Stand at EASE!!! But, again, be watching your 6, as they're REALLY SNEAKY!!!
Un-COVER!!! (Silent prayer or contemplation.)
In Jesus' Name I pray, HOOAAHHH!!!
Everyone I know, who has held a job for wages and has 2 wits to rub
together, is glad to have the protection of a union.
I have been a staunch union man, for years, and a former union
officer. The problem I have, with some unions, is the old "power saw"
that, "All power tends to corrupt and ABSOLUTE power tends to corrupt,
Unions were created as a response to abuses, of workers, by bosses. It
was (and is) a good idea and has done a lot of good.
The problem is that the increase of union power has resulted in the
abuse of bosses AND workers BY UNIONS and a "nanny state"
When a union has the power to compel the member to contribute (have
extorted from them) money that is used to support poly-tickians and
causes with which the member does not agree, THAT'S ABUSE!!!!
When the government (our EMPLOYEES) requires the union to give
non-members the benefits of union membership, without having
contributed to the support of the union, THAT'S ABUSE!!!
When the union is allowed to bankrupt a company or force the company
to do things that are contrary to the best interests of the company,
I have heard many people criticize unions (and justly) for their
high-handed dealings that are inimical to the interests of our
We have SEEN examples of this abuse, from the new york garbage strike,
to the Hostess Twinkie bakery closing.
What the "Rank & File", of the unions, need to do is INSIST that the
union leadership make contract goals REASONABLE and QUIT DEMONIZING
Granted, there are cesspool sludge in management. I've been there,
seen them and fought with them. That said, there are ALSO some really
GOOD people, in management and they deserve all of the co-operation
they can get.
The same holds true for business owners. There are those who don't
even deserve to be allowed UNDER a rock and those who should be held
up as examples of the best of humanity.
The problem is that so many union leaders just want to throw around
their (sometimes considerable) weight, that they have acquired at the
expense of those whom they purport to
I like the old country (now obsolete) custom of weighing the mayor, or
other elected official, yearly, and if they have gained a lot of
weight, minus any (genuine) medical explanation, kick them to the
Now, let's get back to those people who are benefiting from the union,
without supporting it. This is the doing of socialist poly-tickians
and "judges".
I see no problem with those who don't want to belong to the union.
It involves the right of "free association", or declining to
associate. I am all for the freedom of either, but (if you choose to
NOT join a union) you have no business seeking or accepting the
benefits that are won BY that union.
If you are not a member, you should assert your independence by
negotiating YOUR OWN SALARY, not being a "free rider" on the coattails
of those who do the negotiation work and those who employ them.
If you opt for "independence", you should hire your own legal
representation, should you run afoul of management and your job be in
You have the "Right to Work", which I support wholeheartedly and the
right to deal with the results of your decision.
Just don't be a "blood-sucking vermin", like the polytickians!!!
I saw some people who opted out of union membership, but didn't opt
out of the benefits of membership and, in one case I remember well,
even came to the union for representation, when trouble arose.
This type of individual is, justly, called "leech" or "scab".
Moving on, and before I forget, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Those of you who demonstrated your unfitness for the gene pool, by
voting for o(WHATTA)bummer, because you are STOOPID, I forgive you.
I only hope that at some time (b-4 they bring out the koolaide or
start busing us off to the internment camps, to make way for the
"people-less zones" or "gia uber alles" zones or the
u.n. occupation zones) you will have an epiphany, hit yourself in the
head (HARD) and say, "Was I ever STOOPID!!!"
If I'm alive to see it, I'll be among the first to congratulate you on
beginning to breathe oxygen. Maybe you'll be able to "...'splain this
to me..." as to whether there was a genetic defect or some
environmental influence (as in parents or teachers) that caused you to
place yourself in the position of breathing methane.
I mean, I KNOW that breathing nothing but methane (by its chemical
makeup) HAS to impair mental function, but which came first, the
STOOPIDITY or the methane breathing?
To change gears, we (at the Post) send our prayers to those who are
victims of the Connecticut school massacre.
I was surprised to hear a few (conservative ?) radio personalities say
that they did not expect the lib/left to respond with more calls for
gun control.
To ascribe honorable intent and/or actions to people who have a LONG
history of the exact
opposite is at the very least naive.
There will be bleeding hearts who will criticize me for bringing this
into the discussion but I am only doing so AFTER the lib/left has made
noises that indicate that they are tuning up for another round of
legislation aimed at trashing the 2nd Amendment.
Some rinos have, already, indicated that they are willing to
compromise their (purported) principles and cave on the Constitution,
just as house speaker john boehner has indicated that he is willing to
"assume the position" and kiss the imperial backside of his lowness,
barack hussein o(WHATTA)bummer.
