Stand at EASE!!!
This is the question that has faced good people for as long as there
has been a (dis)loyal opposition.
Un-COVER!!! Individual (silent prayer or contemplation). In Jesus’
Name I pray, HOOAAAHHH!!! COVER!! SEATS!!!
I’d say that the answer lies (mostly) in THEIR lies and the harm that
is done to the public. We know that liberals who support leftist
agendas are termed (by the leftists) to be “useful idiots”. So, I
would classify them as a totally different kind of STOOPID!
The leftists, who foment these riots and are actively seeking the destruction of our society, I can only believe are evil, personified.
To strip a society of the (hard-won) advantages that have been bought
by “blood, sweat and tears” is to demean and denigrate the sacrifice
of the people whose efforts have made this country the “Shining City,
On The Hill” and our response should be as strong and decisive as
their actions are radical and brutal.
“The leftists, who foment these riots and are actively seeking the destruction of our society, I can only believe are evil, personified.” ... Sergeant Mack
For one thing, stop “grappling” with combative suspects. At the first
sign of resistance, Mace them. If that doesn’t persuade them to stop
resisting arrest, tase them. Repeat until the arrest is accomplished.
Support the “Good Cops” (which would be MOST of them) but weed out the
bad ones. Make it clear that violations of law, “under color of
authority” will not be tolerated, any more than any other violation.
Voters, don’t tolerate wimpy responses, by your elected employees, to
violent civil unrest. If they tell the police to “stand down”, impeach
the cesspool sludge for failure to do their sworn duty. Petition the
next higher authority for relief from the violence.
Get fellow
citizens together and make it a MASS petition, so that the cesspool
sludge can’t say it’s just some malcontent, racist whiners. State your
case, clearly and forcefully. Be ready to “stand to” the barricades
and protect yourselves, BUT, the BEST remedy is FORETHOUGHT. Listen
and discern their lies and don’t stand by, while they get elected.
I had to speak out against the admission of an unworthy candidate (by
trusted information) for membership in an organization of which I was
a member. The member who had the information was hesitant to speak
about the mis-conduct of which he was a witness. I told him that, if
he had truthful negative information, it was his duty to bring it out.
The candidate was not admitted and a friend of his resigned over this.
Regret his loss but stand firmly behind the man who gave the facts and
the decision that resulted. As much as possible, unworthy candidates
should be rejected, BEFORE they can do any harm. Being a “good ol’
boy” and “going along, to get along” are not signs of tolerance, but
signs of weakness of character.
“In the days ahead, there are going to be MANY times, when it is going to be necessary to “bite the bullet” and do what is RIGHT, rather than what is COMFORTABLE!”
In the days ahead, there are going to be MANY times, when it is going
to be necessary to “bite the bullet” and do what is RIGHT, rather than
what is COMFORTABLE! If you are going to retain your “sacred honor”
you may need to risk (maybe not your life or fortune but, at least)
your “comfort zone”.
The socialist republic of kalifornia is doing one of those “comfort
zone” and 2nd Amendment violations, in outlawing private possession of
body armor. Instead, they could make possession, during the commission
of a crime a felony and leave the law-abiding citizens alone.
Unfortunately, “All power tends to corrupt and absolute power tends to
corrupt, absolutely.” I wish I’d coined that phrase, but kudos to the
originator. There is something about a statement of absolute and
un-arguable (for those with any semblance of intellect) fact that
makes it bear repeating, as long as there are people to repeat it.
