Stand at EASE!!!
There has been quite an increase in the amount and virulence of the bile being secreted by washington DeCeit.
Not only are our elected employees in open revolt against the
legitimate government ("WE, THE PEOPLE...") but they are, now, "in
your face" about it, bragging that they are all powerful and far above
those who pay their ridiculous salaries and provide luxurious "perks"
that make them fat, lazy and more corrupt than they were on arrival.
Keep praying for their salvation and that they come to the realization
that they are supposed to live up to their oaths.
Unfortunately, their pollution has infected the "news" media which has
become panderers for
the lies and corruption that have become endemic to our "government".
UnCOVER!!! (Individual prayer or contemplation.) Cover!!! Seats!!!
This column was sent to the fresno bee, in response to the named
rant, by the "editorial board". I thought, at first, that they simply
lacked the intestinal fortitude or journalistic integrity to be able
to tolerate dissent. Upon reaching the editorial section, I was
informed that they cater to their "distribution area", in publishing
Guess the rest of us are ignorant "hicks" and "flyover country" who
couldn't possibly have anvthing intelligent to say or that would
interest their readers.
I urge regular readers to contact the bee and suggest that they judge
their correspondents
by the character of their writing, rather than the geography of their
To their credit, the gentleman with whom I spoke informed me that
they, recently, ran a piece by the below referenced John R. Lott, who
has studied the relationship between proliferation of privately-owned
firearms and crime and discovered an inverse ratio, "More Guns, Less
I do not, however, believe that this attempt to be seen as "fair and
balanced" nullifys the
effect of the rant: "Tighter Gun Laws Are In Our Power." How do you
excuse the arrogance
of the lies and anti-Second Amendment rhetoric implicit in this Bravo Sierra?
The answer is, you can't!!!
Since they have brought up the subject of "power", let's analyze that, for a moment.
Power is the thing that both sides seek, most. The problem is that it
comes down to the age-old struggle between good and evil. The
difference between the two is the use to which they wish to APPLY the
The Conservative (the Good) needs power to support the Constitution
and protect rights to ", liberty and the pursuit of
happiness...", values for individual rights, upon which our country
was founded.
The liberal/left (evil) seeks power (as revealed in the article,
"Tighter Gun Laws Are In Our Power") to take away individual rights,
enforce the left's idea of keeping people safe (another big lie,
because laws don't keep people safe, people [usually with guns] keep
people safe) and, in keeping with the big "safety" lie, support, not
equal opportunity but the socialist value of equal outcome.
This is ALSO a big lie because the "commissars" in the party always
seem to be MORE equal than the "comrades" in the "unwashed masses",
for whom they claim to seek "social justice". Who is it who live in
the big Dachas & luxurious apartments and drive (or are driven in)
fancy cars? Is it the comrade garbage man? I don't think so.
With all of these inconsistencies of their speech versus their
actions, the only 2 things about which the lib/left IS consistent are
their insatiable need to take things away from us, like freedom and
money and the fact that you can always tell when they are lying to
you, because their lips are moving ... or they're not.
Speaking of liars, the only book I, and other true Christians, call
"Holy" is the Holy Bible. The liar-in-chief who fraudulently squats in
OUR house refers to the "Holy Koran", so is he lying that he is a
Christian, to con us Christians, or is he lying (that he considers the
Koran holy) to kiss the gluteous maximi of the muslims? A third
possibility is that he considers himself to be (as do many of his
sycophants) "the anointed one" and the "Holy of Holies".
I'm betting on #3 and that he's conning EVERYONE!!!
Now understand, while not all liberals are (inherently) evil, much of
the results of their efforts IS. Intended or not, any work that has
the effect of abridging the freedom of others to have ",
liberty and the pursuit of happiness is (unquestionably) evil.
The evil left lie to the gullible libs, telling them that the "higher
end" justifies the (evil) means (if they can even tell the difference)
and that (just as the evil democrat slave owners said about the
slaves) "They (the unwashed masses) can't function without us to lead
Sonofagun!!! Once free from their oppressive democrat masters, many
black people prospered, became Doctors, Ministers, Musicians and
Entrepreneurs, although some of them abused their freedom and became
crooked lawyers and poli-tickians and other dregs of society, just as
their white brothers and sisters have done, since the beginning of
time. One, through fraud and deceit even managed to achieve the office
of president, just as his fellow (white) democrats have done, many
times before and continue to attempt. Can anyone say hitlery klintsky?
I knew you could.
Basically, those who failed to prosper, legally, are those who stayed
on the democrat "plantation", owing their subsistence to the "dole".
Some of these have "prospered" and even become notorious as drug
dealers and other drains on society. Some others, less notable are
drains on society as other people who are striving to better
themselves see them (black and white) living in nice houses and
driving nice cars that the "strivers" realize that THEY (the strivers)
are being taxed to provide.
Talk about dis-incentives, makes the strivers question, "Am I stupid,
to work so hard so these freeloaders can live a life of ease?"
Therein may lie the seeds of the next revolution, in this country.
