Stand at EASE!!!
Yesterday, a group of un-elected "judges", which means (essentially) a
group of leftist and leftist sympathizing lawyers (which is pretty
much redundant) thwarted the will of "We THE PEOPLE..." (again) which
is no news, but bears discussion.
Un-COVER!!! (Silent prayer or contemplation.)
Every time I hear about a new "ruling", from our "rulers" on the
bench, I am reminded (favorably so) of the line in "Get over it", by
Huey Lewis and The News.
It says "...old Billy (or Jimmy) was right, let's hang all the
lawyers, hang 'em tonight."
Now (obviously) we can't hang all the lawyers. Some of them are so
slimy that they'd slip right out of the noose and even if we worked
all night, all across the country, we'd never finish by morning. Added
to that is the fact that they breed like the viruses they (most of
them) resemble.
What the o(WHATTA)bummer regime (down to the last cesspool sludge of
them) have never accepted or acknowledged is the old sports adage,
"There is no 'I' in TEAM!!!"
They are unable or unwilling to sacrifice their own agenda &/or
beliefs to do what their employers want or what is best for the
" 'I' know what is the higher good, despite all evidence to the
contrary!" " 'I' am better, smarter, more moral, more compassionate
and, therefore, must dictate what everyone else must think say and
What we have THEAH is one of the all-time most egregious examples of
elitist arrogance, perfidy and greed, as they are not really using
their using their ill-gotten power to benefit the people, but to
further expand their powers and squeeze all of the $$$$ they can out
of the people who are LEGALLY their bosses. Sounds to me like
malfeasance of office and abuse of power, under color of authority.
What "WE, THE PEOPLE..." have to bring home to those who will listen
(and kick the others to the curb) is that God inspired those old dead
guys who pledged "...our, lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor."
to create and protect the radical experiment of self-government and
the greatest system and country in the world!!!
Yesterday, I heard a radio talk show make a statement to the effect
that same sex marriage is the will of the people and a done deal, so
get over it.
No, sir. You are in error. The will of the majority of "WE THE
PEOPLE..." was expressed by the passage of prop. 8 (in Calif.) and the
"Defense of Marriage Act" in Congress.
Fortunately, even the leftist cabal in the supreme court wasn't stupid
enough to make a definitive statement that there was no way same sex
marriage could be stopped. They simply stated that Prop. 8 would not
stand their leftist-leaning scrutiny.
There are other states whose anti-same-sex marriage laws are still
standing and I expect California will re-write their law and keep
There is an old saying that you haven't lost, until you give up.
And speaking of the leftist cabal of the o(WHATTA)bummer regime, it
appears that they lied AGAIN about the effects of the o(WHATTA)bummer
health (doesn't) care debacle.
It has been announced that Hobby Lobby is going to have to close,
because of the reprehensible rule (by the jackbooted thugs of the
regime) that people must violate their religious beliefs, in order to
avoid ruinous fines and other penalties.
Speaking of thugs in jackboots, can't you just imagine nancy (the pile
of) pelosi wearing jackboots and the riding britches favored by the
nazis, facists and other such cesspool sludge.
She embodies the worst characteristics of both sexes of the human (?)
race: bullying, dishonesty, a great propensity for outright evil but,
what the heck? She's a lefty, so wha'd you expect, integrity?
BULLETIN!!! Saw "White House Down", courtesy of Galaxy 9, in
Porterville and, on behalf of active, reserve and former military, I
thank you.
Started out a bit slow and the "Li'l Corporal" was afraid I might
sleep thru it but, when it got moving, LOOK OUT!!!
The acting was good, even though I find Jamie Foxx (personally)
objectionable for his slavish devotion to o(WHATTA)bummer.
Anyone who refers to o(WHATTA)bummer as our "savior" needs to withdraw
his head from where it is firmly lodged and "look at the record".
Besides, already got THE Savior. Don't need
any fakes.
Now mr. o(WHATTA)bummer wishes to spend several (billion?) of YOUR
$$$$ on electric power for Africa.
Now don't get me wrong, I'd be happy to see them get electricity. If
he wants to spend his OWN
money to give it to them, or even get OUR PERMISSION to do it, O.K.,
but to just STEAL OUR $$$$ (robbing YOU to make him a big man to
THEM), there if a phrase that is GENEROUSLY applied, by members of the
Ancient and Honorable Society of E. Clampus Vitus, whenever our
"Greybeards" violate the trust of "The Bretheren", or even verge on doing so.
I refer (of course) to the thunderous and (usually unanimous) vote of
censure that is the bane of the (few) wrongdoers who achieve office in
the "Clampers": "Hang the bastards!!!"
In "Clamper" parlance, "So let it be written, so let it be done.
Now I have yet to see any "Clampers" "swinging" for "crimes against
the 'Bretheren' " or the
"Cistern" either, for that matter.
Possibly, the potential of ostracism keeps them straight, unlike
poli-tickians (many blood-sucking vermin),
I interrupt this interruption, with a further interruption:
The leftys have, once again, proven that trying to argue logic finds
them bound by their unassailable commitment to stupidity and against
anything resembling justice.
The original statement by one of the floridian persecutors was a clear
statement that they planned a trip on the floridian state railroad,
for Mr. Zimmerman.
The persecution was (predictably) marked by smoke, mirrors and
incompetence. I (actually) felt sympathy for them, as I heard comment
after comment that the persecution's witnesses
were exonerating the defendant. The facts, as were repeatedly
revealed, showed that Martin should never have been charged.
No matter how the persecutor tried to badger the witnesses to shake
their stories, they just stuck to what they know and believe
Unfortunately, political correctness and expediency trump logic, truth
and justice, in the world of the lying, backstabbing, anti-freedom
If they manage to convict Mr. Zimmerman it will be a capitulation to
the political pressure that has been applied by the left and fanned by
such comments as o(WHATTA)bummer's statement that (had he had a son)
his son would have looked like Trayvon.
Until we are able to bring this country back to the founding
principles, as codfied in the Declaration of Independence and the
Constitution, we cannot relax our vigilance.
Every day is going to be a struggle against ignorance, apathy,
corruption and leftism.
If you are ready to do your part, stand up and stand for the things
you know to be right and good. If you lack the good sense, judgement
and backbone to do what needs to be done, get ready to spend the rest
of your life on your knees and in chains.
Having seen what history has shown are the results of accommodation,
capitulation and appeasement, I prefer to go down fighting. Think of
it this way: If you appease the cesspool sludge and surrender your
freedoms to them, they are going to turn and kill you, anyway.
At least a final stand will leave fewer of them standing, to gloat.
For God and country.
On your FEET!!!
Heavenly Father I ask Your blessings and guidance on our country and
her guardians. Please help us to right the wrongs and return our
country to Your path. In all things, I thank and praise You and,
especially, I thank You for the Gift and Sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus
Christ, my Lord and Savior, in Whose Name I pray, HOOAAAHHH!!!
Sgt. Mack, out, closing station and leaving the air.