Imagine an employer paying an employee to
1.) look for a new job and
2.) paying the expenses.
"We the people" are the employer and all elected officials, local, state and federal are our employees. When our elected officials are campaigning we are paying to get them to get reelected, or in other words, looking for a new job! In most cases we even pay their expenses.
Can you imagine this happening in the private sector? The employee would have to do it on his own time and be secret about it. If it came out, his employer would fire him!
Our elected officials should forego their salary and pay their own expenses. They should not use government vehicles but use their own private vehicles. The people running for an elected office in opposition to one in office has to pay their own expenses by either putting up their own and/or raising money from private donations.
While all elected officials in office do this on the taxpayers "dime" (mostly $millions) the most blatant offender is Barack Obama. He has been campaigning, not leading, since he was elected in 2008. In 2010 alone he used Air Force 172 times at a cost $187,751 per flight! When he wasn't campaigning he was vacationing and took 72 vacations in 31 months. In addition Michelle Obama took many vacations while taking along friends. Of course their were a flock of Secret Service agents and many of them took a separate plane so Michelle could have her privacy.
Obama has spent more taxpayers money on campaigning and vacations than at least a half dozen of his predecessors, Democrats or Republicans.
I am sure there are many corporate high level employees who take expensive vacations but they are not at taxpayers expense. They are paid by the shareholders of their companies.
With that being said, It is time to put an end to this insanity!
Right from Springville ...