Stand at EASE!!! I want your full attention RIGHT NOW!!! Everyone who
is protesting the "Big Brother" intrusion of AB1942, re: the
installation of dash board cameras, in cars, raise your hands. O.K.,
you 3 drop!!!
Push 'em out, but quietly, until I finish. I'm glad it wasn't more.
Remember, "It is far better to remain silent and be supposed a fool
than to speak and erase all doubt."
If you are going to be active on legislation at least READ IT!!! If
not, before you shoot off your mouth, AT LEAST READ THE ARTICLES ABOUT
The article I read said that the bill PERMITS, NOT REQUIRES, the installation of a 30 second loop event
recorder, to record traffic accidents. Current law PROHIBITS it, with
some exceptions. If you don't want it, DON'T DO IT!!!!
I read the bill & the writer GOT IT RIGHT! That is EXACTLY what it said.
My point is that people who get "up in arms" about something & don't
know whereof they speak, lose credibility. Been there, done that & got
my tail roasted. At least I read all of the info & acted according to
the info. It was just WRONG! Some people look right at the "straight
poop" &, then, proceed to fall all over themselves spreading
mis-information. My old Algebra instructor used to say, "R.T.P., Mr.
So, I'm telling YOU, if something hits you on the head, it's a lot
more likely to be an acorn (no pun on the leftist, corrupt, political
action group) or pigeon poop (which they resemble) than it is to be
the sky falling.
SO GET IT RIGHT (no pun on us) before you do ANYTHING ELSE!!!
Now, you 3 go run laps 'til I get tired. I'm fed up looking at you.
Everyone else, SECTION LEADERS TAKE CHARGE and get these people back
to work, after the benediction. God bless y'all & our guardians,
especially those who go in harm's way & God bless & guide America!!!
Sgt. Mack, out. Leaving the air & closing station