Stand at EASE!!!
If o(WHATTA)bummer is an example of a president, I'M the Pope!!! He
and his fellow lying, cheating, thieving cesspool sludge thugs need to
be impeached, prosecuted, tarred and feathered and run out of
washington, the district of criminals, on SPLINTERY RAILS!!! More to
Un-COVER!!! (Individual prayer or contemplation.)
In Jesus' Name I pray, HOOAAAHHH!!!
Let's see, now, "If you LIKE your plan, you can KEEP your plan." Oh,
gee, "the president 'mis-spoke' ". "If you LIKE your doctor, you can
KEEP your doctor." "My plan will SAVE the
poor an average of $2500 per year." "The idea that there will be
death panels is a lie, put out by the Republicans, who want to repeal
Obamacare." (Or words to that effect.)
To quote teddy (hic, glub, glub) kennedy, that "paragon of virtue",
"LIE, AFTER LIE, AFTER LIE!!!" The only thing was HE was lying about
the SOURCE of the lies.
How about: "Your plan will be cancelled, because your insurance would
lose money on this piece of camel dung?" How about: "Your doctor
won't be able to treat you, because the plan is so bad that they'll be
quitting medicine or the "exchanges" won't authorize it?" How about:
"The cost overruns are so enormous that everyone is going to pay
hundreds to thousands more, for less service?" How about, "Instead
of "death panels" you have kathleen (she's so billious) telling a
young girl she's going to die because the wicked witch of the district
of criminals won't let her have an organ transplant that her doctor
says is necessary and feasible and (fortunately) was granted by a
You see, it is the gradual, but accelerating, erosion of honor,
government service and government by, for and of the people. You can
expect the lies to just keep coming and (in some cases) get worse.
If you LIKE your senate rules, you can KEEP your senate rules, until
it's to our advantage to change them. Then, if the American electorate
ever starts to breathe oxygen and kick all of us
crooks out, we'll just cry about "...the tyranny of the majority..."
and the stupid republicans will re-instate it, so we can obstruct the
legitimate business of the government and hold it hostage.
Next thing you know: If you LIKE your home, you can KEEP your home.
OOPSEY!!! There's been a computer glitch and you have 30 minutes to
quit the premises, before we loose the dogs and jackbooted IRS thugs.
How about: If you LIKE your car, guns, organization, skin, etc., you
can KEEP all of the above, unless we find it advantageous, expedient
and possible to take them away from you?
Bravo Sierra BULLETIN!!!
I interrupt the regularly scheduled class to bring you yet ANOTHER
example of how the left and their anti-American, anti-military agenda
is ruining and will be the death of government "
...and for THE PEOPLE...", to be replaced by a presidium of commissars
and if we continue to allow it, there will be no one left (except the
left) to protect us (U.S.) and how do you think THAT
will work for you???
This is presented unconfirmed, just as it came to me, but a search
turns up a BUNCH of hits on it. Verify it, if you can and let me know.
In the meantime, if I can get this right, "Quedo, Credo, Absurdum!"
My info says this translates to
"It is absurd (or TOTAL BRAVO SIERRA) therefore I believe it."
***** by Pamela Geller *****
Army Ranger 1st Lieutenant Michael Behenna Sentenced to 25 Years for
Killing Known Terrorist in Self-Defense - Show Him Some Support
While GITMO enemy combatants are freed only to go back to the killing
fields of jihad, our boys rot in prison for fighting these savages.
On March 20th, 2009, Army Ranger 1st Lieutenant Michael Behenna was
sentenced to 25 years in prison for killing Ali Mansur, a known Al
Qaeda operative while serving in Iraq. Mansur was known to be a member
of an Al Qaeda cell operating in the lieutenant's area of operation
and Army intelligence believed he organized an attack on Lt. Behenna's
platoon in April 2008 which killed two U.S. soldiers and injured two
more. Army intelligence ordered the release of Mansur and Lt. Behenna
was ordered to return the terrorist to his home.
