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Muster "RIGHT" Here©
- with -
Sergeant Mack
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Print | In Defense of the in-defensible
Muster Right Here© - Jul 02 2010
with Sergeant Mack : sgt.mack@portervillepost.com

Muster RIGHT Here - with Sgt Mack

Stand at Ease!!! O.K. Listen & listen TIGHT!!! (That's my best John Wayne.) Going to be another "quickie".Got a class to prepare & some "honey-do's."

First, FYI, the next time I tell you remedial meat-heads (& you know who you are) to "...push 'em out 'til I get tired & SOUND OFF!!!", TONE IT DOWN AFTER TAPS!!!" The unit mascot had bags under his eyes from lack of sleep & you don't want to answer to the C.O. for a baggy bulldog! 'Nuff said!

2nd, the computer went on "sick-call" & was just released for full duty by the "Geek Tech Team". Good job, Guys. You are, hereby, inducted into the "outfit", with the rank of Specialist 6th Class. All Troops are requested & instructed to give them proper respect & military courtesy.

Now here comes the "Defense". Understand! My loathing for al "Look at me, I'm an outdoors-man, sitting here in my canoe (for an arranged photo-op) while thousands of gallons of vital water are wasted, in a drought-stricken area, but I'll make up for it by writing a CROCK of lies about the environment & my toadies from holly weird will gush & fawn & beg me to accept an undeserved academy award & then the far-left nobel committee will gush & fawn some more and give me the prize, thereby devaluing it before the "anointed one" totally flushes it down the toilet" gore ...

(Boy, I hate those long introductions, where was I? Oh, yeah.) anyway, my loathing for him is closely ranked to that I have for "osama obama" (per teddy, hic, glub-glub kennedy, who (incidentally) was high on the "loath-o-meter " & beelzabubba & hitlery & that hole bunch, BUT!!!, DON'T MIX BAT GUANO WITH CESSPOOL SLUDGE!!!

These people(?) have found their niches in infamy based on PROVEN misconduct & slimeballery. al's latest "al-legations" are (as yet) unproven. If they ARE proven, that is plenty soon enough to acknowledge that he has (once, again) proven his eminent qualifications to wear the title, "cesspool sludge"!!! Just don't let him drag you down to his level by rushing to judgment, EVEN in the court of public opinion.

The American Way is INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty & don't you forget it. I still have room in my remedial meat-head push-up/sit-up class. DO YOU HEAR ME??? AwRIGHT!!!

When I dismiss you, carry on with your assigned tasks, preparing to shovel the manure out of the halls of congress, in November. I may take the "Little Corp." to see the cherry blossoms in D.C.,in the spring (if we find our Toyota Chinook) & I want it cleaned up by then.

God bless y'all, our Troops & other guardians, especially those in harm's way. May they have a quiet shift or tour & return home safely, & God bless America!!! HOOAHH!!! Dis-MISSED!!!

Sgt Mack,leaving the air & closing station.

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