Stand at EASE!!!
Sometimes I feel like the little Dutch boy, with his finger in the
dike and trying to alert the residents of the danger. As I have said,
b-4, we are only 1 or (at best) 2 demoncratic regimes away from the
total destruction of all that we and our ancestors have done, to build
and maintain the “Shining City On The Hill”. As a one of far too few
“lone voice”(s)” crying in the wilderness”, I feel that I am
“preaching to the choir”.
Un-COVER!!! (Silent, individual, prayer or contemplation). In Jesus’
I understand that “the squat” is trying to scheme a new “bill” that
would (further) infringe on the rights of our citizens. You may
remember that “the squat” is so named because they don’t KNOW squat
and aren’t WORTH squat. This cabal is as evilly dangerous as their
older kamerades in evil and 5th columnism, (AKA communism) such as
the pile of pelosi, quid-pro-joe-bite me and all of the other
demoncratic socialist cesspool sludge that is attempting to erode our
way of life, from the inside.
In the coming elections, we have a chance to shift the balance of
power back away from the demoncrats to the side of truth, justice and
the American way. There are republicans (rinos) I would not walk
across the street on which to expectorate, if they were on fire. They
are poor (in fact non-existent) examples of conservative values and
spend a lot of time with their heads firmly ensconced in the
methane-producing regions of the poli-tick-ians (many blood-sucking
vermin) but the worst of them is better (for the country) than the
cream of the demoncrat cabal.
I STILL limit my criticism to the upper
echelon of the party, believing that the man or woman on the street,
while contributing to the problem, is NOT a part of the driving force
that moves the demoncratic socialist party. They are, still, the same
patriotic, salt of the earth people epitomized by the kid who, when
asked why he had said, yesterday, that he was selling democrat
puppies, but was now selling Republican puppies, replied, “Now they’ve
got their eyes open.” He, like many of my fellow former Democrats, GOT
When, as an ignorant youth, I heard Barry Goldwater’s campaign ad, “In
your heart, you know he’s RIGHT!” I, as did so many of my fellow
ignoramuses (ignorami?) replied, “Yeah! FAR RIGHT!” Then, in later
years, when my eyes had been opened, by the demoncratic party
abandonment of the founders’ vision of a society of free people,
governed by electees, who would be “…deriving their JUST POWERS from
the consent of the governed.” and realizing that the left/right
division was the result of the demoncratic party having morphed into
the party of oligarchy, a small group of kommissars enforcing THEIR
vision of the “worker’s paradise”on the “citizens” (in name only)
because they would all become slaves of “the state” uber alles.
So have we, now, arrived at the point at which courts legislate to
overturn the will of the voters, rogue “legislators” push thru “…you
have to pass the bill, to find out what’s in it.” bills that place
unreasonable, unconstitutional burdens on the people (because the
ruling cabal knows what is best for the “sweaty, stinking masses of
beer-drinking Wal-Mart shoppers”). A“governor”, “mayor”, etc. will
try to intimidate people to NOT go to a “drive-in” church, where they
are observing “social distancing” but have no problem with people in
each other’s faces on the subway, while prohibiting “socially
distanced” visits to the park, or beach.
Is there nobody listening???
Is there nobody listening??? Why are the CITIZENS of this country
TOLERATING THIS??? Why are there not MASSIVE (socially distanced)
demonstrations? I’m glad you asked!!! One of the reasons is that many
of our fellow citizens have lost sight of the truths expounded and so
ably defended, by the founders and so ably defamed and diminished by
the lib/left communist cabal.
In the Unanimous Declaration, the founders explained Newton’s Law of
motion that says, “A body at rest tends to remain at rest.” So it is,
with people. The body politic tends to tolerate repeated usurpations,
until they can be tolerated NO MORE, at which time, it is the right
and the duty of “WE, THE PEOPLE…” to arise and throw off the yoke of
our oppressors and establish (or re-establish) a form of government
that is likely (as it did, for years) to secure the benefits of
freedom, to ourselves and our posterity, without concern for the
disruption this action may cause to our enemies, foreign or domestic.
If these sentiments seem familiar, maybe you DID absorb some of what
the teachers tried to impart, when you were supposed to be studying
the Constitution. If NOT, you need to go back and READ IT!!!, The
Unanimous Declaration and the Constitution, with special attention to
the BILL Of Rights, which (clearly) enumerates YOUR RIGHTS that are
secured by the Constitution and the LIMITS of power on the government,
which the left has been, steadily eroding, to the point at which it
feels empowered to ignore your basic rights and assume draconian power
over us (U.S.) and MUST be slapped down, removed from office and NEVER
allowed to assume such power, again.
