Much as I hate to inaugurate my first column with a rant, it has to be
said, so here goes! With regard to the hit-run manslaughter
of Nolan Atchison, another news service quoted the judge as
saying," I wish there was more I could do, but this is the position of
the court, at this time". What position is that?
Is it that of an indulgent parent, kneeling to
administer a (gentle) slap on the wrist, saying,"Naughty, naughty.
Don't do that again or Mommy will spank?"
Are there unrevealed, extenuating circumstances, wherein someone
forced the alcohol down the defendants throat? Was he driving (despite
his condition & lack of license) to rush someone to the emergency
room? Did he leave the scene on an act of mercy & send help back at
his earliest opportunity?
If any of these scenarios existed, it
should have been publicized so that the family and the community could
understand how the defendant could commit 3 serious felonies & a
misdemeanor and get, basically, the same punishment as an American
citizen, a gainfully employed, licensed, former acquaintance of mine,
who didn't kill anyone, but had a DUI fender-bender and ran. He got 1
year in jail & 5 years probation. I hope he sees this and sues for
unequal treatment.
There has been entirely too much consideration given to (often
illegal) non-citizens who violate our laws. The border is a revolving
door, for those who come here, violate our laws, are sometimes
deported, as "punishment" or violate bail, parole, or probation to
leave and sneak back in, when the heat is off, often to commit more
If this criminal does not serve his 5 years probation on an ankle
monitor, I don't expect him to complete it. Should he have the
opportunity? I don't know, nor (I'd bet) does the majority of the
community, left wondering, did the court temper justice with mercy, or
just demonstrate again that the system is soft on crime, particularly
if you need an interpreter, during your trial.
I have been cautioned that such statements might cause people to think
I'm bigoted. Anyone who has known me for 10 minutes can usually
disprove such a notion. What I am is EXTREMELY POLITICALLY INCORRECT
and believe that justice should be blind. I believe in equality of
opportunity and you are responsible for the outcome of your choices.
If any person, of any other ethnicity, or whatever group that I am
not, EARNS more than I, I say God Bless them, they did well. I just
don't buy into the theory that we must ensure that ANYONE is warm &
fuzzy & content.
We don't guarantee happiness, just the right to pursue it.