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Muster "RIGHT" Here©
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Sergeant Mack
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Print | Has the Supreme Court Gone Leftist?
Muster Right Here© - Dec 15, 2020
with Sergeant Mack : sgt.mack@portervillepost.com

Muster RIGHT Here - with Sgt Mack Stand at EASE!!!

With all of the mounting evidence that the 2020 election was fraudulent (on the part of the demoncrats) including dumps of ballots after the Republican poll watchers were forced out of the polling places, a test of the tabulating machines with an equal number of ballots for each candidate and the result favoring joe bite me by 70% and numerous violations of the Constitution and state election laws, if the 2020 Supreme Court fails to hear the Texas lawsuit, it will have lost any claim to legitimacy and will have earned the contempt of all reasoning people.

Un-COVER!!! Silent, individual, prayer or contemplation. In Jesus’ Name I pray, HOOAAAHHH!!!

“One of the primary duties of the Supreme Court is the adjudication of suits between states.” ... Sergeant Mack

One of the primary duties of the Supreme Court is the adjudication of suits between states. The Texas suit charges that the rogue states that changed their voting rules, not by action of their legislators, but by bureaucratic, judicial or gubernatorial fiat. The charge is true and only a deliberately obtuse court or one that has sold its soul to the left could fail to take swift action to rectify the situation.

The finding that Texas has “no standing” to bring suit is total BRAVO SIERRA, as Texas and all of the supporting states have been disenfranchised by the fraudulent conduct of the rogue states. If the “supremes” fail in this most VITAL of duties I will FOREVER be in contempt of them. In writing about them, I will refer to them as the “2020 BRAVO SIERRA supreme court”.

I have heard people say that the “supremes” are afraid that giving a fair hearing to the challenges brought against the bogus election would cause the left to “pack the court”. If the left gets control, that is EXACTLY what they plan to do and no amount of kissing their behinds will stop them. Far better to go down fighting than to wimp out and abrogate your sworn responsibilities.

“Far better to go down fighting than to wimp out and abrogate your sworn responsibilities.” ... Sergeant Mack

To inaugurate quid-pro-quo-joe-bite-me would establish the biden crime family as the largest and most powerful criminal enterprise in the United States. Then, when caca mala harris takes over, the bucket ride into socialism would be ensured.

As a last-ditch effort to get the “supreme court” off its gluteous maximi and doing their jobs, I ask you Troops to send them express mails, using my words or your own expressing your revulsion for their conduct.

There is a rising sentiment toward secession, by the Defrauded States of America. I have found no clause in the Constitution that prevents it and it is encouraged by the Unanimous Declaration. Just don’t make the stupid mistake my ancestors did and fire on federal troops, becoming an armed rebellion. Go through the courts, while you still have a chance of getting a fair hearing. If that fails, refuse all co-operation with the fraudulent regime.

“There is a rising sentiment toward secession, by the Defrauded States of America.” ... Sergeant Mack

The left has set a precedent, by refusing to co-operate with the legitimate Trump administration. If you want to print this and add your own thoughts or say, “Yeah, what he said!!!” or whatever, please feel free. My only request is that you sign the finished product, to verify that it is from you.

My computer doesn’t search well, or I would provide contact info. You can probably find it more easily than I, so CARRY ON!!!

Heavenly Father, it’s a mess and getting worse. You are our only hope, In Jesus’ Name I pray, HOOAAHH!!!

Sgt. Mack, out. Leaving the air and closing station.


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