Let's tack a couple of things to the table prior to plunging very far into this topic of why we should pray for our nation. These simple things are very important.
First of all, this writer is an optimist and I pump red, white, and blue. Why shouldn't I be an optimist? I grew up in the (very) patriotic 1950's proudly saluting the American every single day that I was in elementary school. In one teacher's class we regularly sang patriotic songs (and the class included the children of Mexican immigrants).
That was a time when the smell (or stench) of World War 2 was still in this nation's nostrils. The pain of lost loved one's was still aching in peoples' hearts. So, I learned that our freedom was purchased with a great price and I understand that principle to the fullest.
That means that there is a deep understanding of the intents and purposes of our founding fathers that abides in my soul. I understand that "freedom isn't free". This is merely a common sense understanding that freedom must be bought with a price and then it must be maintained. It isn't rocket science. The point is being emphasized because there are those who have placed no value on our freedom and have not considered the blood of those who paid for the freedom they now enjoy and are frittering away.
Secondly I have a solid understanding of the world and its evil doings. We live in an evil world that is overflowing with those who hate righteousness and who love unrighteousness; they love evil and hate good. I am not a racist, bigot, or hate monger. To the contrary; I am a man of peace by all means (if possible). But, I see no reason for anyone to be ignorant of Satan's wiles and ways. Nor do I believe for a moment that believers need to be deceived by the "spirit of error" (spoken of in 1 John 4:6). And, I certainly don’t believe in the "head in the sand" approach where people/believers "just give it to God because He's in control so whatever will be, will be". This is ignorance gone to seed and is virtual suicide.
Having said these things, let's ask some questions: what do we do when the enemy comes in like a flood (including a literal flood of illegal aliens)? What can be done when the enemy has very deftly assailed our land and has assaulted and torn down the bastions of good in our country and has rabidly done so without resile? How do you combat an enemy who has taken decades to assume tactical and strategic advantage of your country and is entrenched in every aspect of society? How do you react when you find that Satan has exalted evil on every hand and placed it into authority so that you, the patriot and/or Christian, are now the enemy of the state and subject to retribution for merely existing?
What do you do when your country now has a majority population that has no particular patriotic interest in their heart and they think you are a jingoistic, flag-waving, bigoted knuckle dragger? How do you react when you are surrounded by fools, idiots, incompetents and those who hate their own people and country and who are in almost every single position of authority and leadership? Can you dispel the hopelessness? Can you overcome the temptation to throw in the towel and just let evil triumph? Will you do nothing and simply allow evil to triumph?
To answer some of these questions we must turn to God's word. Scripture teaches us (among so many other things) that God is good and that His mercy endures forever. It teaches that He always desires to resolve His creation to peace. It further teaches that He is the God who hears our prayers and is the God of deliverance!
We read how the Lord delivered His people from the hand of their enemies if they would be sure to include Him in the matter. In other words, if there was no "sin in the camp" (defiling the camp and making it impossible for a holy God to abide there), the Lord was in their midst and He delivered His people. If they would but pray and seek Him, He would set them free from their captives or deliver them from merciless invaders.
With that simple understanding of qualification (i.e. we being believers who are the body of Christ/God's people who need only to pray) we have hope and recourse. We have our God and He's on our side!
A most encouraging passage is: "So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him" (Isaiah 59:19). We who are the combatants for the soul of our nation must remember this passage and emblazon it on our hearts and minds. We must see the word "shall" and know that our Father is not a liar. Only our God is larger than a flood. Only the King can conquer an enemy who has overflowed the river banks and is flooding our land with vile waters.
Now is the time to pray and seek the Lord our God. Now is the time for believers, patriots, and lovers of good to bind together in a coherent cohesive army who cannot be shaken at what they see before them. This is the hour that men’s hearts will fail for fear but not our men! Ours must be those who trust in the Lord with all of their hearts, and all of their souls, and with all of their might and mind. We must stand and, having done all to stand, stand therefore lest we be shaken and faint and the enemy wash us away in turbid whirlpools of wickedness.
We must pray because the Lord desires our freedom and the freedom of the land that He gave us. We must believe that (in the words of the song), "He is able to deliver thee" and to never doubt that God can deliver. But, more importantly, we must believe that God will deliver us and that He shall raise a standard to defeat the darkness that is now pervading our land like a flood! Why pray for America? Because God will hear and will deliver!