Anyway, we've gone kind of far afield from the original topic, but it
is all related to the decline and fall of morality and freedom, in this country and the rise
of "poly-tickianism" , the proliferation of many blood-sucking vermin
infesting the halls of our government
and the ABSOLUTE NECESSITY for us (U.S., "WE,THE PEOPLE..." , we'uns,
you and me, to clean up our government, restore "...government of the
people, by the people and for the people..." before this country
" conceived..." vanishes from the Earth.
Please continue reading and tell me if you think I am wrong.
E-Mailed to: Fresno Bee Editorial Board -
Re: "Tighter gun laws are in our power."
First of all, kudos to the editorial board for the best-written piece
of Bravo-Sierra I have ever read in a propaganda mill. It was worthy
of the nazi propaganda machine. It has been said, widely, that if you
tell a big enough lie and tell it often enough, you will get many
weak-minded individuals to believe it. Just look at antisemitism and
racial prejudice. These are 2 of the biggest whoppers in
history, but they are still around and as healthy as ever.
So it is with the myth that "gun control" equals crime control. It is
such an obvious lie that I wonder that anyone who hasn't a
college degree believes it.
Thank you for admitting that your leftist agenda isn't the safety of
the public, but raw, unchecked power, by which you hope to
dominate the country and "...tomorrow, the world!"
Hopefully, though, clear-thinking minds will not be brainwashed by
your big lies. If you have an ounce of journalistic integrity,
I urge you to read the truth, as told by Prof. Gary Kleck (a
self-described "liberal professor of criminology") who set out to
the anti-gun agenda, discovered that the research contradicted his
premise and had the integrity and courage to write the truth.
Similarly Dr. John Lott has written 3 editions of "More Guns, Less
Crime", to the chagrin of the "intelligentsia" who keep crying
about "mass shootings" proving that we need more strict gun control,
but refusing to acknowledge (just as you did) that their
examples took place in areas (with the possible exception of Tucson,
Az.) that were recognized "gun free zones", where the
law-abiding citizens were dis-armed, making them victims.
You want to talk about legitimate victim hood, that describes everyone
who was killed or maimed, or is a relative of a victim who
was a victim because they followed the instruction to be un-armed.
Criminals are either illiterate or deliberately obtuse (or how
about premeditatedly criminal) when they walk right by those "Gun Free
Zone" signs and proceed to commit crimes, with guns.
The victims should all sue the entity that caused them to be un-armed.
Let's see, now, there's Luby, Texas, Sandy Hook, Ft. Hood, Texas,
Aurora, Colo., the elementary school around Sacramento, Ca.
that really gave a boost to the anti-"assault weapon" drive, which is
another lie because the F.B.I and the D.O.J. agree that an
"assault weapon" has to be capable of fully automatic fire, to be so
described. Oh, what the heck, why should we allow that fact to
get in the way of a good hysteria? We're already ignoring the fact
that criminals don't care if they break 1 more law, when they aim
to break one of the biggest. In case y'all have forgotten, murder is
illegal, just about everywhere.
Unfortunately the left, like the Fresno Bee Editorial Board, is hung
up on the idea that (as a "civilized country") we need to enact
draconian gun registration laws which will be followed by draconian
gun control laws and just like Australia (or New Zealand?)
we'll follow that with gun confiscation, ala Diane Feinstein, "If I
could get 51 votes in the Senate, it would be turn 'em all in..."
Now who was it that first (to my knowledge) equated gun registration
with being a civilized country? Oh, yeah, it was that Adolph
Hitler guy. I wonder if he lied like the folks "down under" that he
wasn't going to confiscate, just register.
Check the stats, for the sake of reason over agenda. Wayne La Pierre,
representing the NRA, walked all over some "expert" from
an anti-gun group, despite her ignoring the end of speaking bell, just
by producing newspapers from the places she claimed had
been successful in lowering crime (with strict gun control) proving
that she was either ignorant or a liar.
As far as churches, schools and other "soft targets" for terrorists or
other mis-creants, the best thing they could do is get a few
combat-trained soldiers to go armed and crime would be reduced,
because these individuals are not "Peace Officers" but threat
eliminators. Anyone found to be killing or maiming would be summarily
shot!!! End of problem and 1 less criminal!
So, bottom line: gun control laws are good for criminals who will have
more "sheeple" upon whom to prey and for leftists who hope
eliminate the ability of the people to resist an armed takeover of the
government. They don't want "gun control" except to facilitate
people control. For the rest of us, those old, dead guys had a pretty
good idea. An armed person is a citizen. A dis-armed one is
a subject.
God bless America and our Unanimous Declaration and Constitution. And
confusion to our enemies, foreign and domestic.
On your FEET!!!
Heavenly Father, it keeps getting worse! We ask You to continue to
watch over, bless and guide us, especially our guardians, regardless
of where and how they serve. In all things we thank You and praise You
and, especially, I thank You for the Gift and Sacrifice of Your Son,
Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, in Whose Name I pray. HOOAAHHH!!!
Sgt. Mack out, leaving the air and closing station.
Robert L. "Sgt. Mack" McElreath (A veteran and a combat-trained soldier)
All opinions stated in this class are the opinions of the instructor
and may not reflect the opinions of the Editor and publisher.