Stand at EASE!!!
It seems our brothers and sisters in the blue color industries have
had enough of jobama-bite me and nancy pollutsi and plan to show them
that they don't REALLY run the show.
Reminds me of when I SERVED as the president of a volunteer
organization. I knew that I could do nothing without the willing
co-operation of my team. Therefore, when a project was presented,
my first question was "What is the will of the team?"
My function was
not to command but to guide, even though I had the final say,
because I had purchased the big book of int'l regulations for the
organization. That was an option I used sparingly and only to keep us
out of trouble.
"Even horses and mules work better and longer when ASKED for their effort than when FORCED." ... Sergeant Mack
Even horses and mules work better and longer when ASKED for their effort than when FORCED.
So, let's get behind the effort to show the "bosses" that you don't
have to be a brain to be a boss, as the old joke goes, just a rectum
and shut down the country for a few days, to show the power of the
folks who do the work and then the district of criminals rectums might
loosen up and get real, instead of all of this BRAVO SIERRA they've
been spreading!!!!
Don't get me wrong. They STILL need replacing, but MAYBE we can keep
the country afloat long enough for the REAL election process to sort
things out!!!! !
God Bless Y'All and God Bless AMERICA HOOOAAAHHH!!!
Sgt Mack Signing off, Clearing the Air and Closing Station HOOOAAAAHHH!!!