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Muster "RIGHT" Here©
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Sergeant Mack
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Muster Right Here© - Nov 18, 2018
with Sergeant Mack : sgt.mack@portervillepost.com

Muster RIGHT Here - with Sgt Mack

Stand at EASE!!!

One thing that isn’t new is the proliferation of “poo”, AKA cesspool sludge.

Un-COVER!!! (Individual, silent, prayer or contemplation.) In Jesus’ Name I pray, HOOAAAHHH!!! COVER!!! SEATS!!!

In their never-ending war against “WE, THE PEOPLE…” the dim-o-crapic party produces a constant stream of manure, that (were it not so polluted) might fill the need for fertilizer, world-wide.

Unfortunately, the vile content of their speech (if you can call it that) gets a lot of attention from the ignorant and the stupid.

I have a hard time differentiating between the 2 conditions, when I see articles in the fresno fish wrap, like that from andrew fiala, Sunday, 4 Nov. ‘18.

Confucius is quoted as telling us that it is far better to be silent and be supposed to be a fool, than to speak and erase all doubt.

When I see people pontificating about things of which they are either ignorant or lying through their teeth, I have to add a further classification, that of evil.

mr. fiala is right that human rights transcend borders and the U.S. Military has spent years helping people whose human rights, life, liberty, property (their own) and the PURSUIT of happiness, not happiness, itself, are threatened by tyrannical governments, but that neither creates nor implies any right to those things to people who seek to break into our country, illegally, whether individually or collectively.

He is right about asylum, which has been defined by wiser heads than mine and (obviously) his, as petitioning for admittance to the FIRST country one is allowed to enter, after escaping from oppression. You don’t get to break the borders of one country and “country pick” your safe haven.

"I’m the last person to be anti-immigrant, being 5/6 immigrant and only 1/6 Cherokee Indian and married to a daughter of immigrant grand-parents. My only requirement is that they come legally, REQUESTING admittance, instead of belligerently, DEMANDING admittance."

I’m the last person to be anti-immigrant, being 5/6 immigrant and only 1/6 Cherokee Indian and married to a daughter of immigrant grand-parents. My only requirement is that they come legally, REQUESTING admittance, instead of belligerently, DEMANDING admittance.

If mr.fiala espouses this philosophy, he MUST open the doors of his home and invite the homeless and dis-advantaged to share his sustenance. To fail to do this, he is the worst kind of hypocrite!!!

I have a much more realistic philosophy and anyone who attempts to break into my house can expect a VERY WARM reception, but I Will notify the next of kin.

It is NOT a human-rights violation to stop people, especially a mob which is carrying a foreign flag and has broken the border of another country, assaulting the border personnel and including people who are (possibly) criminals. That is EMINENTLY within the purview of his office and (in fact) REQUIRED by his job description, as President. I hope that President Trump will meet the invading mob with water cannons, concertina wire, snipers (in case the mob has armed members) and troops prepared to fire, if attacked, including with rocks.

As to “birthright citizenship”, Constitutional scholars, to whom I listen, have explained that the 14th Amendment EXCLUDES the children of ambassadors and other foreign nationals, who are here LEGALLY. How, then, should it apply to children of criminals, who broke into our country?

I agree that everyone deserves a nationality (theirs) legal recognition (theirs) and protection under the law, but RESPONSIBILTY under the law, in the country where they stand.

It is NOT punishment to deny citizenship to a child who was born where their parents had no right to BE!!! It is, simply, separating legal residents from those who are not and removing the illegals.

The REAL moral question is by what moral compass would we grant access to criminals, while law-abiding immigrants wait their turn???

A second moral question is: Are we not required to protect our families? How can we do that by allowing un-vetted invaders to cross our borders, freely?

The answers are simple: It is IMMORAL to allow criminals to come freely, while making law-abiding people to wait and we ARE required, by any reasonable measure, to protect our people!

Make America Great Again, with Pres. Trump!!!

On your FEET!!!

Un-COVER!!! Heavenly Father, we STILL have a mess on our hands and only You can help us. In Jesus’ Name I pray, HOOAAHHH!!!

Sgt Mack out, leaving the air and closing station, HOOAAAHHH!!!

All opinions stated in this class are the opinions of the instructor and may not reflect the opinions of the Editor and publisher.

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