How do you do that? Education, hard work, self-sacrifice and
willingness to dedicate your “lives” and your “fortunes”, to preserve
your “sacred honor”. Look to people whose life has been dedicated to
the avoidance of power over others, not to those who avariciously SEEK
it. Educate yourself as to the intent of office-seekers and READ their
proposals, so that they can’t lie, to your face that this, wonderful,
hugely supported bill will do great things for mankind, when (in
reality) it imposes unbearable taxes, releases hardened criminals to
prey upon society and gives the oligarchy, autocracy, plutocracy or
bureaucracy unlimited power over you and how you live your lives.
They can’t do it without your co-operation, actively or passively.
Edmund Burke said it well, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men to do nothing.”
Edmund Burke said it well, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men to do nothing.” ... Sergeant Mack
George Washington had his own version of the conflicts that will,
surely and repeatedly, face free people: “To be prepared for war is
one of the most effective means of preserving peace.” Apologies if I
have not quoted, exactly. The sentiments are accurate. To Pres.
Washington’s statement I will add, and let it be known, not by
blustering or threatening, that you ARE prepared, but by exhibiting
competence and confidence and smacking bullies down, whenever they
rear their disgusting heads.
Quick action would have prevented hitler
from becoming the plague that nearly destroyed freedom, but they
preferred to appease him. Appeasing a monster only empowers them.
One of the best ways to preserve freedom is to preserve the 2nd
Amendment, on which the existence of all of the rest depends. It is
only a piece of paper, unless YOU make it strong enough to resist the
repeated attacks, by the left, that HATES it, as it gives YOU the
power to resist. “An armed (person) is a citizen. A dis-armed (person)
is a slave.”
What is necessary, now, is for the “never Trump-ers” to be reconciled
that he IS a good President, in spite of his mannerisms, that irritate
them, get behind what he is DOING, that can restore our society to the
greatness we had achieved, under his guidance, and resume our place of
world leadership.
"In the meantime, all of the traitorous poliy-tick-ians need to be identified, arrested and charged with various “high crimes and mis-demeanors, including perjury," ... Sergeant Mack
In the meantime, all of the traitorous poliy-tick-ians need to be
identified, arrested and charged with various “high crimes and
mis-demeanors, including perjury, re: their falsely sworn oaths of
office, removed from office and imprisoned, unless you want to heed MY
advice and, “HANG’EM HIGH”, so high that the only ground they will
touch is what is shoveled OVER them!!! Oh, hitlery, got a nice tie for
you, in keeping with your espoused green- ness, HEMP !!!
HOWEVER, as Sean Hannity opined, re: a recent ARMED protest, against
continuing the “lockdown”, “Just because you have a RIGHT to do it,
doesn’t mean you SHOULD!!!”
Unnecessary display of force, in the face of authorities is as stupid
as my Southern ancestors firing on Ft. Sumpter. Far better to
peacefully protest and (if fired upon by the goon squad, military
mis-fits, whose allegiance is NOT to the Constitution) THEN and ONLY
then should weapons be revealed and used, but have support troops
there, ready to film and disseminate knowledge of the event.
Openly carried firearms could cause a disastrous escalation of
tensions and the proof of Murphy’s Law, “If anything can go wrong, it
Just when I think I have seen the lowest depths of human (?) depravity
and stupidity, some lefty says, “Hold it, kid, you ain’t seen nuthin’,
yet!!!! This one is about stupidity, as “fredo” cuomo does his best
fredo corleone, “Mike, I ain’t stupid. I’m smart, Mike.” Well, right
there, you know that fredo is dumb as a post! If he has to be telling
his brother that he isn’t stupid, it is obvious that he is and so much
so that he endangers the family & Mike has him offed. fredo cuomo
endangers all of new york state and has the gall to tell volunteers
that they have to pay new york income tax. Makes you want to sign up &
go right there, right? I mean, as a volunteering person, hearing that,
as I risked my life to help those idiots would cause their last sight
of me to be an obscene gesture, as I didn’t let the door hit my rear,
on the way OUT!!!
O.K. Doesn’t sound very Christian of me, but, you have to compare new
york to the grasshopper who, when rescued by the hard-working ants and
fed & sheltered thru the harsh winter IMMEDIATELY, upon the arrival of
spring, went back to his old habits of fiddling & dancing around,
while the ants got back to work. Sorry about that, but those people
haven’t enough sense to live & better that they stop breathing air
that is needed by people who are WORTHY of BREATHING IT!!!
