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Muster "RIGHT" Here©
- with -
Sergeant Mack
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Print | AMERICA IN CRISIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Muster Right Here© - Nov 10, 2021
with Sergeant Mack : sgt.mack@portervillepost.com

Muster RIGHT Here - with Sgt Mack Stand at EASE!!!

Un-COVER!! Individual, silent , prayer or contemplation.
In Jesus’ Name I pray, HOOOAAHHH!!! Cover!!! SEATS!!!

We have had some non-presidents, before but the present abomination in the white house has stained it to where it may never be white again.

It is stained with the corruption of the jobama bite me crime family.

It is stained (red) by the, obvious, rush to the left.

It is stained by the dung they have heaped on the American people, in the form of onerous taxes and regulations and NOW it is stained by the innocent blood of the Afghan people (and maybe Americans) jobama abandoned, the people who will be killed by his treasonous provision of weapons of war and money, to the Taliban, and FINALLY the innocent blood of AMERICANS, who are being persuaded, coerced or forced to line up for “the jab”, in spite of the fact that it has been proven to KILL people and that there are PROVEN ALTERNATIVES, such as Ivermectin and others.

I know about Ivermectin, because it aided in my wife’s and my recovery from the chicom virus.

There is a Psalm we need to be praying for jobama, 109:8 “May his days be few and may another take his office!” Please God, hear our prayer and let it include ALL of the cabal!!!!!

"This entire “administration” AKA cabal is so corrupt as to have polluted the entire country, almost beyond redemption."

This entire “administration” AKA cabal is so corrupt as to have polluted the entire country, almost beyond redemption.

Our former friends don’t trust us, our enemies don’t respect us, much less fear us and if jobama is allowed to continued unchecked, we WILL LOSE THIS COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There MUST be a revival of patriotism, even of self-interest that will cause people to rise up, like the people of Virginia did and shovel out the cesspool sludge, from jobama to the building inspector who takes bribes. That is the only way we can restore this country to greatness and it has to start at the top, which is actually the pit of the cesspool.

Is Pres. Trump the answer? O.K. w/ me. If not , we need an EMERGENCY convention of states, to enact EMERGENCY legislation to remove the entire leftist “leadership” of the country, before they ruin it further.

"In the meantime pray for God’s intervention, because that is the only other solution I see." ... Sergeant Mack

In the meantime pray for God’s intervention, because that is the only other solution I see.

On your FEET!!! Un-cover!!

Heavenly Father, again, we pray Psalm 109:8 “May (all of their) days be few and may another take (their) office(s)” and may the successors be good and just people!!! In all things I thank You and praise You and especially I thank You for the Gift and Sacrifice of Your Son Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, in Whose Name I pray.


Sgt Mack out, leaving the air and closing station.


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