(Late news: Maybe not, but WATCH HIM!!!)
There are words that accurately describe those who give up their honor
for whatever advantage they can get. The most acceptable of these, in
polite company, is prostitute.
It has LONG been applied to polytickians and been overly polite, as
they are the worst of society, even lower than common criminals who
(at least) have sufficient honor to not make their victims PAY THEM A
SALARY, in addition to being robbed by them.
This is why I have dubbed them "cesspool sludge". That is the only
fitting description for them and the things they do.
Now there is a debate over the possibility of installing armed people
in the schools. One of the proposals is to use retired police
I would MUCH rather see teachers or other personnel who are combat
trained former infantrymen.
Police officers, other than SWAT, are (by training and philosophy)
PEACE officers. Their focus is the arrest of criminals (hopefully)
While this is an admirable intent and purpose, the priority of focus,
in an active killing situation,
where there are helpless innocents needs to be the elimination of THREAT.
A PEACE officer, responding to shooting, would be HIGHLY likely to
order the shooter to disarm, giving the shooter the opportunity to
kill another or turn the weapon on the officer.
A combat trained infantryman, in that situation, would assess the
situation and be more likely to shoot the threat and save the innocent
potential victims.
A combat trained soldier will compel the surrender of a potential
threat, if there is no IMMEDIATE danger to self or others but, when
faced with the need for IMMEDIATE action, will be HIGHLY likely to
Now I'm hearing more Bravo Sierra about how having armed teachers or
other employees, in schools, is a bad idea, because they are not
trained to respond, properly.
I DO believe in training and have trained some civilians in
self-defense deadly force. I would, however, take ANY law-abiding
person, with normal common sense, over leaving innocents vulnerable to
the crazies and other predators.
ONE of the above could have stopped Columbine, Aurora, Newtown or any
of the other massacres that are the fault of ANTI-GUN
liberal/leftists, because they deny good people
the ability to defend themselves. The blood of these victims is on the
hands of the lib/left,
NOT on the hands of the NRA!!!
O.K. Once, again, there is a lot more to be covered, especially with
regard to the illegal, immoral, unethical and otherwise reprehensible
actions of the lib/left/cesspool sludge.
Unfortunately, I have too much on my plate to continue at this time.
So, with one final note, we'll end this class.
Immigration continues to be a "hot button" topic.
The main thing to remember is that this country was, largely,
populated and developed by immigrants.
One side of my family (the non-Native-Americans) was immigrants.
The other important point is that they (mostly) came here LEGALLY and
ASSIMILATED, to get part of the "American Dream".
It makes LESS than no sense to reward lawbreakers with amnesty and the
ability to be a drain on our already strapped resources, UNLESS your
plan is to create a class of "entitlees" who are beholden to you and
can help with your leftist agenda of dragging the country down.
There is NO other explanation for the actions of the o(WHATTA)bummer
regime and the other lib/leftists who are becoming more bold and
blatant in their execution of their master plan.
My Immigration Reform program has several points.
1) No more "anchor babies". If a couple comes here, legally, becomes
naturalized and educates their kids in our system, I'd naturalize the
kids, too. AFTER the naturalization process, any kids born here, even
before the process is complete, could be recognized as "natural-born".
If the parents have their citizenship revoked and are deported, the
child would have to go (unless a suitable guardian could be found) but
could return, having reached the age of majority.
2) Anyone who qualifies and completes (honorably) a term of service,
in our military, would be naturalized and have the opportunity to
SPONSOR their family in, guarantying that they would
not be a burden on the taxpayers.
3) Illegals would have NO access to "social services". "Legals" would.
4) Employers would be REQUIRED to confirm legality, before employing anyone.
5) Police would be REQUIRED to confirm the legality of any one they
stopped about whom they had any question.
6) Any illegals who were ONCE deported would be informed that, if
caught again, they would be charged with a felony and NEVER allowed in
the country legally.
There are probably many other items that wiser heads than mine might
suggest, but let's remember KISS. "Keep it simple, stupid". The
simpler, the easier to understand and enforce.
'Nuff said, for now. Forward this class to anyone you think needs it,
either for instruction, entertainment or just to tick them off, if
they are lib/lefties. Remember, though, don't send it to any of them
who might have weak hearts (or what passes for a heart) or high blood
On your FEET!!!
Heavenly Father, it gets worse, but I put it all in Your hands. In all
things I thank and praise You and, especially I thank You for the gift
and sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ, in Whose Name I pray,
Sgt. Mack out. Leaving the air and closing station.