We now must take note of another undeniable fact; 95% of blacks will vote for the Democratic Party and have for at least the previous 50 years or so.1 Though nothing could be further from the truth, it is understood that blacks believe that the Democratic Part is on their side and fighting for them. This, too, will factor into this topic in a major way.
There is an insidious parallel dynamic that has managed to worm its way into our culture like a steel-toothed pirana. It's that of the homosexual agenda. We're going to see that the LBGT movement boarded the "civil rights movement's" train and are following in the footsteps of the blacks. In other words, they can do no evil in their own eyes or in the eyes of their proponents where they find that they are a "proctected species" just like blacks. Having such political fortification, they know feel that that also gives them the "right" to destroy their opponents and promote their agenda at any cost; they have the full support of the "system".
At a city hall meeting in my hometown of Porterville, CA, the Mayor, Virginia Guerolla, had unilaterally enacted a proclamation that July be a "Gay and Lesbian Pride Month". Many townspeople and other councilmen were livid and told her so at the next two town meetings. The vast majority of townfolks felt betrayed by this very nice Catholic who appeared to support conservative Catholic values.
A large number of LGBT's showed up for the meetings (a number of them [too many] from out of town) to plead their case as to why the mayor should not rescind the proclamation as was demanded by the majority of the townspeople. At the conclusion of the second meeting, the mayor did, in fact, announce that she had changed her mind and would rescind the proclamation.
This caused her honor no small amount of grief (their intention, to be sure). Only two of them were arrested (probably for "disorderly conduct") while others seemed to simply became invisible to the attendant police officers. Many of their fellow troublemakers were gathered at the "Centenial Park" directly across from City Hall and were carrying signs promoting their agenda.
This uncivil behavior is demonstrably consistent with that of the LGBT crowds in other cities and at other times. Here are a few examples:
In May of 1959, LGBT people clashed with police at Cooper's Donuts, a hang-out for drag queens and street hustlers who were frequently harassed by the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). Police arrested three people, including John Rechy, but other patrons began pelting the police with donuts and coffee cups. The LAPD called for back-up and arrested a number of rioters.2
The "Stonewall riots" were a series of spontaneous, violent demonstrations by members of the gay community against a police raid that took place in the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, at the Stonewall Inn, in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of New York City.3
The Compton's Cafeteria Riot, which occurred in August 1966 in the Tenderloin district of San Francisco, should be noted.4 On the first night of the riot, the management of Compton's called the police when some transgender customers became raucous. When a police officer accustomed to manhandling the Compton's clientele attempted to arrest one of the trans women, she threw her coffee in his face. At that point the riot began, dishes and furniture were thrown, and the restaurant's plate-glass windows were smashed. Police called for reinforcements as the fighting spilled into the street, where a police car had all its windows broken out and a sidewalk newsstand was burned down.
Another example of this exact behavior is the White Night riots:
The White Night riots were a series of violent events sparked by an announcement of the lenient sentencing of Dan White, for the assassinations of San Francisco Mayor George Moscone and San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk. The events took place on the night of May 21, 1979.5 The gay community of San Francisco had a longstanding conflict with the San Francisco Police Department. White's status as a former police officer intensified the community's anger at the SFPD. Initial demonstrations took place as a peaceful march through the Castro district of San Francisco. After the crowd arrived at the San Francisco City Hall, violence began. The events caused hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of property damage to City Hall and the surrounding area, as well as injuries to police officers and rioters.
It should be evident to those who are paying attention that the blacks and the gays got (and are still getting) whatever they demand,6 not through peaceful discourse, but through violence, riots, and the use of force to shove their agenda into place. The do so almost without impediment from the "establishement" even though people are seriously injured and mainmed, and property damage is substantial.
No one with any political clout seems to be willing to do anything at all about it. Any and all legislation concerning this violent behavior pattern is implemented to protect this lawlessness (i.e. in the form of concessions to prevent violence). Concesson after concession has been made and to insure that it will happen again and again. Astoundingly, legislation is still being enacted now! Their lawless agenda is in place to the point that everyone is now prohibited from stopping the gays' and blacks' flagrant reverse discrimination and disdain for the law in the name of "anti-discrimination"!