For example, McCarthy was right, in his thinking about the menace of
communism. He was stupid, in his methods. Real Americans oppose the
mis-use of power, as we saw in his campaign. We see it, now, reversed
and applied by the left, which has been able to gain a foothold, in
our society, partly because McCarthy made it unpopular to be
anti-communist. It became “You big bully! You can’t pick on
defenseless people!” Unfortunately, the left aren’t constrained by
these concerns and will apply any and all pressure possible, to the
extent of ruining people’s lives and even hounding them into their
If we, the real Americans, don’t reverse this trend, this may be the
last generation to enjoy the God-given freedoms secured for us by the
founders and further protected by the sacrifices of our military. The
leftist 5th column is as insidious and invidious as termites,
burrowing into and weakening the foundation of our house of liberty,
in the dead of night. Just as cockroaches and other vermin scatter in
bright light, so do these vermin work best in the dark and tend to
scatter in the light of day.
“It is, therefore, our duty to expose and oppose them, at every opportunity and God bless President Trump, for doing EXACTLY THAT!!!” ... Sergeant Mack
It is, therefore, our duty to expose and
oppose them, at every opportunity and God bless President Trump, for
doing EXACTLY THAT!!! Not only does he not willingly suffer fools, but
he does not willingly suffer traitors.
The entire left-wing, with all of their sponsors and adherents, such
as black lives matter, george sorose, the dnc and the major media are
ALL co-conspirators against us, U.S. and MUST be recognized and
treated as such. There is an old saying that, “Just because you are
paranoid, that doesn’t mean that they aren’t AFTER YOU!!!”
I am FAR from a conspiracy theorist.
is as real as the people who have been killed in the violence stirred
up and perpetrated by these “mostly peaceful” demonstrators. You have
to compare that to “slightly pregnant”. Ain’t no such thing. If the
movement results in violence, it is a violent movement. If the blm
people were reasonable, if you say, “All lives matter”, people like
that super twit, in Visalia wouldn’t answer, “Not if BLACK lives don’t
matter!” When I said ALL lives matter, I was agreeing that Black lives
matter, as a part of ALL lives!!!
I don’t care WHO is perpetrating violence, on WHOM, they need to be
stopped, with all of the violence necessary to bring about the
cessation of the violence, including DEADLY FORCE!!! Just as our
founders met the force of england, with sufficient deadly force to
show them the error of their ways, so do WE need to prepare to
demonstrate that their violence is unacceptable behavior and will
provoke a violent response. Of course the leftist 5th column media
will scream and blame us for it, but just as the song says, “We didn’t
start the fire…” So on THEIR heads be the consequences!!!
Now for a word from the “toilet zone” of leftist big business lying
activist groups and cesspool sludge backstabbers. It seems that a
former att employee (according to Glenn Beck) was tweeting a private
conversation to a (supposed) family friend (of 20 yrs) and God Mother
to some of the family kids. In this tweet, he committed the
unpardonable sin of disagreeing with the radical views of this
“friend” re: black lives (don’t) matter (unless they can be used as an
excuse to start riots, thereby TOTALLY invalidating the entire
hypocritical movement).
Getting on her “high horse” she (allegedly) sent a transcript of the
private conversation to att, criticizing her “20yr friend” and asking
what att was going to do about this “racist”. Typical of leftist 5th
column cesspool sludge, att (allegedly) performed no investigation and
fired the man. Later “she” (allegedly) tried to withdraw her
knife-in-the-back tirade, but (a BIG BUTT) att wouldn’t hear of it.
Glenn Beck seems to have taken his case as a crusade and (all info
being accurate) I wish them success.
As far as the false friend, I would treat “her” as I have someone who
stabbed US in the back, embezzling money from my parents’ (small)
estate. I forgave them, wish them well (some place far away) and plan
to protect us from future predations by having no contact with them.
As the saying goes, “Fool me once, shame on YOU. Fool me twice, shame
on ME!!!”
“It is LONG PAST TIME for the good people to exact some payback, which may even be good for the souls of the cesspool sludge, as it may discourage future predations.” ... Sergeant Mack
Every day, radical adherents to radical cesspool sludge
“organizations” victimize good people. It is LONG PAST TIME for the
good people to exact some payback, which may even be good for the
souls of the cesspool sludge, as it may discourage future predations.
