Stand at EASE!!!
The more pervasive the evil becomes that is spread by the current
cabal that controls this country, the faster the founders must spin,
in dismay and disappointment at the miserable job “WE, THE PEOPLE…”
have done with what they fought and died to leave us. The evidence is
as clear as supreme kommissar ”uncle” joebama(stalin)-biteme(emperor
for as long as the demoncrats let him reign or live) cutting a slick
figure, with his nubs of horns covered by his white hair and his
cloven hooves tucked out of sight in his shiny custom-built shoes and
caca mala and maxine (stagnant) waters and the rest of the coven
dancing around the cauldron chanting “Double ,double toil and trouble.
Fire burn and cauldron bubble!”
Un-COVER!!! Individual, silent, prayer or contemplation. In Jesus’
What else could they be doing as they relegate the Constitution to a
“HE has given us clear instructions for our lives and the successful governance of our country, in the bible and our Constitution. They ain’t broke, so don’t try to fix them.” ... Sgt Mack
AND WHAT DID “WE, THE PEOPLE ...” do to prevent it or are we doing to
correct it? Both answers: NOT NEARLY ENOUGH !!! HE has given
us clear instructions for our lives and the successful governance of
our country, in the bible and our Constitution. They ain’t broke, so
don’t try to fix them.
1st thing is to get right with GOD, then get back within the rules HE
gave us and see that our elected employees stop creating “exceptions”,
to the rules He inspired the founders to create, that “allow” them to
be deviant, because that’s what they are. “WE, THE PEOPLE…” need to be
an integral part of the daily working of our government so that there
are no shadows in which corruption can hide. Evil hates the cleansing
light of day so it must be exposed to it, constantly. That starts
with the basic, local, boards and committees that might have the power
to affect freedoms, at a local level, such as telling people that they
can’t park a boat in their own driveway, which was done in a local
Meanwhile, back at the trial, maxine (stagnant) waters should be held
in contempt of court for her outrageous outburst that was an offence
to the court and the congress and anyone who does not support her
expulsion from congress has lost the right to be termed “Honorable”.
In fact, several times ago (when she opened her fat mouth to say
something about “taking out” President Trump) she should have been
arrested. Instead of trying another phony impeachment of Pres, Trump,
real law enforcement would have been arresting those cesspool sludge
who have been inciting and giving aid and support to rioters.
O.K. Here’s ANOTHER example of the left putting mouths in motion when
there is no brain TO engage. All of the fellow un-guided masses of
protoplasm who believe (?) that the shooting of the knife-wielding
16-yr-old (black girl) in protection of an un-armed 16-yr-old (black
girl) by a white cop was racist, get your sign that says “Kick me! I’m
an IDIOT!” and gather on the corner in san fran-fecesco, where there is
a block and a building in the shape of a (slim) slice of cheese. I
picked that block because I REALLY don’t believe that there are that
many Americans (recent election not withstanding) are that STOOOPID!!!
The first word in the Police motto is “Protect”.
If I had been
assigned patrol duties, during a martial law situation, that would
have been my first duty, protect the innocent and maintain order. Upon
arriving at that sort of scene, wherein there was an active assailant,
in the process of killing or injuring a clearly un-armed victim, the
arm cocked above the head (holding a knife) and (especially)
reinforced by the statement: ”I’m gonna stab the s..t outta you,
b…h!”, would have prompted an immediate, lethal response.
So, one of the brainless denizens of broadcast t.v.dumb said that even
if it was necessary, it was wrong. DUIH!!! YEAH!! YAH THINK??? It was
wrong for the ASSailant to attack the victim, wrong for whatever
rhubarb they were doing to have happened, to begin with and wrong for
the race-baiters to accuse the cop of wrongdoing ESPECIALLY when we
KNOW that, had he done NOTHING and allowed the black victim to be
killed, the same cesspool sludge would have screamed racism bloody
Time for a BIG Sgt Mack THANK YOU!!!
And an ATTABOY (& GIRL, equal
time) for the Road Maintenance Crew, of Tulare County, that maintains
the roads that carry us in and out of Hot Springs. The roads are
subjected to extremes of temperatures and sprout pot-holes in family
groups, from grandparents down to grand-kids.
Over a year ago, I
started marking them, with paint & the maintenance people have
responded by filling then, to the eternal gratitude all of the
residents, so here’s a big HOOAAAHHH!!!, from all of us Mountain
Williams. Also wish to invite my friends and neighbors to participate
in the Pothole Elimination Program. You can get a marker stick at
Lowe’s (I believe) for about $26 and WalMart has the fluorescent paint
for (maybe) $3. Just be careful of traffic & don’t expose yourself to
any wild critters.
If you love good, if (naturally) follows that you MUST HATE EVIL!!!
It, also follows that, if you love wisdom, you must hate stupidity-
not ignorance because that is simply lack of knowledge, which can be
alleviated by enlightenment. But stoopidity is possessing knowledge
and refusing to act on it, such as refusing to prosecute a criminal
with 12 convictions, after he tortured and murdered an innocent Jewish
THEN the E.U. announces that American tourists who have been
vaccinated against the wuhan china virus can visit europe. Let me see,
I’d rather stay where there is real (and the ONLY) COMMON SENSE GUN
LEGISLATION, namely the 2nd Amendment, which tells the federal
bureau-rats to keep their sticky fingers off our guns, so that when mr.
or ms. terrorist goes berserk, we have the protected right to blow
them out of their socks, with VIGAH!!!
