Stand at EASE!!!
AGAIN!!! The lib/left pontificates re: “gun-violence” and AGAIN!!!
they get it WRONG!!!
Un-COVER!!! (Individual prayer or contemplation.) In Jesus’ Name I
pray, HOOAAAHHH!!!
Sometimes I am almost persuaded (there’s a song by that name, my
keyboard man [George] used to sing, did it well, too) that the
lib/left is delusional re: some of their false premises re: guns,
society, etc.
and want to cut them some slack.
THEN, I listen to the multiplicity of duplicity they spout, seemingly
extemporaneously, and realize that it’s the same old song (there’s one
by that name too) just edited to fit the occasion, sometimes with new
As President Trump, recently stated , the overwhelming majority of
“mass shootings” take place where
people are societally expected or required to be unarmed!!!
I keep telling people, just because the bad guy is crazy, he’s not
(necessarily) stupid!!! If they want to commit suicide, they’d shoot
up a police station or a firing range!!! The object of their insanity
is to kill helpless innocents and (hopefully) get away.
The proponents of anti-gun-ism have one gigantic problem, in that they
ignore an “inconvenient truth”,
that the only thing that will (effectively and safely) stop an armed
assailant is an armed defender.
To them criminals aren’t evil, just mis-understood. Firearms, however,
are so evil (to them) that they feel justified in using any number of
foul, unscrupulous methods to pressure legitimate businesses to refuse
to do business with firearm manufacturers, who are (also) legitimate
And then, there is the fresno fish wrap, whining about accidents when
there are armed personnel on school grounds. Granted, accidents are
bad, however accidents MAY happen. History shows us that evil actions,
by evil or deranged people WILL happen, when there are places where
people gather and are helpless in “gun-free” zones.
Just as you need fire extinguishers to fight fires, you need armed 1st
responders to fight gunfire, gang violence or maniacs with knives,
clubs, machetes, etc.
If (as I understand it) the County Sheriff is The top law enforcement
officer in the county and has the final word on all law enforcement
matters, the sheriffs should be able to allow schools to allow staff
to go armed on campus, despite the evil machinations of the state
government, moonbeam brownstain, gavin newsome (AKA gaggin’ nuisance)
et al.
O.K., ‘nuff said about that, for now. They’ll bring it up, again and
again, ad infinitum, ad nauseum.
On another subject of leftist activity, illinois is proposing to make
up their un-funded pension shortfall by extorting more money from
their property owners. This is proposed by the illinois federal
which is an un-elected bunch of bureau-rats.
This action will drive down property values and (essentially) enslave
the property owners, to the “state”.
And in still ANOTHER leftist action seattle proposes to levy a “per
employee” tax on businesses, causing lack of expansion and loss of
jobs. Reportedly, Amazon had planned an expansion, but is seriously
On the conservative front, the republicrats, being only stupidly
dangerous, instead of evilly, criminally dangerous, have decided to
emulate the dim-o-cr-asses, sort of. When there is any threat to
“their guy” the dim-o-cr-asses “circle the wagons”, like the pioneers
and fire on any threats from outside the party, as they have with both
of the klintskies, beelzabubba and hitlery, o(WHATTA)bummer, john (why
the long face, ketchup boy) kerry and innumerable other cesspool
The republicrats managed to get the circle right but they tend to
point their weapons inward, creating a “circular firing squad” and
shooting each other in the foot and other sensitive places.
Believe me, if I could find a party that could mount a more cohesive
campaign, I’d desert in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, we are left
(mostly) with the dregs of intellect, pseudo intellectuals and rinos
and must sift thru the muck trying to find gold.
Once in a while we find a bit of “color”, such as President Trump and
have to grab it, even if it is a bit tarnished.
Even WITH his tarnish, you can’t say his opponents names’ in the same
SENTENCE as his. Mostly, we just have to hope that they will BE
In the coming election, we are faced with the real danger that
moonbeam brownstain may be replaced by gaggin’ nuisance whose tenure
as mayor of san francisco was marked by the city’s descent further
into the cesspool.
We HAVE to fight that, as if our lives depend on it. They just MIGHT!!!
Something that the bigwigs in the republicrats need to do is stop the
“go along to get along” pacifist B.S. and emulate President Trump’s
“take no prisoners” approach. He invites people to get on board and
upon receipt of a snub, he says “Full speed ahead and let the chumps
fall where they may!”
And speaking of the fresno fish wrap (you don’t have to wait 3 days
for it to stink), there is a piece of offal written (excreted?) by
richard lara (d?) and dr. joaquin arambula (d) in which they decry the
plight of the uninsured undocumented (trespassers) and tout sb974 and
ab2965, a couple of pieces of B.S., BRAVO SIERRA.
I reiterate, I have nothing against anyone’s race, religion, national
origin, motorcycle club or sexual orientation. I DO have something
against a home invader who tells me I HAVE to support them and/or give
them health services.
I WILL go far enough to suggest that we might offer basic (low or high
option, depending on the ability and willingness of the individual to
pay) health insurance, based on after tax (but before money sent to
any other country) income with verification and penalties for fraud,
including deportation without the chance of re-entry, with felony
I have always worked and participated in the health insurance offered
by my employer. I can support a low-income insurance plan, but not
universal (socialist) cradle-to-grave, “free” (paid by taxpayers)
health care.
So, let us move on to another bastion of evil, malice, malevolence or
whatever inadequate descriptive term you may use to denote the major
media cabal, the anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-Israel cesspool
sludge that spews forth its filth from (fishwrap) “news”papers and
corporate and public broadcasting. Their latest propaganda campaign
is (theme and variation) all about how Israel (AKA “the little satan,”
to the US’s “great satan,” where Arabs participate in all facets of
government, never had it so good and many [if not most] don’t want to
be in the Palestinian-controlled area) is doing to the (poor,
downtrodden and abused) Palestinians what Hitler did to the Jews.
Now, let’s assess the situation. Palestinians and their allies attack
Jews, get their butts kicked and cry “Foul!” because more of them get
killed than the Jews. They hide rocket launchers in residential
areas, launch rockets against Israel and cry “Foul!” when Israel
responds and civilians are killed. STUFF IT!!!
If I’m a border guard and a mob of miscreants starts throwing rocks or
molotov cocktails at me, or flying burning kites over me, you’d better
bet that I’m going to defend myself and my border with extreme force.
Let the chumps fall where they may and I’ll sleep the sleep of the
just that night. You don’t want me to kill you? Fine! Don’t get
stupid and attack me!!! If in the process of defending itself, Israel
(accidentally) offs a few of the “news” people (?), better described
as partisan cesspool sludge, it will be a major contribution to
cleaner air!!!
On your FEET!!! Un-COVER!!!
Heavenly Father, we are still on a downward slide, but thanks to Your
Grace, it has slowed. We ask Your continued indulgence and protection.
I all things I thank and praise You and , especially, for the Gift and
Sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, in Whose Name
I pray, HOOAAHH!!!
Sgt Mack out, closing station and leaving the air. HOOAAHHH!!!
All opinions stated in this class are the opinions of the instructor
and may not reflect the opinions of the Editor and publisher.