As to the leftist radical mobs, be on notice! My info indicates that
there is a huge uptick in the population of LEGAL gun owners. AND more
of these people are becoming involved in shooting sports, which hone
the ability of students to shoot more accurately, which is just what
is needed, in this atmosphere of mob violence. So, (in view of the
spread of legal gun ownership and training) you have to ask yourself 1
question. “Do you feel lucky? Well, do you, PUNK?”
Been hearing a lot of Bravo Sierra, as to the cause of the increase in
“gun violence”, everything from “joblessness”, to ”depression”, to
“frustration with the ‘system’ “. We’ve had all of these, before, but
what we have, now, is a bunch of lib/left politickians, that are
either in the pockets of the criminal element or kowtowing to the
radical left.
It is, also, worthy of note that the places with the
highest rate of violence are traditional hotbeds of liberalism and
anti-gun prejudice and legislation. The bad guys know that the public
is obeying the unconstitutional anti-gun laws, while the criminals
couldn’t care less about breaking ANOTHER law.
Shovel out the cesspool sludge and elect Constitutionalists!
I salute AMAC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, for their
astute identification of the wuhan china virus, as the ccp (or chinese
communist party) virus. They inspired me to change my label to the
chicom virus, succinct and explicit. We are members, although my wife
(the li’l Corporal) would dispute the label of “mature”, applied to
Regretfully and respectfully, I must disagree with Dr. Ben Carson. In
reading his book I found that he is of the opinion that the tragic
death of Trayvon Martin was the result of prejudice. My understanding
of Mr Martin’s behavior was that he was moving furtively (as in
skulking, up in the yards, next to the houses) in the shadows of the
houses and behaving in a manner which suggested that he might be
“casing” them.
As a soldier and having worked with REACT (Radio
Emergency Associated Communications Teams, in observation and
reporting to the police) I can state, unequivocally , that ANYONE,
black, white, yellow, green or purple, behaving in this manner would
put me on the alert. The only problem I see with Mr. Zimmerman’s
actions was that (I understand) he was instructed, by the dispatcher,
to dis-engage and failed to do so. The PROXIMATE cause of Martin’s
death seems to be his decision to ATTACK Zimmerman and (as witnessed)
pound his head into the pavement. In such a circumstance, black, white
yellow, green or purple, I would, MOST CERTAINLY have shot the
“I am open-minded but not easily swayed from a considered opinion, based on what I consider to be good information, but we can discuss it.” ... Sergeant Mack
If anyone has facts (not conjecture or emotion-based opinion) that
refute my position, please feel free to give me feedback, through the
Post. I am open-minded but not easily swayed from a considered
opinion, based on what I consider to be good information, but we can
discuss it.
Now, for your chicom virus update: I am seeing a lot of people walking
around wearing masks UNDER their noses. Unless you are a “mouth
breather” you aren’t protecting yourselves and I prefer not to take a
chance on what you might be exhaling thru your NOSE!!! The same thing
applies to those masks with vents. The ONLY way masks can work is if
you breath IN and OUT thru a filter. WAKE UP, PEOPLE!!! YOU’RE BLOWING
O.K., time to put this class to bed. Bottom line is that liberalism is
(in its present form) a mental aberration. Lefism is evil. We MUST do
everything possible to ensure that our way of life isn’t replaced by
any of the “isms”, commun, social, oligarch or anything else you
imagine that involves loss of freedom to a system that is oppressive.
Vote for freedom! Vote for conservative Constitutionalists!!!
On your FEET!!! Un-COVER!!!
Heavenly Father, thank You for the many blessings You bestow on us,
constantly with no merit on our part. We ask You to continue to watch
over and guide us. In all things I thank You and, especially, I thank
You for the Gift and Sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ, my Lord and
Savior, in Whose Name I pray. Hooaahhh!!!
Sgt.Mack leaving the air & closing station HOOOAAAHHH!!!