Take SEATS!!! Today, Troops, I want to, further, demonstrate the
importance of voting to support YOUR Constitution.
This will be a supplementary class to "Sgt. Mack's Election Bulletin"
The other day, on "Jim Franklin, Live", I heard something that nearly
dis-located my jaw, from hyper-extension, at extreme velocity.
A michigan (remember, we don't capitalize names that do not deserve
respect) woman is being persecuted (by the "fair housing center of
west michigan") for posting an ad on her CHURCH bulletin board, for a
Christian roommate.
Support for individual freedom has never been more vital, in my
lifetime, than on a day when this michigan woman is the object of
persecution 1st, by some individual whose intellect, parental origins
and eligibility to belong to the human race are HIGHLY suspect and
2nd, by an over-paid, under-supervised organization (?) whose
employees (?) STRONGLY resemble #1.
According to the published story, if she loses the suit, she faces
monetary loss and an (apparently compulsory) indoctrination, to see
that she will conform to the "accepted norm" of behavior, in the
socialist state of michigan.
Now, remember, this is NOT a commercial apartment building. It is a
If this continues, within 20 years, it will be illegal for a woman to
advertise for a FEMALE roommate. The government will be telling us who
can (or must) share our dwellings.
You don't think so? 20 years ago THIS would have been unthinkable.
Progress? I DON"T think so.
This should not be happening in the country and under the flag that I
have (3X) sworn to "...preserve, protect and defend, against all
enemies, foreign and domestic."
Additionally, Juan Williams has been fired by the feelings-based left,
from national public radio,
for expressing his feelings, because they did not conform to the
"socially (read socialist) accepted
Let's de-fund npr! It's REALLY neo-socialist propaganda radio. Let
them get a real job!
I don't know how the socialists have attained such power that these
travesties of "justice" can occur, but I do know the remedy:
1) Vote for preservation of the Unanimous Declaration and the
Constitution and their designation as co-equal founding documents, by
voting conservative.
2) Require that all elected representatives (read hired
administrators) pass a test on the 2 documents, as part of their
eligibility to run (read apply to be hired).
3) Monitor their performance, re: adherence to their duties, as set
forth in the 2 documents.
4) If they deviate from their sworn duties, as poly-tickians (many
blood-sucking vermin) are prone to do, impeach them.
This may be our last chance to reverse the mad rush to George Orwell's
"1984" that has been orchestrated, sponsored and implemented courtesy
of your (un)friendly, local socialist party.
We are going to he77 in a slop bucket and I, for 1, am NOT enjoying the ride!!!
You have your assignments. KICK LEFTIST BUTTS!!! Shovel the cesspool
sludge out of all areas of government.
God bless y'all & our Guardians, wherever & however they serve. Quiet
shift/tour to them. God bless & preserve America!!!
Dis-MISSED!!! Sgt.Mack, out.Closing station & leaving the air.