Stand at EASE!!! Anyone who was surprised by this revelation DROP!!!
Push 'em out 'til I get tired!!!
In the meantime un-COVER!!! (Individual prayer or contemplation.)
In Jesus' Name I pray, HOOAHH!!! COVER!!!
Take SEATS!!!
Just after I submitted the last class, I heard (on KERN Radio, 1180
AM) that some immigration "reform" protesters invaded Kevin McCarthy's
office (like the college thugs who took over college offices) and the
farm workers party lied that the police "locked them in" and (I
believe) in some way abused &/or harassed the protesters.
Fortunately (as I recall the conversation) it seems that there was a
reporter from the Bakersfield
Californian who was covering the invasion and was able to expose the lies.
Of course, as Mr. Cox (the host of the show) observed, despite
admitting that the statements were "inaccurate", the left won't make
NEARLY as big of a noise about the correction (or retraction) as they
did in spreading the lies.
Put this on top of all of the o(WHATTA)bummer regime's lies about
o(WHATTA)bummer(doesn't)care, Benghazi, taxes, debt ceiling, the
legitimacy of o(WHATTA)bummer's elections and just about anything they
have said and what do you have?
You have the most transparent (as promised) but evil (which wasn't
promised, but demonstrated before and since the "elections") regime
that we have seen, in modern times.
It seems impossible that so many people were so ignorant, brainwashed
or downright STUPID
to elect him, TWICE!!!
There are STILL people who think (?) that b.o. is our "messiah". They
are either in on the scam or as stated, above.
It reminds me of a "supervisor" I once had who issued a "Letter of
Warning" to me, for failing to answer my phone, on a day when I had
called in sick & having been seen eating lunch, downtown (that day or
another, when I was ill) with no legal or contractual authority.
Not being one to accept such stupidity, I challenged it, with HIS boss.
I explained that there was no legal requirement that I HAVE a phone,
unless the company wanted to pay for it and that I provided my number
to the company, as a courtesy so that I could be called in, but if
this was going to create an obligation for me to answer it, I would
take it out.
I, also, explained that, being a bachelor, I had no one to cook for me
and that (on a sick day) I might go downtown to purchase medicine to
shorten my illness and stop for lunch, before returning home.
After I finished, she looked at me and said, "You are ABSOLUTELY
RIGHT." and tore the letter into small pieces and dropped it into her
trash can.
When I left her office, I walked past the "supervisor's" desk and he
(with a smug expression) asked, "Well, what did she say?"
When I told him his expression changed and he said something that he
repeated several times, over our association, "Well you got away with
that, but I'll get you."
To which I replied, "I got away with NOTHING. I was right and you were WRONG!"
This is the same reaction as that of the leftist methane breathers,
instead of admitting that they are wrong. They will just attack from
another (crooked) angle.
If the leftist methane breathers are able to steal another election
and (especially) put hitlary klintsky on the throne, it may be too
late to salvage our country that was inspired by God and achieved by
our founders who risked their "...lives...fortunes and...sacred
honor..." many of whom sacrificed all EXCEPT their "...sacred
The left HAS no honor, except that which they confer on each other for
finding more effective methods of destroying this "...nation, under
God..." and instituting their "reforms", which are (almost
unfailingly) evil, sometimes disguised as good.
I hope that you will understand and disseminate these words and
philosophies, to continue and expand the mission of this "...nation,
under God...", as was intended.
ON your FEET!!! Section leaders prepare to take charge and y'all get busy!!
Un-COVER!!! Heavenly Father, thank you for the words you give me to
explain the situation, to those who need to hear it. I ask for greater
knowledge, insight and eloquence, to do your work. We ask for Your
guidance and protection. In all things I thank & praise You and,
especially, I thank you for the Gift and Sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus
Christ, my Lord and Savior, in Whose Name I pray, HOOAAHHH!!!
Sgt Mack, leaving the air and closing station.