Now, to the point of this matter: viturally all of the blacks and gays support the Democratic Party. Approximately 67% of gays will vote Democratic and they represent between an estimated 3% and 4% of the population (though their voter turnout is much higher than average). As many as 95% of blacks, who represent roughly 13% of the population, vote as Democrats.7 When bundled together, these groups represent a significant voting bloc. This simply means that the Democratic Party openly supports gays and blacks which also means that they openly support and promote both of their agendas. Please understand that, to promote this agenda is to oppose everything our country has been founded upon. That includes our history (continually being rewritten by the Democrats), our culture (continually being usurped by illegal immigration), our heritage (dismissed as irrelavent), and, vitally important, our religion.
When we evaluate this information, we can come to only one conclusion: Democrats openly fight against this country's founding principles of law and order (which is anarchy), our Constitution (which protects the God-given rights of the individual and the states from the government and not vice versa), and against the very God from whom all freedom comes and the Chrnitianity that represents Him.
Make no mistake; their campaign is masked and cloaked in falsehood, lies, deception, and re-labeling of their agenda into an acceptable "pill" that is easily swallowed. Racism, discrimination, and violence is called "standing up for civil rights for the minority". Lawlessness by gangs of black teenage thugs is now labeled "just kids acting out". The examples for this ignominious list of lawlessness and insanity is literally without end.
Let the evil of this dynamic sink in. In order to appease their minority constituents (a strictly political move to get votes that involves only a decision and not the heart or belief in what the minorities actually believe), Democrats are actively forcing a deadly, destructive, violent, un-American, and un-Christian culture and agenda upon this nation. They're not just countenencing these cultures but they are promoting them so that they can remain in power and control even if it means the destruction of the nation as we know it.
Add to this dynamic another violence-prone group in our nation who support the slaughter of babies in their mother's womb (killing a baby "violence").
That leaves us with a large section (at least half) of the population who vote for a party that represents, sanctions, engenders, and promulgates nothing short of evil. Because these things/topics are the very antithesis of American culture and heritage, we can truly state that the Democratic Party is a massively corrupt political party that has as its platform the implemention of death to our country, its history, it economy, and its culture. If any thought was given to that being a subject opion, all doubt can be removed bcause the Democratic Party has quite openly told us to our face that that is exactly their intention (what do you think "Fundamental Change" means: just getting rid of those robber baron Republicans who hate the poor?).
All of this means that we have a deadly serious problem and it's the Democrats, folks. This Godless party of corrupt, violent, and evil un-Americanism must be stopped and soon or there will blood in the streets (there may be any way since that's part of their socialist agenda to sieze control of the country). This snake must no longer be allowed to thrive and strangle our nation like a blood thirst python. The soul of our country is very much at stake (and the "savior" Democrats haven even told us that to our face) and our enemy is more blood thirsty than any serial killer.
History recounts ever so vividly if not grusomely how that you cannot appease evil and you cannot make deals with evil (as England and Russia did with Germany prior to WW2). Evil must be stopped and knows only one effectual dynamic: he that has the biggest club and/or the most determination and will to win, will win. Evil must be eradicated just as cancer must be eradicated from the body that is afllicted with it.
The brutal Democratic Party must be brutally overthrown because they are brutally overthrowing us in their violent revolution (which began decades ago). There can be no other way because, thanks to them (with the help of far too many Republican Party members), the "masses" have been brainwashed to belived that "evil" is "good" and that "good" is "evil". How long will we or can we live as free men in such an environment? If we are to to avoid this onrushing tidalwave of brutal dictatorship, when shall we start? When will the weight of the chain be too burdensome?
Let us pray for guidence as did our founding fathers who, though men of peace, sought the Lord for His direction. They then stopped a brutal dictatorship.
The Republicans must face the same wrath if they do not toe the mark and begin to uphold their oath of office and start to work for and serve the people of our nation. They have been compllicit in the spreading of evil for too long. They need to feel the sting of rejection as we embrace them with our high dudgeon. A third party is very much in order, in fact. They must reject the teachings of Senator John Danforth who has rejected God, His word, and His wisdom from being involved with our country and politcs aside from peripherally (specifically targeting the "religious right"). Such evil must no longer be tolerated.