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Muster "RIGHT" Here©
- with -
Sergeant Mack
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Print | The Difference Between Ignorance And Stupidity +
Muster Right Here© - Jun 15, 2020
with Sergeant Mack : sgt.mack@portervillepost.com

Muster RIGHT Here - with Sgt Mack Stand at EASE!!!

Everyone is ignorant of something. I know I am. What makes me REALLY mad is people who HAVE to know that they are acting against their own interest and that of their community, but do it, ANYWAY!!! Un-COVER!!! (Individual, silent, prayer or contemplation.) In Jesus’ Name I pray, HOOAAAHHH!!! Cover! SEATS!!!

The rioters who destroyed their local businesses, at the behest of whatever evil agents provocateur that instigated the latest riots, as well as the other riots, are a new type of STUPID!!! Well, actually, stupidity isn’t really that new but it does continue to morph. The victims of the cesspool sludge rioters should take a page from the Korean business owners, during the Rodney King riots. They manned the rooftops (with shotguns and rifles) and (from what I heard) told the cesspool sludge, “Don’t even THINK about it!!!”

"America needs a federal “Castle Doctrine”, that would encourage people to “stand (their) ground” ... Sergeant Mack

America needs a federal “Castle Doctrine”, that would encourage people to “stand (their) ground”.

Recently, I witnessed a “black lives matter” fiasco, where the demonstrators were chanting their idiotic slogans. One of them came by spouting off, “Black lives matter.” I said“ALL lives matter!!!” to which she(?) spouted , “Not when black lives don’t matter!” I felt like replying, “You stupid twit, ALL INCLUDES black!!!” Also saw one of those “Hands up, don’t shoot,” lying signs about the “gentle giant” and something that never happened. And one that said, “F### the pigs.” Like the 60’s bumper sticker said,”Hate cops? Call them pigs? Next time you get mugged, call a hippie!!!”

Here’s an idea, blm. You want black lives to matter? Take a page out of the Black Muslims’ book. They told the drug dealers to get out of the “projects”. They lined up on one side and as they went thru, with baseball bats, etc. the drug dealers went out the other side. Take back the streets from the cesspool sludge that are KILLING black people. Organize baseball teams, to be on the “mean streets”, in uniform, w/ bats, balls & gloves.

When you see violence being perpetrated, against your citizens, “PLAY BALL!!!” But have plenty of witnesses along, to testify as to the necessity for violent action. A week of that and the “bad guys” won’t be so bad or so numerous and the cops will be less tense, too.

One of the things you can count on is that the mush-heads that are the blunt heads of the spear on these types of farces is that their minds are made up & they won’t even listen to the facts. Fortunately, they don’t even bother gathering the necessary information to support their allegations, which (frequently) come crashing down, around their ears, which (strangely enough) resemble their rears and both ends produce a similar substance of waste matter that (were it not so toxic) might be used as fertilizer. Did I say all of that? DAMN, I’m good!!!

“The only way in which we can have a stable, sensible society is to relegate the lib/left/socialist/communist/agitators to the position they deserve,” ... Sergeant Mack

Just saw something that said “Liberal leadership fails.” This begins with a false premise. Under liberals, there IS no leadership, only coercive, dominating regimes. Then the Conservatives have to clean up the mess and things are o.k. for a few years, until the public forgets what a mess the lib/left made and is (again) seduced by their lies and the vicious cycle begins, again. The only way in which we can have a stable, sensible society is to relegate the lib/left/socialist/communist/agitators to the position they deserve, that of the dis-loyal opposition made up (truly) of cranks, creeps and other human(?) offal, that has no power, influence or even significance, in our lives . Can you imagine the frustration of the hitleries, the schmuck schumers, the squat, phocahont-ass warren, etc. if no one would even listen to them?

God bless America and a POX on our enemies, foreign and domestic!!! And, now, a word from our politically incorrect leader, ME!!! wuhan, china virus! wuhan, china virus! wuhan,china virus! Now, back to our, regularly scheduled, class.

The lib/left has lied about nearly everything, since it came into existence, I’d say about the time satan was expelled from heaven which supports the wisdom that you can tell if the left is lying, because their lips are moving…or they’re not.

Now, they are lying about almost everything having to do with the george floyd case. It may have been personal, but not racist and IF it was racist, it was, likely, 1 or 2 racist cesspool sludge, which does not justify de-funding the entire department! All of you lower than morons that want to de-fund police departments, over this, need to have “breathe in” tattooed on 1 hand and “breathe out” tattooed on the other, because you are too stupid to live, and don’t hire anyone to read it to you, doing us a service.