During the return of Mansur,
Lt. Behenna again questioned the Al Qaeda member for information about
other members of the terrorist cell, and financial supporters. During
this interrogation, Mansur attacked Lt. Behenna, who killed the
terrorist in self-defense. The government subsequently prosecuted Lt.
Behenna for premeditated murder.
Not only is this a miscarriage of justice on the behalf of Lt.
Behenna, who was acting to prevent further loss of life in his
platoon, it is demoralizing to the U.S. troops who continue to fight
on behalf of the freedom and security of our nation. Whether it is
U.S. border patrol agents, members of the armed forces, or FBI agents,
no individual who is serving on the frontlines in the War on Terror
should be so blatantly mistreated.
A note from Michael Behanna's parents -
Please consider sending Michael a card, a letter, or even a money
order (for snacks and phone calls) during this upcoming holiday
season. We promise you it will make Michael's day! Michael's address
Michael Behenna 87503
1300 N. Warehouse Road
Ft. Leavenworth, KS 66027-2304
To the thousands of Michael supporters,
A retired Army colonel recently told us that there are three things
that will change a person's soul: war, prison, and the desert. These
are all things that Michael has experienced in the past five years.
As for the state of Michael's soul we would say emphatically that it
is at peace. In fact that is what Michael told the reviewers at his
first Parole Hearing at the US Disciplinary Barracks (USDB) in
Leavenworth on October 22nd. Without qualification he has no
bitterness or enmity towards anyone for the unimaginable path he has
traveled. Instead he continues to read, study, and improve himself as
he looks forward to a future beyond prison walls. The USDB Board
Michael met with will make a recommendation to the full Army Clemency
and Parole Board in Washington DC. Hopefully, we will be scheduled to
represent Michael before the full Parole Board some time in December.
We will know two weeks after the full Board Hearing as to whether
Michael will receive Parole.
The holidays are fast approaching. For most of us that means the
hustle and bustle of busy malls, Christmas music, and time with family
and friends. But for those like Michael who 'celebrate' the holidays
behind iron bars there is a dark and heavy cloud of loneliness that is
difficult to fathom. Amid the smiles and laughter inside the packed
visitation room at Leavenworth there remains an unspoken sadness; the
cruel knowledge that when the clock strikes 4pm families will exit out
one door into the fresh air of freedom and the inmates will exit out
another door that takes them back to an unnatural place, devoid of so
much of what we consider human. One door represents life, the other
door represents death.
Like life and death, grief and gratitude are blood brothers. One
cannot have one without the other. It is almost always the experience
of grieving what has been lost that makes us aware of how much we have
to be grateful for. So on this coming Thanksgiving day, as our family
sits between those two doors in the crowded visitation room at
Leavenworth, our hearts will be filled with gratitude for the blessing
of sharing time with those we love most on this earth. We will know
that our time is short, but it is that very knowledge that will help
us appreciate it even more.
Our gratitude extends to all of you who have supported our son and our
family on this journey. May you each have a wonderful Thanksgiving
that is filled with a grateful heart and time spent with those you
Peace be with you all,
Scott & Vicki Behenna
P.S. Please consider sending Michael a card, a letter, or even a
money order (for snacks and phone calls) during this upcoming holiday
season. We promise you it will make Michael's day! Michael's address
Michael Behenna 87503
1300 N. Warehouse Road
Ft. Leavenworth, KS 66027-2304
Editor's Note: In addition, here is contact information for the Army
Review Boards Agency (ARBA):
ATTN: Congressional and Special Actions
251 18th Street South, Suite 385
Arlington, VA 22202-3531
Read more: at Freedom Outpost ...
Normally. I would not furnish the full text, but would furnish a link.
In this instance, the Lt. is my Brother, more than any other
Christian, because he wears "the Green".
