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Muster "RIGHT" Here©
- with -
Sergeant Mack
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Muster Right Here© - Nov 09, 2017
with Sergeant Mack : sgt.mack@portervillepost.com

Muster RIGHT Here - with Sgt Mack

ATTENTION ALCON (All Concerned) which you ALL should BE!!!

Stand at EASE!!!

Bulletin #1: The congress is considering earning back the capital "C"! Believe it or not (you'd better sit down for this) a bill has been proposed that (if I understood it ) will enable churches, in no-concealed-carry states to designate parishioners who would be allowed to carry weapons, for the safety of the congregation . Halleluiah!!! Someone is breathing oxygen, instead of methane!!!

Un-COVER!!! (Individual prayer or contemplation.) In Jesus' Name I pray. HOOOAAAHHH!!


BULLetin #1: I heard paul ryan interviewed by Rush Limbaugh, re; the "tax cut" bill. They discussed some "sunsets" that are written in, to "avoid filibustering in the senate", "but we wouldn't implement them". EXCUSE ME!!!, paul, when you & your cronies violate laws that are on the books, or that YOU have written, don't expect us to accept your verbal promise that you won't shaft us with something written that you decide to enforce. I was born on a Tuesday, but not LAST Tuesday.

BULLetin #2: Kudos to all of the football fans who have voted with their wallets NOT to support the nfl snowflakes (regardless of color, they're ALL snowflakes) who are disrespecting us (U.S.) ALL!!! If the owners, coaches and managers don't have enough guts to fire these punks, let them all go to HE77, together!!! Football fans PLEASE CARRY ON!!!

BULLETin #1: Kudos to the gentleman who used his legally-owned AR-15 to stop the Sutherland, TX Church shooter. THAT is a PERFECT example of GUN CONTROL. He was in control of his gun and took that cesspool sludge out!!! GIVE HIM A MEDAL!!!

Also, kudos to James Woods, who had the perfect reply to that snowflake who tweeted that the NRA has blood on their hands and how do they sleep at night? As I recall he answered that he sleeps w/ a Beretta on his nightstand. I sleep with a .45 under my pillow, as I have since my release from active service.

Point to note: The vast majority of the mass shooters have been democrats &/or lib-left and NON of them has been an NRA member, per Rush Limbaugh, whom I have never found t be in error. Gotta run. Li'l Corporal is waiting. Back as soon as we can un-crash our computer.

Please contact the appropriate parties re: the "Bulletin & BULLetins".


Heavenly Father, thank You for the guidance You have provided & I ask You to continue to do so. In all things I thank You and praise You and , especially for the Gift and Sacrifice of Your Son Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, in Whose Name I pray, HOOOAAAHHH!!!


Sgt Mack out, leaving the air and closing station.

All opinions stated in this class are the opinions of the instructor and may not reflect the opinions of the Editor and publisher.

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