Stand at EASE!!!
As we pray, please emphasize that we ask for the hearts and minds of
the socialists in government to be changed.
Un-COVER!!! (Silent prayer or contemplation.) In
Jesus' name I pray HOOAAHHH!!!
Take SEATS!!!
BIG BROTHER ALERT!!! The government you idiots (no, that insults
idiots, the Bible would call you fools) elected is getting bigger,
while YOU are getting SMALLER. That makes it easier for them to stomp
on you.
To all of the "...fundamentally transform America..." crowd and the
"...couldn't be bothered to get out and do my civic duty..." crowd and
the "I won't participate in an election between a muslim and a
mormon." crowd, I want you to stand up, extend your left arm and
repeat after me: "I pledge allegiance to the "Party" of the
"Democratic" Socialist Republic of Amerika and to the Chief Commissar,
whose boot is on our necks, one Socialist State, "uber alles", with
liberty and privilege, for the "more equal" Ruling Class and poverty
and oppression for all the rest".
Now sit down, SHUT UP, and listen to what your "chosen one" and his
regime have in store for you, because you are STOOPID and sheep to be
led to the slaughter.
First off, let's talk about all of you lib/lefties who are so fond of
blogging and other activities, on the internet. Just heard, today,
that your e mail & other files that are stored off-site (like on
Carbonite or your e mail server) that are over 180 days old, are no
longer your PRIVATE DOCUMENTS and no longer protected by the 1st
Amendment of that "obsolete" document that you like to use, when it
benefits you and trash, when it interferes with your leftist agenda.
Anytime "big brother" wants to state that they are material to an
on-going investigation, "he" can subpoena them. Don't have to present
"probable cause", to a "judge" (which was scant protection, at best,
but better than nothing) and trample all over your "right to privacy".
How d'ya like THEM apples, jerks?
Does it begin to sink in, that you can't "cherry pick" the parts of
the constitution you want to support and how you support it and for
It isn't a "...wall of separation between church and state..." It's
(SUPPOSED TO BE) a wall of protection between YOU and the government,
whose natural tendency seems to be monstrous growth, compulsive power
grab and yes, corruption. READ IT, so you know what's IN IT!!!!!
I've said it b-4 & here it comes, again. Take notes. It WILL be on the test!
"Many people get concerned, when the government isn't DOING something.
The SMART people are concerned when the government IS doing
Why? Because even the best-intentioned, most altruistic people (&
there aren't really that
many of them) are STILL flawed, weak-willed individuals, who
(especially if they don't have
a God-center) are subject to error, influence (bad) and corruption.
Even I (yes, I know it's hard to believe) am not a, completely,
sterling character. I have enough character flaws to make AT LEAST
another character.
I pray for guidance, frequently, and should do so more. I am fortunate
to have come out of my formative years, thanks to good influence of my
parents and their peers without prejudice against anyone's race,
religion, national origin or motorcycle club.
There are good people in every identifiable group and all I want is
mutual respect.
Now, when a group has behavior or even philosophy that I find inimical
to my welfare and/or that of my people, we can have problems. If we
can work out the problems, maybe we'll get along.
If not, there are (less desirable, but necessary) alternatives.
O.K. So much for our shrinking freedom from government access to our
private affairs.
Now let's look at the o(WHATTA)bummer regime's plan for YOUR 2nd Amendment.
I haven't been able to access it, but the Editor informs me that there
is a new o(WHATTA)bummer "gun ban" list. Also diane(NOT SO FINE)stein
wants more power to prevent YOU from being armed. Remember SHE has (or
had) a concealed carry permit!!!
The link is
so try it, for yourself.
What IS plain, according to the stats of the FBI AND the DOJ, the main
target of the regime is firearms that are NOT the weapons of choice of
The regime's agenda is, simply, the weapon of all socialist regimes,
during their march to mastery over their opponents (in this case) us,
The U.S., "We, the people..."
That weapon is "gun control" & the ULTIMATE gun control is, "YOU CAN'T
Remember, every one of the freedoms you surrender, for the promise of
security or more of someone else's $$$, is pretty much gone, forever,
as the cesspool sludge are not about to say, "Oh, we were just
foolin'. You can have that back."
Once they have your money, your children, your guns, your freedom,
etc., you can kiss them goodbye. In fact you might as well get in
practice to grab your left ankle, with your right hand and your right
ankle, with your left hand and bend over and kiss your gluteous maximi
You will be a SHORT step from being forced (under the guns of your
"masters") to drink the "koolaide" figuratively or factually.
Now let's look at the "Hypocritic Oath", to the party of the
"democratic" socialist republic of amerika. This is the oath that is
required of all democrat party members, before they are allowed to
ascend to the dizzying heights and breathe the rarefied methane of the
upper echelons of "democratic" socialism.
First, the left arm is extended at a 45 degree angle, with fingers
extended or fist clenched. Then the oath is administered.