He NEEDS our UTMOST effort, to get this travesty reversed. There, but
for the grace of God, go I. I had occasion to escort a couple of
prisoners to the Officer of the Day, after they were apprehended
burglarizing cars, on Ft. Belvoir.
Had they attempted to flee or attack me, I WOULD have shot them and
(as I explained to them)
I was an expert shooter and (had I been forced to shoot) their chances
of survival were slim.
They weren't even terrorists, who had attacked my troops.
Much more so, unless there is more evidence to which I am not privy,
was this a good shooting and the Lt. should be considered for a medal,
instead of prison.
Please contact your congresspersons and DEMAND a PUBLIC review of this case.
Now, to a domestic news story that SHOULD have SEVERE repercussions
for the perpetrator
or his/her employer.
U.S. Airways, flight 4384 was (as I heard on the Sean Hannity Show) an
example of how "All power tends to corrupt. Absolute power tends to
corrupt, absolutely."
As I listened, I heard a tale of a supertwit customer NO service
person act with less humanity than the guide dog, about whom he/she
was in a snit, because the dog was resting his head on his master's
Apparently, the supertwit objected to Doxie needing to get up stretch
and re-position AND his preference to lying with his head on his
master's foot.
As a, sometime, animal owner and ALWAYS animal lover, I can state
(with TOTAL assurance) that a bonded animal will ALWAYS seek to be in
contact with its person in any strange situation, especially if the
animal is in need of assurance or perceives that the human is in need
of comfort.
Many times it is just to have the contact, without any outside
stimulus. Many times my dogs have come and sat on my foot, having just
been in the mud, or touched my leg with a muddy foot (on my clean
slacks) just to remind me that he or she was there.
I had to teach one of my dogs to shake off the rain, lie down and
stay, until she was dry because she'd either do it right next to me or
just come and sit on my foot and lean against me, wet.
I urge you Troops to contact American Airways and tell them that the
supertwit needs to be fired and Albert Rizzi (along with his dog
Doxie) needs to be given a LIFETIME 1st class pass, to ANYWHERE
American Airways flies or has connections.
EACH of the PASSENGERS who stood up for him should be given 10,000 free miles.
The public needs to remind these idiots that it has been LONG
recognized that, in a decent society, we give special consideration to
the disabled and their service dogs and anyone who lacks the common
sense to know that a dog that is in cramped quarters (especially in a
strange situation and for a long time) is going to have to get up,
stretch and change position, lacks the common sense and compassion to be in ANY position of authority.
Next, we have the latest episode of o(WHATTA)bummer's campaign to
destroy America is some kind of a deal, with iran, to allow them to
continue enrichment of uranium, free form the sanctions that had been
imposed and without inspection of the "undeclared facilities".
What kind of METHANE are they and their SICK-o-phants, and so many of
the general public BREATHING???
The continuing saga of how the barack hussein o(WHATTA)bummer regime
IS destroying and WILL destroy America will continue, with the next
class. In the meantime, continue working for
what is right and good and don't be fooled by the leftist cesspool sludge.
Before we adjourn, I just want to address the "knock-out game". If
these thugs are so inhuman as to perpetrate this type of crime, they
need to be treated as what they are emulating, mad dogs.
Actually, I would feel more compassion toward a mad dog than I would
toward these thugs.
What we need is a proliferation of "Castle Doctrine" laws, wherein you
are guaranteed the right to use deadly force, in defense of self or
others, in any place you have a legal right to be.
Couple this with more "Shall Issue" concealed weapon carry permit laws
and training in self-defense and there WILL be a SHARP decrease in
this crime. Those who refuse to clean up their act will suffer the
consequences and improve the gene pool, by their absence.
On your FEET!!! Un-COVER!!!
Heavenly Father, it just KEEPS getting WORSE!!! YOU and YOUR SON are
our only hope. We ask that You protect and guide us and, in all things
I thank and praise You and (especially) for the Gift and Sacrifice of
your Son Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, in Whose Name I pray,
Sgt. Mack closing station and leaving the air.