So, the answer to the question is: right now, a bit more stooped than America, last election
notwithstanding, unless “uncle” joebama(stalin)-bite-me and his coven
of satanists are allowed to continue to rule by executive fiat,
completely in violation of the Constitution and their oaths of office.
“Now, the next question IS, America, do YOU want to be as STOOPID as FRANCE???!!!” ... Sergeant Mack
Now, the next question IS, America, do YOU want to be as STOOPID as FRANCE???!!!
Now, let’s see. What other SOOPER STOOPIDITY can we uncover? How about
“uncle” joebama(stalin)bite-me removing the (legitimate) designation
“alien” from the terminology of the border patrol? So, now , he wants
them called “undocumented-guest-future-democrat-citizen-voters”? I
like the (alleged) reply from the border patrol chief; “Pound sand!”
Works for me! As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord and call
border crashing illegal aliens illegal aliens and evil, stupid
cesspool sludge demoncratic poly-tickians exactly what THEY are, now
and have always been, from the beginning of time!!!!!
Y’hear me “uncle” joebama(stalin)bite-me, caca mala, pollutsi, up-chuck,
(not)aok and the rest of the squat? By the way, I suspect that the
reason they call themselves “woke” is that they can’t make enough
letters to write “awake”. Kind of like a lazy person’s ebonics.
Anyway, a FURTHER example of why you have to laugh so as not to cry is
this super silly-ass college professor who “professed” her left-wing
idiocy very eloquently, when she said that she would be more afraid of
a policeman responding to a home invasion than she would be of the
invader AND she would NOT own a firearm but would ask the invader to
Given true statistics, on police shooting good guys ,as opposed
to bad guys and my own interactions with them, I’ll take the cops over
the crooks, calling them to help with the clean up AFTER I dispatch
the bad guy, with my handy-dandy 45.
Years ago, I caught a trespasser, in my back yard.
I am a rather persuasive speaker but am
thoroughly convinced that my smile, while persuasive, was less of a
factor in his willingness to LEAVE than the .45 in my hand. A very
notorious outlaw is reported to have said that, while he had great
success with a smile, he had even MORE success with a gun AND a smile.
It has even been demonstrated that the suggestion of the presence of a
firearm, by someone with a resolute attitude, may be sufficient to
ward off an attack, but should only be done if you have a back-up
So what is the rhetorical question that so many lib/lefties have so
much trouble answering? Does the Satanist regime in the White House
lie, and if so, when? The answer is YES!!! As I have, repeatedly,
said: “You can always tell when the left is lying, their lips are
moving or they’re not.” Most recently, to my knowledge, it was the
bald-faced lie that the covid (wuhan china) virus vaccine is safe. If
it is SAFE, why have, otherwise, healthy people died, after taking it?
AND speaking of the FATHER of LIES and his spawn, isn’t it a VAST
co-incidence that who is blaming the police for ALL the ills of
society & wanting to disband them???? THE LEFT!!! AND WHO is in charge
of the country and just ITCHING to replace the civilian police with a
federal jack-booted police force, answerable only to Washington, the
district of criminals???
“Can You Say ... 'RISE UP, PEOPLE AND SHOVEL OUT THE CESSPOOL SLUDGE' ???” ... Sergeant Mack
YES, young Grasshopper, the LEFTIST CABAL, IN
THE WHITE HOUSE, that stole the 2020 election and is, even now,
plotting ways to solidify its power so that there can NEVER be another
election that they don’t “win”!!!!! Can you say, “Crooked as a dog’s
hind leg?” Can you say, “Evil is as evil does and HAS DONE?” Can you
The Nation’s Capitol is disgraced every day these people (?) are in power.
There has to be a Convention of States, to put an end to this
OBSCENITY and return this country to “...GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, BY
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, while the irs is doing all it seemingly
can do to give the lie to the “service” in its name, by failing to
provide same, to the millions of its victims, Tulare County (and I
don’t know if it goes up into some state office that has escaped the
corruption of the gaggin’ nuisance regime) has managed to offer a
service that I hope some pencil-necked pencil-pusher doesn’t find a
way to cancel, but (in the meantime) a wonderful lady named Paula and
her co-worker (whose name escapes me [that’s what happens when you get
old, but I forget why]) cut through all of the “NO,WE CAN’T HELP
YOU’S”. of the infernal revenooers and got our taxes filed!!!
So, if you are in a similar
pickle, Time’s A’WASTIN’. Get in touch with C-SET or VITA. In
Porterville they are behind what used to be Perko’s, now The General’s
at 1061 W. Henderson. Maybe there’s no free lunch, but it’s a free
“uncle” joebama(stalin)-bite-me
said, “It’s a 3-letter word, J-O-B-S, JOBS!!!” I’m sure glad they
don’t have his keeper on him all of the time. Gives me a LOT more
materiel. Come on, man, we need to take back the government, B-4 they
COMPLETELY WRECK IT!!! We are enduring another un-presidented era. We
have had a few of these, such as the johnson, carter and klintsky
regimes, but never have our times been as un-presidented as during the
o(WHATTA)BUMMER and “uncle” joebama(stalin)-bite-me regimes.
On your FEET!!! Un-COVER!!!
Heavenly Father , what can we say but HELP!!! In all things I thank
You and praise You and, especially I thank You for the Gift and
Sacrifice of Your Son Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior in Whose Name I
Sgt Mack, out closing station and leaving the air HOOAAAHHH!!!