Repeat after me: "I (state your name or state i.d. #) do, solemnly
pledge that I will bear true faith and allegiance to "democratic"
socialism, repudiating any previous oaths, to God, country or my
family and adhering to the party line, regardless of any contradiction
to logic or law and adjusting my opinions and actions to comport with
the dictates of the party leaders, regardless of any contradictions of
previous statements (by them or me) or any other form of hypocrisy
this might require. I take this obligation for the purpose of
establishing our supremacy over all other forms of government and
society. If I fail to keep this obligation, may I be torn limb from
limb and disgraced in the eyes of my fellow socialists."
The efficacy of this oath is demonstrated by the susan rice/Condoleeza
Rice situation. The hypocritical left sees no hypocrisy in the concept
that white Republicans criticizing a (black, female) leftist toady's
spewing of the regime's line (read lies) after TOTALLY blowing it in
the deaths of 4 Americans are racist and sexist, while white (cesspool
sludge) democrats, including robert (KKK) bird, dumping all over a
brilliant, accomplished, efficient, patriotic black female, AREN'T.
I, also, note that they make a big deal over the fact that NEARLY half
of the susan rice critics
were from the south. To a logical, truthful person, that means that
Now, I would be VERY interested in knowing how many of the cesspool
sludge who blocked Condoleeza Rice's nomination were from the southern
wing of the "democratic" socialists.
teddy(hic, glub, glub)kennedy said it right, "...lie, after lie, after
lie..." but he was actually describing his OWN party.
The "Ragin' Cajun" (Jim Carville, one of the few leftists [?] I
respect) re: beelzabubba klintski, his good buddy and client.
WHOOP!!!WHOOP!!! FLASH ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just heard that the regulations (not laws) that o(WHATTA)bummer has
enacted, during his TOOOO long regime, are costing us 5 BILLION $$$$$$
(that's BILLION, with a "B").
Wait for it............. EVERY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
If the denizens of washington, the district of criminals, would
de-fund the ruinous regulation mess, we could put 5 BILLION $$$$$$,
per day, toward defense, infrastructure &/or paying down the debt that
THEY are increasing, daily.
Does this mess make sense to any of you? If it does, you are either
crazy or STOOOPID!!!
So, for all of you SUPER TWITS, who think b.o. has your back, YOU'RE
RIGHT!!! Only problem is, he's put a knife in it & he's TWISTING
The problem we Conservatives have is that the rino republicans helped
him SHARPEN the bloody thing.
I'll say it, again, we've GOT to shovel out the cesspool sludge &
clean up government!!!
If you have a "limp wristed" republican about whom you have doubts (
as to their faithfulness to the 'no tax increase' pledge) CALL THEM!!!
Tell them, "I'M GONNA KEEP AN EYE ON YOU!!!" "If you break your 'no
tax increase' pledge, you WILL have violated your oath of office and I
WILL do everything in my power to help you be in the market for a new
Then DO IT!!!
We have to remind these pseudo conservatives that they work for US
(U.S.) and (unless they can steal an election, as does the left) they
are employed subject to OUR approval and
DON'T have a lifetime gig.
We HAVE to have fiscal RESPONSIBILTY, from our elected employees, or
STOP THE PRESSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got more to say on the previous but this takes precedence!!!
Apparently, verizon is seeking a patent on a new technology that will
allow them to eavesdrop
on ALL of your phone conversations, as well as everything that is said
in the room (house?) and get an infrared image of everything in the
room (house?) SUPPOSEDLY so they can offer you better service, by
knowing your interests.
We MUST block the grant of this patent and INSIST on a law that will
FORBID the deployment of ANY SUCH
If private enterprise gets it, it is a SHORT DROP down the rabbit hole
(or other, stinkier hole) for "BIG BROTHER" (who is ALREADY alive and
EVIL and living in the U.S.) to get it.
Remember: "All power tends to CORRUPT!!! ABSOLUTE POWER tends to
Now tell me: Which of your POLITICKIANS (many blood-sucking vermin) do
you want to trust with the ability to know everything you are saying
and doing and possessing?
If your list had ONE NAME, you are TOO STOOOOPID TO LIVE!!!! GET
I wouldn't entrust that power to my PARENTS (who were WONDERFUL
PEOPLE) let alone an employee. Read "All power..." above.
O.K. Our time is up. Gotta get crackin' on stuff, here. You have your
info & assignments.
Get off your dead gluteous maximi & ON YER DYIN" FEET & get busy!!!
On your FEET!!!
Heavenly Father, it just gets worse, while we are trying to run
things. PLEASE take over & guide us however You want us to go. I ask
Your blessings on our country and in all things I thank and praise You
and especially for the gift and sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ,
my Lord and Savior, in Whose Name I pray. HOOOOAAAAHHH!!!
Sgt. Mack, out. Leaving the air and closing station.