There is an explanation though it cannot be used as an excuse per se because ignorance, again, cannot be accepted as normative. The excuse is the "Romans 13" doctrine. A synopsis of this doctrine is that God installs all leaders, whether good or evil, as heads of nations. In other words, Adolph Hitler was installed by God so that he could kill Jews (God's chosen people), steal freedom and property from the nation's people (through socialism), and destroy other countries including his own with warfare. Does this make sense to you? It make absolutely no sense to me either.
We will see that using this excuse is ignorance gone to seed. When scripture is taken either out of context or is taken incompletely, you get "un-truth" and "un-truth" cannot set free. It can only engender bondage. That's because only "the truth" can set men free from captivity and prevent destruction. "Un-truth" can only lead to ignorance which leads to captivity or destruction. Such is the "Romans 13" excuse and it is why Christians are aiding and abetting Satan in destroying this nation while he leads them into captivity.
Lifted from context (which is the only way it can be doctrinally substantiated), this insidious doctrine is based upon this reference: "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation" (Ro 13:1). As with all false doctrine, this one is predicated upon a partial truth. In other words, a partial truth is when you take only a part of God's word and not all of it all of the time (remembering that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God). In other words, "a truth" (or "partial truth") is not "the truth".
When you read all of the scripture pertaining to this subject, you find that God places authority for the purpose of keeping peace. In fact, God is the very God of peace and His will is to resolve His creation to peace in Christ Jesus, the Prince of Peace. He paid a great price so that His people could be free from all bondage and that they may live in peace. In no way can the entire context of this reference be interpreted that God’s people be in subjection to despots and those who hate them (i.e. be in bondage to Satan).
Now, compare this accurate rendering of scripture with the interpretation of far too many believers who focus on just a portion of the scripture. They believe that Christians must submit to whatever authority is in power be it evil or good. They actually believe that all things evil come from or are allowed by God. That means that they believe that Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, V. Lenin, and Stalin, were all ordained of God and that Christians were to be submitted to them. This is despite the fact that these evil men hated God and killed Jews and Christians as well as millions of their own people. None of the subscribers to this doctrine stop to think that there's something quite wrong with a doctrine where it is God who is sanctioning the persecution and killing of His own children.
Does that sound like the nature of the "very God of peace" who is love? No, it doesn't. Yet, this precisely what this vile doctrine maintains.
What about the very founding of our nation? Was it not because men desired the peace of freedom without the tyranny of having to serve an oppressive monarchy? Are they not even thankful for the freedoms that such rebels gave us? Is their/our freedom worth so little? Do the words of our founding fathers exhorting us to fight to maintain our freedom fall on deaf ears? Apparently so!
Now, think of this. What if all Christians voted? Stop and think about it. If believers would only vote there would never again be a close election. No one would even have to count "hanging chads". There would never again be a baby slaughtered in his mother's womb as a civil right. Homosexuality would never be forced upon our innocent school children and upon our churches. Parents would have control of their children and not the government. We would have freedom of speech and would not be accused of hate crime because we disagree with the despicable practices of the government. There would be no more filth and violations of our sensibilities. We wouldn't be seeing uncountable freaks in public whose only purpose in life is to garner attention and to anger others. Criminal gangs would be eliminated along with most drug related issues. Does our loving Father sanction any of the above related evils? I think not!
In other words, there would be much much more peace in our land if Christians were involved with politics. Isn't that precisely what the Lord desires? Or, do with think that He would rather have us living in captivity or suffering destruction? Did He give us this country only to remove it from our hands as an "Indian giver"? Does He desire less peace for us now than when this country was begun? Let's hear the word of the Lord: "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior" (1Ti 2:1-3). This scripture is in full and simple context and it confirms the entire Romans 13 exhortation by the Apostle Paul. It's all about peace and not about bondage.
In the Romans 13 excuse there is the concept that "God is in control" so all is well. If we take into account all of God's word all of the time, then we see that God has given man this world over which to rule. But, He expects him to rule through the prayer and seeking divine guidance for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.
It is obvious, at least to me, that the "spirit of error" (there are only two spirits: the "Spirit of truth" and the "spirit of error") has pervaded the church and is causing Christians to actually vote for their own destruction and for the destruction of their country (acknowledging that not voting is a vote for the enemies of God). Can such error be overcome in time to save our country by the mere participation of Christians in the voting process? If only.
God Bless and Enjoy ...