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Muster "RIGHT" Here©
- with -
Sergeant Mack
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Print | Hallelujah!!! Something To Celebrate!!!
Muster Right Here© - Dec 04, 2021
with Sergeant Mack : sgt.mack@portervillepost.com

Muster RIGHT Here - with Sgt Mack Stand at EASE!!!

After all of the times that I have thoroughly excoriated individuals and organizations in these pages, it is refreshing to be able to (once in a while) throw some kudos.

(Silent, individual, prayer or contemplation.)
In Jesus’ Name I pray, HOOAAAHHH!!

I refer to the action of the conservative students at Arizona State University, I give them caps because the Admin. has not YET caved to the leftist cesspool sludge that wants Rittenhouse expelled, even though he is not even an on-campus student.

It seems that the aforementioned cesspool sludge held an anti-Kyle demonstration, complete with p.a. equipment, from what I saw in the pictures, and the conservative bloc attended and (sans amplification) drowned them out. GOOD ONYA ASU!!!!

Sgt. Mack sends a “SPIRIT OF AMERICA AWARD” your way.


Sun Ng, age 71, is my Ivermectin brother. He was (as was I) dying of the chicom virus but (unlike me) some cesspool sludge “doctors?” were attempting to block his daughter’s attempts to get him effective Ivermectin treatment. Fortunately for Sun, his daughter is a pit bull and would not turn loose of the “doctors?” until a JUDGE with REAL JURIS PRUDENCE ORDERED THEM TO ALLOW A DOCTOR TO ADMINISTER IT!!!!

Just as in my case, almost immediately, he responded and has been discharged doing very well. Put THAT in you pipes and smoke it “dr?” futchi and jobama!!! GOOD ONYA DR. MAN KWAN NG you are a credit to the family and to whatever profession in which you hold a doctorate.

Meanwhile, back at ASU, I hope that the Administration will NOT cave to the radical snowflakes demanding “safe spaces” from a gentleman who is no more threat to them than I am and I am hundreds of miles from them. This gentleman has no history (just as I have not) of harming anyone who was not actively attempting to harm him. I would have no compunction about taking classes with him or eating lunch with him and I certainly WOULD be happy to have him watching my back, in a riot situation, you betcha, Red Ryder!!! Heard, recently that someone (the NRA?) had awarded him another AR-15. HOOOAAAAAHHH!!!

"This type of hysterical over-reaction is typical of the pampered, spoiled offspring of over-indulgent parents." ... Sergeant Mack

This type of hysterical over-reaction is typical of the pampered, spoiled offspring of over-indulgent parents. If my folks had paid for me to go to college and discovered that I participated in some of the activities that seem to be part of the “college experience”, they would have been sending me that 50’s record that said, “GET A JOB!!!” because my future college expenses, if any, would be coming out of my own pocket.

Well, got to go take my meds help recover from the chicom virus and the walkin’ pneumonia, so cutting it short. Keep praying Psalm 109:8 for the jobama cabal “May their days be short and someone else take their office.”

On your FEET!!! Un_COVER!!!

(Heavenly Father thank You for the things You have revealed and what You will reveal in the coming days. We WILL keep the faith and trust in You. In all things I thank You and Praise You and, especially, I thank You for the Gift and Sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ, My Lord and Savior, in Whose Name I pray, HOOOAAAAAHHH!!!!)


Sgt Mack out, leaving the air and closing station, HOOOAAAHHH!!!

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