offer much protection during the raping, ravaging, and sacking of New Orleans (in fact, some of the officers were complicit in the criminal actions). In the LA riots, shop owners had to protect their property with their own weapons or live with ashes of their burned businesses.
Even then, those who protected themselves were seen to be "bad guys" (in a sick and twisted liberal sense of justice). But, what were they to do when the police simply stood and watched and did nothing? The answer is only reasonable to a liberal; they were expected to be un-protesting lambs led to the slaughter. That is also what is expected today.
It's disgusting to know that "self-protection" has virtually been outlawed by those who think that, if you disarm law-abiding citizens and remove their ability to protect themselves, crime will magically disappear. It doesn't get much stupider than that. Nevertheless, these people fight tirelessly to enact that exact legislation to insure our destruction. The point should be clear: the police and government officials/agencies will not protect us whether there is active rioting or whether there is "merely" an invasion of our country.
That, in fact, is the case with but precious little exceptions like Sheriff Arpio in Arizona. They aren't protecting us from an overwhelming invading army. As many as twenty million (illegal) immigrants have swarmed into this country with little effort being given to even care about it much less take action against it. They, in effect, prefer the enemy over their own people by not taking appropriate action to protect us by stopping them from entering our country. They smile and toss political platitudes our way making us think that everything is just fine and that they are working on a way to make it all work out. That coon dog won't hunt.
It has become painfully obvious that they think that, aside from a bit of carping and grumbling, there will be a peaceful overthrowing of America. They believe that, as long as Americans have their BBQ's, Big Macs, DVD players, IPods, BMW's, and computers, they will be too passive, too lazy, to independent, and too stupid to act. They also think that Americans have lost any sense of community and nationality. It has been demonstrated that caring for one's country is almost a criminal act in the U.S. as of late. God forbid that anyone should be so "racist" as to wave the Stars and Stripes.
But, I don't think so. I believe that sane folks will soon tire of the ravaging of our women, the destruction and theft of our property, the destruction of our children with drugs, the killing of our lawmen and citizens, and the pillaging of our health and welfare system. We will sicken of the carnage on the highways where unlicensed, un-insured, and drunken illegals slaughter our people. We will revolt.
As an aside, I spent a number of years in the EMS-paramedical profession in a larger city in central California. I have gone to some very grisly accidents where drunken illegals murdered our people on the highways and little was done in the way of prevention. This is not to mention the countless maiming and life-changing non-fatality accidents that cost taxpayers who knows how much money and misery. My car was sideswiped on a major highway one morning by a driving-while-drunk illegal alien. A few years prior to that, a drunken illegal ran into the back of my car as I was stopped a signal light. So, you may spare me any liberal bleeding heart poppycock defense of "our friends" (per the beacon of liberal lunacy, Ted Kennedy) the illegal aliens. There is no defense of what is being allowed in our country today.
Also, they seem to forget that the very purpose of the 2nd Amendment was to allow citizens to ...
1) protect themselves from criminals (what a concept)
2) as a militia, repel an invading army
3) and to overthrow a hostile government that refused to obey the people and the Constitution (how's that for common sense?).
Exhaustive effort must be taken and great deception must be used to avoid realizing that all three of these elements are now eating away at our country in a pernicious and evil way.
"We the people" have always hated war and we still do. But we weren't afraid to fight the Japanese when they bombed Pearl Harbor. Why should we be afraid to fight Muslim terrorists when they bombed NYC? Why should we be afraid to fight an invading army of illegal aliens and a drunk-with-power police state government? Since the law enforcement establishment will not protect us, then we will not take this insanity lying down. We will arise and defend ourselves and do so according to the Second Amendment and according to all common sense and for the common good.
This will not be an uprising of hot-blooded "reactionaries"; not by any means. It will consist of "Joe Citizens" from all walks of life and from all political persuasions. It will be the culmination of decades of abuse by a hostile America-hating government and provocation by illegal aliens. Many ex-military leaders will muster and lead other ex-soldiers and warriors. It will not consist of a rag-tag group of misfits and malcontents. It will be done right.
For decades people have pleaded for help and have received none. We've winced as we shouldered the burden and tragedy of our government's iron fisted insistence upon defeating us. We have wept as our government did nothing while our enemies were protected instead of us. We have been ignored while illegals have been given preferential treatment. We've attended the funerals of our loved one's and neighbors killed by illegals and all the government could say and do was ... nothing.
But, there will come a time with the "last straw" (actually, the last boot heel to the face and the last raped daughter) will cause the people of this country to say "Enough!" Real patriots who fear God and who cherish our Constitution and liberty and real "Minute Men" who, as they are fearlessly doing even now, will take their place together to take a stand against the un-Godly assault on our country (both from within and without). We will not heed the Hollyweird phonies who make the lovers of our country appear to be Nazi's and racists.
Having said this, it needs to be stated most vehemently that there is still a small window of opportunity to avoid this mess. We can still vote out the haters of America and replace them with those who are committed to the re-establishment of our Constitution and our inalienable rights. We can clean house and show our entire Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches that we've had enough. We can impeach liberal judges and dump any Senator or Congressman who has sided with the enemy. We can authorize our law enforcement officers to do just that: enforce the law. We can vote for those who pump red, white, and blue and who will no longer sanction the coddling of criminals. We can avoid blood in the streets of America and should exhaustively pursue all measures to prevent it.
But, the time to act is now. We can no longer afford to have the vast majority of Christians sit home and not vote in the next election (I know one pastor who is 55 years old and has never voted!). The "chad counting" debacle (in Florida) could have been avoided entirely had just a few more Christians voted and decisively sealed the matter. Neither can we afford to have 25% of Christians who do vote voting directly for those who hate them and everything they stand for and who are guilty of the murder of millions of babies in their mother's womb (per a CNN poll during the 2000 election).
This is a "grass roots" matter. Churches need to understand that evil must be resisted or it will prevail. They also need to inform their people to vote for their lives and their religious freedom or it will be gone. Otherwise, we must be prepared to defend our homes and lives because, as has been demonstrated all too often, law enforcement will not do it. "They" will push us into the sea unless we resist them. Then it's "Granny, get your gun".
God Bless and Enjoy ...