As with any magic act, it's all about "illusion". The artist magician/illusionist attempts to make that which is impossible be possible and does so right before the eyes of the viewer. Often he uses one or more assistants who are "in on the deal". In fact, the illusion actually seems believable.
Chris Angel is one of the master illusionists who executes this exact dynamic with stunning professionalism. It appears that he can levitate, crawl through a huge spinning fan, or put his arm through a solid plate glass window. It is entirely believable because it's so apparently real and undeniable. After all, we saw it happen with our own two eyes. This is precisely the magician's goal, to make that which isn't real appear to the casual observer to be legitimate.
Nothing less can be said about Barry Soetero who is presenting the illusion of being "Barack Hussein Obama" who, in turn, is presenting the illusion of being the President of the United States of America (POTUS). As faux-President, Mr. Soetero is also showing himself to be the consummate magician with his able assistants helping to pull of the illusion.
Almost everything about Obama is phony. From his birth certificate (which I personally downloaded from the White House website and de-layered with "Adobe Illustrator"), to his name (he was adopted by his step-father), his religion (he is decidedly not a Christian but a confessed Muslim), and certainly, to his eligibility to run for office, this man is fraudulent and is where he is today due to an illusion.
The litany of his "magic tricks" is monumental and is better documented on the Internet than will be totally recounted here. But, let us look at a few of the "smoke and mirror" and "dog and pony" acts.
Mr. Soetero is not "natural born". Anyone with a brain knows that "natural born" doesn’t mean that you were necessarily born in this country. John McCain was born in Panama but is considered "natural born" because, as the Constitution stipulates, both of his parents were born in this country. If anyone with a brain knows this, then how is it that Constitutional scholars (of which Mr. Soetero is supposedly one) refuse to correctly interpret the 14th Amendment (which actually doesn't even need to be interpreted because of its clear content). The answer is easy, it's "magic".
Mr. Soetero is not a "Christian". He attended a radical church that claimed to be "Christian" but the Bible is clear when it says, "By their fruit ye shall know them". Mr. Soetero has done nothing Christian in all of his time in politics that is even remotely evident. However, let us get the words directly from the magician's mouth: "I am guided by my Muslims convictions". As the King of Austria stated in the movie, "Amadeus", "Well! There you have it!".
Mr. Soetero was a no body from no where. So, just where did an unemployed no-body get the funds to attend and an ivy-league college? Ah. It was "magic", of course.
What passport was he using to travel to Pakistan when Pakistan, at the time, was a "no travel" country for Americans? Why aren't we allowed to view this passport? Once again, it's all part of the illusionists act to deceive us.
After openly declaring that, if elected, his administration would be the most transparent in history, he has made it the least transparent and most rebellious against the Constitution, Congress, and the people of this nation. At the very least, we can add "liar" to his resume of "Illusionist in Chief". His list of lies has now become long and legendary (and, incidentally, well documented. See You Tube for a list). Deception, distraction, and cover up are part and parcel of an illusionists act. As one commentator wrote, "Where are the pictures of his wedding? Where is his passport? Where is his real birth certificate? Where are his college records and why has he spent an estimated two million dollars hiding them? Where are his college friends who are proud to step up and say, 'I was in the same class as the President! (a paraphrase but accurate in content)'?"
There are a number of shockingly frightening parts about this dynamic. One is his cast of assistants who have aided and abetted this incompetent narcissistic socialist shill and fascist puppet to rise to the office of the President of the United States. One can expect the "party faithful" to back the bozo of choice. But, no one expected the number of people who would purposely deceive the people of this country by protecting "His Eminence". Few expected them to be in such high places of authority (particularly the traitors in the Supreme Court).
When so many people began to cover up for the big-time phony, it became obvious that we are living in perilous times. Never in a million years did I ever think that so many people would be deceived and that so many people who were not deceived would be complicit in an illusion so historically and politically monumental (if the destruction of America is not monumental, I would be hard pressed to know what is). It became painfully obvious to this writer that we were in deep kim chee when military judge Lind refused to obey any law and then skewed all other law whatsoever concerning the court martial of Lt. Col. Terry Lakin in order to protect the illusionist in the White house. In her words, she didn’t want to "embarrass the President". My blood ran cold.
Another part of this dynamic is that more than half of the people of this country actually believe what he, his promoters, his backers, and his string pullers say about him and his nefarious and deceptive intentions. On a national television program (Leno), several people were stopped on the street at random and asked questions about Obama. One question asked was if they thought it was fine with them that Obama believed "such and such". The question was actually based directly on what the McCain-Palin platform believed. Though from the opposite political spectrum, and though the question militated against (Democratic) party politics, because it was Obama, it was "just fine" with them!
In other words, the people had no clue as to what Obama stood for or what his politics were. This is mind staggering! If that isn't frightening to know that so many people are so easily deceived, I'm not sure what is. Can anyone imagine how this depth of ignorance and apathy is possible during a time when the entire knowledge of mankind is available on the Internet? This vast ignorance is absolutely unnecessary! This should be of the gravest concern for those in America who are not ignorant and who refuse to be deceived. If this many people are willingly deceived, then what other deceptions and lies will they fall for (as long as they get their government "cookies" at the first of the month)? With so many so easily deceived, then we appear to be on the brink of a plunge into the depths of a totalitarian socialist slavery from which we will never recover.
If all of this is yet unconvincing then there is one more thing that should break through your shield of self-inflicted ignorance. Stop to think about this and let it sink in really deeply: a nobody ... a "community organizer" ... a man about whom we no nothing because of his having spent around $2,000,000.00 to have them sealed and obscured ... a man who is not from a well-know wealthy family (though they were well-known socialists) ... a down-and-and-out (admitted) drug user ... a man who only spent enough time in the Senate to barely warm a chair (and who was only elected because he destroyed his opponent with filthy lies and slander), and who was unknown to almost every American outside of his own neighborhood of Chicago, was so famous ... was so famous ... was so famous in the rest of the world that he ... won the Nobel Peace Prize for doing ... absolutely ... nothing. If you think that this illusionist is not good or that his assistants are not capable and professional at mega-deception, you have not been paying attention.
Let us heed scripture that says this: "Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge ..." (Isaiah 5:13) and
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge ... " (Hosea 4:6). Why? It is because ignorance and a lack of knowledge are inexcusable today. We have God's word in print, on cassette tape, and on CD. We have access to all information at all time from every imaginable news source whether newspaper, TV, Internet, or radio. He who is ignorant, is ignorant by choice. In the words of Samuel Adams, "May your chains (of slavery) rest lightly upon you ...".
God Bless and Enjoy ...