This politically active writer was astounded by certain information tendered by CNN during the previous three election cycles. The fact was that a mind-bending 75% of Christians don’t vote!
The impact of this deliberate and inexcusable inaction is almost incalculable. Stop and think; there would be no close elections at all if Christians would just vote. Almost all of the elections in the previous decade have been lost or won by a hair’s breadth and some involved great controversy.
Please hear this ... there would be no abortions and homosexuality would no longer be shoved down our throats (including trying to convince our grade school children that it is normative) if Christians would simply take an hour of their time to vote. We would be spared the political correctness. Prayer would be returned to schools along with other freedom of expression. We would not be threatened and hampered by lawsuits by the Godless ACLU (an anti-American socialist group from its inception) by merely erecting a nativity scene or a cross. We would have freedom of religion instead of freedom from religion. We could escape the insanity of liberalism altogether.
It that is not enough to elicit a nauseating visceral response, 25% of those who profess to be Christian in their faith are voting for those who delight in the persecution of believers and who believe that most Christians need to be locked up for the safety of society. They vote for the removal of freedom of speech so that pastors can no longer preach against evil without fear of being jailed!
How can such things be justified in their minds? What thinking is it that would deceive them in to thinking that God is “in control” and that it is His desire to use such evil to effect His will in the earth?! Why would God enslave Christ on this earth (we are the body of Christ) rather than have Him free? Why would our God, who is good for His mercy endures forever, encourage the killing, enslaving, and destruction of the body of His Son? Why would God purpose that Christians commit “suicide by government” rather than have life and that more abundantly?! Does His word not say that we should pray for our leaders that we may live in peace (1 Tim 2:1-3)? Why would He advise us to pray for peace and then send great "un-peace" upon us?
It’s time to throw off such deadly and unscriptural doctrines that disenfranchise believers from the political system. If they do not, then the political system will, uncontested and by default, rule over them with an iron fist. It was Pericles who stated: "Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you." Likewise, English statesman, Edmund Burke advises this: “All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing”. When Christians do "nothing", Satan will do "something" and that something will never ever be beneficial to Christians!
The Bible is more than clear that we are to: “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). If we are not “doers of the word” but rather are “hearers only” (being deceived), the devil will not flee. He will remain and will win the elections by default.
Is it such a great task to simply vote? What reasoning is there that would say, "Stay at home and let God handle things. You don't have to vote. Your vote doesn't matter and doesn't count anyway". This is a profound lack of wisdom and understanding. The voter turnout in the previous election was 57%. Imagine, if you will, what would happen if only 30% more people would have voted?! If only one third of those who call themselves "Christian" had voted in the previous election, Mitt Romney would have won and we would have been spared the Marxist anti-American monster defiling our nation at breakneck speed.
Ignorance is not "bliss". Ignorance is dangerous and deadly especially when it's cloaked in the legitimacy of one's religious doctrines. Now hear this: we are to submit to the ordinances of men but realize that the understood meaning of all scripture and all of the word of God is to resolve to peace and not resolve to the persecution of the church and the enslavement of the planet. We are to resist evil and our current government is far more than evil.
Christians/conservatives can handily take over the control of this nation by simply voting. That's all: just voting: no marching, no yelling, no shouting, no demonstrating. Merely taking a few minutes of time to vote instead of watching a soap opera or a sports event can change this entire nation back to God.
Don't you think it's time for Christians to arise and take to this simple task?
“Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge ...” (Isaiah 5:13)
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge ..." (Hosea 4:6)