One of the most serious of deceptions that liberals purvey is that they are something other than the National Socialist Party. Americans are blindly following these killers of America taking no thought for the consequences. It takes a mere couple of minutes and a Google search to prove incontrovertibly that they are stone cold socialists (what part of "spread the wealth" and "wealth redistribution" are people not understanding?).
What is readily apparent from the search is that the Democratic Party's agenda is point for point congruent with the American Socialist Party (beginning with the "New Deal in Socialism" foisted upon us by the Socialist and Communist infested regime of FDR).
Further, the Democratic Party has the full endorsement of all other socialist and communist governments and groups world-wide (surely no one was absent when the Chinese insured Clinton's elections with their dirty money). Barack Obama was and still is fully supported by both the Socialist and Communist parties in the country.
While this in itself is monumentally significant, it pales in light of what is transpiring with both parties and their sinister ploy to conquer America. What is frightening is that it is working and working well with the aid of "we the people" as we surrender our sovereignty to them one day at a time and one piece at a time.
The Democrats refer to the Republican Party as "Nazi fascists". This statement does carry some weight as we will see. They do not, however, admit that they are socialists and try to mask the fact with flailing gestures, lies, smoke, and mirrors. However, true to their nature, they have publically demonstrated themselves to be the Neo-Nazi Party. They try to deflect the truth away from themselves so that the Republicans get the rap and appear to be the bad guys (which worked for this election).
Consider next that these National Socialists have foisted upon us a one party system that appears to fight among itself. It then becomes all the more evident as to why the Republicans stand around looking stupid and never deny the accusations flung at them by the Democrats. Half the country screams the answers to Democrats accusations but the Republicans stick their fingers in their ears and just blather on about everything else without giving a rational answer. Or, they merely rant and rave exactly like the Democrats and just continue to destroy our country. The puzzle pieces are as large as those used for Kindergarteners and come together as a picture that is quite clear: nothing actually changes because both parties are allied against our nation.
Yes, I did say that we have a one party system. Stop and think about it. A maxim known for millennia is that a house divided against itself cannot stand. What we now have is one socialistic party. This dynamic started with FDR in 1933 and was complete in about 1948 when Norman Thomas, the "Socialist Party" candidate for president stated that he would no longer have to run for president. Why? Because both the Republican and Democratic parties had taken up the "progressive" agenda.
From a current perspective, we can note that the parties can only be differentiated by the dynamic of from whom and how much to steal and to whom the booty is given. The other difference is a pretense of a presumed moral high ground with the Republicans feigning a concern for unborn babies, Christians, and the Constitution.
The Democrats, on the other hand, have no pretense. They have neither morals or morality nor any regard for the Constitution, and they have no conscience whatsoever toward slaughtering babies in their mother's wombs. Neither do they protect our children from the radical and obscene homosexual agenda. Rather they are forcing this obnoxious aberrecny upon our nation just exactly like Hitler enforced his policies.