Stand at EASE!!!
I have NEVER been ashamed to be an American or a Texan, but (in 3
instances) I have been ashamed of my FELLOW texans ( for which I
remove the capital “T”) as I have a problem with CRIMINAL STUPIDTY!!!
(Silent, individual, prayer or contemplation.) Lord, please help us
as the dumbing down process is becoming epidemic! In Jesus’ Name I
pray, Hooaahhh!!! COVER!! SEATS!!!
There is an old saying that you never ask a man if he’s a Texan. If he is, he’ll tell you, and - if not - no sense in embarrassing him.
The 3 occasions for which I am ashamed of texans are: the civil war
(which they didn’t start, but should have exerted restraining
influence on the idiots who fired on Ft. Sumpter), the episode in
which the police dis-armed a female firearms dealer (after her
estranged husband broke into her residence & stole weapons) on the
grounds that having a firearm, present, increased the likelihood of
violence (which proved true) as he killed her and [I believe] her
mother, with firearms he had stolen from his wife.
There is an old saying that you never ask a man if he’s a Texan. If he is, he’ll tell you, and - if not - no sense in embarrassing him.
He, also, injured
their sons. All of which she could have prevented, had the idiots not
disarmed her and, most recently, the episode in which a bartender
served a scum-bag 4 drinks, in 4 hours (reportedly 2 hard liquor and 2
beers, which would not adversely affect any guy I know, who is able to
drink) was disturbed by his attitude, tried to keep him at the bar and
(having failed) alerted the police and went looking for him, assisting
them in locating him, so that (when he “went off”) they were able to
deal with him.
Reportedly, they commended her on her actions and then, some
mental-deficient filed criminal charges , against her. THAT is a
completely new form of STOOOPID!!!
And speaking of a new form of STOOOPID, we can, always, rely on the
cesspool sludge that inhabits san fransh##sco to do something against
california &/or Federal law.
The most recent example seems to be a “no-knock” warrant against a
journalist (not a urinalist, but [seemingly] a real journalist)
including, illegally, confiscating privileged material, because
(allegedly) it was embarrassing to cesspool sludge in local
“government”. Allegedly, this this type of action should be handled by
a subpoena, not a home invasion.
Having been “slapped down”, by the Calif. Supreme Court (who’da thunk
it?) for violating the CCW (concealed carry weapon) law (by
prohibiting CCW holders from exercising their LEGAL rights, in s.f.)
it isn’t hard to believe that “justice” means “just us”, in san
fransh##sco. Moving on.
In keeping with the Post’s policy of the truth ...
In keeping with the Post’s policy of the truth (whether or not it fits
with our beliefs) I wish to correct a belief I have held, for a long
time. It has been my belief (and that of others I respect) that there
has never been a socialist government that worked.
According to a movie we just saw, “Prairie Giant”, a “Dove” film, in
the early 30s, into the 70s, in Saskatchewan (and, later Canada) a
Baptist preacher, by the name of Tommy Douglas (who resigned his
pastor-ship to politically oppose a corrupt “liberal” government that
was in the pocket of wealthy and corrupt capitalists, an unholy
alliance that led to people being murdered) led the exception.
Pastor Douglas espoused socialist beliefs and (if the story is true)
managed to resist the temptation, to which most socialist systems
fall, of raising the government to a level that diminishes the people,
even so-called “democratic socialist” regimes, including those of
hitler and stalin.
IF this story is true, as presented, it still does not alter the fact
that, “All power tends to corrupt, absolute power tends to corrupt,
absolutely” and power held in the hands of a few is almost ALWAYS
corrupting, which happened, after he and his people were out of the
And, speaking of corrupt, the un-united nations is one of the MOST
corrupt entities on Earth and continues to be (wastefully) OVER
supported, by the U.S. (us, we’uns). There have been many calls for
our withdrawal from this cesspool. While I have a lot of sympathy for
the idea of distancing ourselves (financially) from the cesspool
sludge which inhabits the u.n., I think it is a good idea to maintain
our membership, to have a forum in which negotiations may occur.
I, also, believe that the u.n. should continue to be IN the U.S., so
that our diplomats are more secure.
We SHOULD, however, take measures against those who (arrogantly)
violate our laws, under cover of “diplomatic immunity”, by either
expelling the individual or informing their country that, if they do
not waive diplomatic immunity, the entire legation will be expelled.
The difference is that (under my plan) every time a resolution is
passed (that we can’t veto [which we should do, liberally, the only
type of action I would do, liberally]) we should reduce our financial
support. For instance, any action against Israel should earn a
percentage of reduction, to the u.n. AND to the supporters of the
action, individually.
Additionally, I STRONGLY oppose withdrawing or walking out from any
group, unless our presence is required to have a quorum. Instead, we
should be voicing our opposition to the evil workings of the cesspool
sludge, taking notes and notifying the countries, so involved, that
their aid check is being reduced, as their representative speaks. If
you don’t use (or warn the use of ) your club, what good is it?
O.K., contestants, you have earned a 25% reduction (or whatever is
appropriate) in our support. Would you like to try for 50%?
The next category is “Should cuba continue to be on the “human rights
commission?” Remember, now,
the U.S. helps our friends and our friends support out efforts to
improve the world. Those who don’t need our advice, on this effort,
don’t need our money, so STUFF IT!!!
The $$$ we save by, giving the back of our hand to the cesspool
sludge, can be used to build the border wall & fund other security
O.K., Troops, “Off yer dead gluteous maximi & on yer dyin’ FEET” and
support Pres. Trump, as he continues to drain the cesspool that is
washington, the district of criminals.
Heavenly Father, “It’s sick and getting sicker”, so we DESPERATELY
need your help and guidance.
I Thank You and praise You and, especially, for the Gift and Sacrifice
of Your Son, Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, in Whose Name I pray,
COVER!!! Dis-MISSED!!! Sgt Mack out, leaving the air and
closing station, HOOAAAHHH!!!