Porterville Post © - The Right News at the Right Time

Muster "RIGHT" Here©
- with -
Sergeant Mack
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Print | O.B.A.M.A. C.A.R.E. AKA One Big A---d Mistake
Muster Right Here© - Nov 10 2009
with Sergeant Mack : sgt.mack@portervillepost.com

Muster RIGHT Here - with Sgt Mack Stand Easy, Troops!!! Looks as if "Governmental Intelligence" may NOT be a total oxymoron, or as Buggs Bunny used to say, ..an oxymaroon."

Seems that, although la pellosi & her goons got it past the house, the Senate of the United States is going to step up and honor their collective oath of office to "...support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies, foreign an domestic."

Even if those enemies are IN the government. Some of the Senators seem to have realized that socialism is a failed model for government and a major reason this country is great is that we reward hard work & initiative.

Senators I SALUTE YOU!!! But, Troops, don't let your guards down. The left is still trying to drag U.S. down.

Stay on your representatives, at all levels. Remind them that they only hold these ridiculously high paying jobs with our permission.

God bless y'all & God bless America!!! DIs-MISSED!!! Sgt Mack, out. Leaving the air & closing station.

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