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Muster "RIGHT" Here©
- with -
Sergeant Mack
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Print | goshen college bans National Anthem
Muster Right Here© - Jun 11 2011
with Sergeant Mack : sgt.mack@portervillepost.com

Muster RIGHT Here - with Sgt Mack

Stand at Ease!!!

Again, we find ourselves in need of counsel from the SUPREME COMMANDER. Un-COVER!!! Heads bowed, please.

Heavenly Father, we humbly apologize for shirking our duties to the young of our country & allowing the left to inculcate a hatred of this, Your country & Your "Shining City on the Hill" in them. We ask your blessings on our work to correct this situation & that you preserve us while we educate them to take our places on "the wall". In Jesus' Name I pray, AMEN!!! COVER!!!

Take SEATS!!!

When I see things like this Bravo-Sierra re: the banning of the National Anthem, I have mixed emotions. I am incensed at the leftist cesspool sludge that has perpetrated this obamination on us and our young.

I am disgusted with the young people who parrot the Bravo-Sierra they are being spoon-fed by the leftists who control the school systems. They are, obviously, too lazy or apathetic to go to the trouble of researching the facts of their own National Anthem, before regurgitating the lies that it promotes war.

We need to stop praising teenagers for making it to the bathroom & tying their own shoes. We need to start demanding that they become involved in perpetuating that which is their legacy.

I am, however, encouraged by the patriotism shown by my Troops (in and out of my classes) and the all-volunteer military.

The facts are :

1) The Anthem does NOT glorify war. It glorifies the self-sacrifice of those who risked their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor so that these super-twits, led by their nose-rings, by unspeakable filth (in human form) can spew this garbage, without fear of government reprisals. Most of the founders sacrificed everything BUT their honor.

Those sacrifices are on-going today & if these ignorant super-twits (or their leftist cesspool sludge mentors) are stupid enough to open their mouths in front of the wrong service personnel, they just might GET some reprisals, as their mouths are forcibly closed.

I do not condone that type of action, as we wear the uniform so that stupid (or ignorant) people can be themselves in safety, but I understand those who might be tempted to exercise their freedom of expression, physically.

2) The "...rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air..." were illuminating our flag because we were being attacked.

3) If the super-twits would take the time to READ the 4 verses of the National Anthem, they would discover that it is a hymn and a prayer that we should never, again, have to send our brothers & sisters to offer the ultimate sacrifice, as spoken by Jesus, "No greater love has a man than this, that he lay down his life, for his friends."

4) It is, further, a statement of the principle that we want to be friends with everyone but (barack hussein o[whatta]bummer not withstanding) we will bow to no one.

So, just as we have defended mr. o(whatta)bummer against lies, we will defend the National Anthem and every other patriotic symbol against lies.

I have, proudly, sung the National Anthem at on many occasions & will continue to do so. The Flag and the Anthem are the most noticeable symbols of our country and "This we'll defend!"

On your FEET!!! Un-COVER!!! Heads bowed, please.

Heavenly Father, we ask Your continued guidance on Your people and Your protection on our guardians. In all things we thank and praise You and, especially, I thank you for the Gift and Sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, in Whose Name I pray. HOOAHH!!!

Section Chiefs, take charge. Dis-MISSED!!!

Sgt.Mack, out. Leaving the air & closing station.

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