Not that I’d lift a finger to do them harm, but neither would I waste
my time trying to prolong their worthless existence. fredo cuomo, et
al, are pollution that needs to be shoveled out of new york, so that
the place can be started over, clean.
Only, if the voters demonstrate that much sense, would I consider any
kind of assistance to them & the socialist republik of kalifornia is
teetering on the brink of being as bad. I’ve said, repeatedly, that
any politickians that conspire to circumvent U.S. immigration laws
should be prosecuted, to the fullest extent and the idiot lib/left
that elected them should be denied ANY federal assistance.
Whoop!!! This just in!!! Supreme Court (US) or SCOTUS, smacks down 9th
circus by reversal of its illegal alien-enabling and “sanctuary
city,state, whatever bravo-sierra. SCOTUS w/Ruth ( Buzzy) Ginsberg
writing the opinion has affirmed that conspiring to violate our
immigration laws, or encouraging someone else to do so, IS a felony.
So, another cesspool sludge raises its ugly head.
I never heard of
keith ellison b-4. Didn’t know or care about his (?) race, religion,
motorcycle club, ethnicity or sexual orientation. Now, that his(?)
mouth has revealed his(?) cesspool sludgism , I am forced to
acknowledge his(?) miserable existence. A (muslim, anti-American)
“attorney general” that wishes to support muslim “rights” over the
Constitutional rights of Americans, whooda thunk it?
The story goes
that a lady was concerned about all of the traffic, going to and from
a mosque. Someone (apparently, from the mosque) complained about
pictures or video (taken in public, where there is no “reasonable
expectation of privacy” and keith ellison supported the repression of
constitutional rights. Sounds like a typical leftist anti-American
bucket of cesspool sludge. There’s a good reason for that. If it walks
like a duck & quacks like a duck chances are, the smart money says, it
IS a duck!!!
Seems we have some traitorous rhino republicans that are turning their
coats, to support anti-gun legislation (h.r. 838?) and need to be
reminded that they are supposed to work FOR (not against) us (U.S.).
The 2nd Amendment is the one that protects all others and our
unalienable rights that the leftist cabal (can you say demoncrats? I
knew you could) has been infringing for as long as I can remember.
The 2nd Amendment is the one that protects all others” ... Sergeant Mack
PLEASE find out if your Republican representatives are perjuring
themselves in their oath to the Constitution and, if so kick their
lying A$$E$ out of office. Lying cesspool sludge has NO business
polluting our country.
OH, BOY!!! Another one of the squat heard from! amy clovenhoof
threatens Republicans if the demoncrats’ pet issue, vote by mail, is
not funded, in the next wuhan virus emergency funding. I only hope
that the Republicans have the stones to tell the squat and the rest of
the domestic enemies to stuff their programs and their threats where
sunlight will never find them.
By the way, the “politically correct” name for this pandemic is “
corona virus or covid 19” but you know me better than that. wuhan,
china virus, wuhan, china virus, wuhan , china virus!!! As the
recognized most politically incorrect columnist, for the Post, I
couldn’t do any less! The left-wing urinalist demoncratic party tools
(extremely redundant) won’t call it by its true name, but we exist to
call a spade a dirty, da##ed shovel!!! You know, even the devil
realized he’d been beaten by the young fiddler, Johnny.
The demoncrats
(demons in power) have wasted millions of our tax dollars because they
can’t accept that D. Johnnie Trump BEAT THEM!!! That is SOME EVIL!!!
Be still my heart! Is it possible that (occasionally conscious but
never cognizant) cortez may be ousted? I know, the saying is “Better
the devil you Know…” but it would take a WHOLE LOTTA evil, to be worse
than her (?).
Just saw a headline that the GOP is siding w/ the pile of Pelosi on
the insane wuhan, china virus relief bill. If that proves true, we
need to demote them to the gop and shovel them out, with the rest of
the cesspool sludge!!!
If you love America, work for Pres. Trump’s re-election!!!
Much more to discuss, but a lot to do, so,
Heavenly Father, we are sorely beset by enemies, foreign and domestic.
We ask Your guidance, protection and blessing. In all things I thank
You and praise You and, especially, for the gift and sacrifice of Your
Son, Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, in Whose Name I pray,
Sgt Mack Leaving the air and closing station. HOOAAAHH!!!