There is no more arguing the matter of the evils of "assault rifles", none. The facts are in and the jury, consisting of history, statistics from the DOJ, data from the several states and their cities, and independent studies galore has returned a verdict that has been rendered in all truth and verity and its conclusion is beyond refutation.
After this point in time, all argumentation for any gun control (especially assault rifles) is in all intellectual dishonesty, willful ignorance, and/or deception all of which are tendered in the promulgation of an (obvious) agenda.
When you deny overwhelming and irrefutable evidences you are no longer arguing your position. You are attempting to establish and reinforce your agenda and you are deceived if you continue to promote that which is so easily (and so often) proven false (be it climate control or assault weapons).
When you are deceived, truth no longer matters; facts no longer matter; nothing matters except what you subjectively (situational ethic) perceive to be "truth" no matter how erroneous or insane your cause and position may be.
If you are not deceived, then you have a willful anti-American and therefore evil agenda. You are nothing less than a traitor to this country and a betrayer of its Constitution. This is evil and unacceptable and you are perpetuating falsehoods (liberalism/progressivism/socialism/Democratic Party) that are repugnant to the American Constitution (the established truth).
Similarly, when you deny such things as the simple precept that allowing uncontrolled mass immigration will (let's spell that so that there is no misinterpretation here: W-I-L-L) destroy your country, and do so for the "betterment of mankind" in a self-destructive but so-called "beneficent" way, you are deceived. Genocide in the name of "good" is invariably evil and as such, there is no argument for uncontained immigration.
Likewise, the forced lowering of this nation's standard of living to the poverty level so that illegals can be accommodated by (and then overwhelm) our social and health services and so that we (immigrants and nationals) are all equal, is Elena Kagan's "glorious socialism" gone to seed. Our prosperity and standard of living is not up for argumentation or negotiation and the redistribution of that wealth/prosperity is also not arguable.
When you vote for those who pass massive life-changing and Constitution-altering legislation without even reading it and you approve of it without question, you are actually beyond deceived; you have embraced insanity (such are called "loony liberals" for good reason). When you are joyous that 50 million of your countrymen are on food stamps or welfare, you are deceived. When the number of recipients is increasing because your president believes that job eradication is beneficial and being dependent on the government is best for your countrymen, you are deceived and your insanity is not acceptable and not arguable.
And, when you rejoice over the prospect of disarming Americans so they are completely defenseless against rapists, robbers, burglars, and other criminals, you are absolutely deceived and that without remedy. That diagnosis is not arguable. The dispensing of a God-given right to survive to further a cause or agenda is a certain sign of spiritual and very likely mental anomalies. We know this because God has given us (the believers) the spirit of power and of love and of a sound mind (2Timothy 1:7). That means that anyone not of God (i.e. anyone not of "the Truth" for He is the truth, the life, and the way), is certainly of an unsound mind and incapable of arguing logically. Therefore, we will not argue with you.
When all evidence is in (and it is), there is no further need for disputation. We will not be dragged over onto your ideological turf with your blustering Hegelian tactical attempts to distract us from our firm grip on reality.
The truth stands alone and simply must be enforced and protected rather than debated. The truth must stand and having stood, must continue to stand against "un-truth" and deception. The truth must and will be protected and that with violence if necessary (per our founding fathers) lest your illogical, deceived, lying, violent, and vehement ranting and engineered destruction of our nation prevail.
We will argue with you no longer. Go your way in ignorance and darkness. We will strive with you no more because there are no more arguments.