Just remember that a stopped clock is right twice a day, unless it is a 24hr. clock, so the left has the chance of getting something right and telling the truth ONCE in a while. The one true thing they are expressing is that they will raise HE77 in America, if it’s the last thing they do.

Americans may not be “woke”, according to the left, but they are AWAKENING to the danger posed by the left and are becoming more and more willing to say “granted” it MAY be the last thing you do. Among my conservative and reasonable associates, the attitude is similar to mine, about the animals among which I live, which is: “I’m not hunting THEM but if they come hunting ME, I intend to survive the encounter.”

My associates have made it clear that THEY are not LOOKING for trouble but WATCHING for it and, if it comes, plan to protect their families and themselves, by WHATEVER means necessary, with NO regard for the effect on any attackers. That works for me. It is like the warning signs on the canals, “Stay safe, by staying OUT!!!”

The leftists that are fomenting violence need to be prosecuted for “inciting to riot” and the week-kneed liberal regimes that won’t take action to quell riots need to be sued for malfeasance of office, or whatever similar charge can be supported, and ejected for failure in job performance.

“WE, THE PEOPLE…” need to take back the streets AND the government, from the thugs (of all description [white-collar and no collar]) that are destroying America!!! ... Sergeant Mack

“WE, THE PEOPLE…” need to take back the streets AND the government, from the thugs (of all description [white-collar and no collar]) that are destroying America!!! Anyone who refuses to be a part of the solution IS part of the problem!!!

By the way, new York, here’s your rallying cry, for the election: “No mo’ cuomo!!!”

How GROSSLY BIZARRE!!! Some cesspool sludge “female(?)” embarked on a tirade against some foreign-born shop owners protecting their shops (w/ AK-47s [shades of Korean shop owners, during rodney king]) against her attempt to do “early Christmas shopping”, by looting some stores. Apparently, she found some police officers and gave them HE77 for not disarming the shop owners, to facilitate her crimes.

It is the height of absurdity for cesspool sludge rioters, looters and other disrupters to assert their RIGHTS to breach the peace, in this manner. The 1st Amendment protects the God-given right to ”…peacefully assemble…” and present grievances. There is no semblance of this, in the (mis)behavior of the masses of rioters who bastardize what might be a legitimate protest, for their own evil purposes.

“I REALLY like the bumper sticker that encourages us to 'Fight crime. Shoot back!'” ... Sergeant Mack

I REALLY like the bumper sticker that encourages us to “Fight crime. Shoot back!” As a combat-trained soldier, I can tell you that the surest way to survive violence is to gauge the intent of your opponent and, as soon as they make ANY hostile move, don’t WAIT for them to shoot. Make sure of their provocation and fight crime by shooting FIRST. “Better to be tried by 12 than to be carried by 6.” A prime example is the looters. Some Sheriff suggested that shooting them, on the way in, may blow them back out. HOOAAAHHH!!!

AND, of course, the lefties don’t want you to be armed, so that you won’t be a threat to the rioters. As I sit here, after working up in our hills, I AM armed and posing no threat to any cesspool sludge rioters, as long as they don’t threaten us. Crossing THAT line would be hazardous to their health.

FYI, eBay and Amazon sellers. The “captcha” system STINKS. We have had a LOT of problems, trying to respond to ads. I’d suggest that you boycott that system, as you may be excluding potential buyers. Just a thought.

And 1 more, before closing. The recent wuhan, china, virus has brought a change in our lives and what we are expected to accept, in regulations and policies, from our government. I believe it was George Washington who (wisely) described government as not reason, but force.

“There is a point beyond which we MUST not allow our god-given rights to be infringed, 'for our own good'” ... Sergeant Mack

There is a point beyond which we MUST not allow our god-given rights to be infringed, “for our own good”. Our elected employees have a tendency to have “mission creep”, wherein they behave like a cancer, eating away all of the good. BEWARE the promises of the left and remember their evil actions and performance!!! democrat-IC socialist is an oxymoron and a lie!!!

Guess I’d better put this class to bed, but as soon as I do, something else will “hit the fan” & I’ll have to start again.

On your FEET!!! Un- COVER!!!

Heavenly Father, thank You for the many blessings You bestow on us, constantly, with no merit on our part. We ask You to continue to watch over and guide us and, especially, I thank You for the Gift and Sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, in Whose Name I pray. HOOOAAA!!!


Sgt Mack Leaving the air and closing station, HOOAAAHHH!!!

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