Stand at EASE!!!
As you know, I (frequently) excoriate the socialist republik of
kalifornia and the moonbeam brownstain cabal for their many and varied
violations of the “, liberty and pursuit of happiness...” of
“WE, THE PEOPLE...”, their employers. When they, accidentally, do
something right, it behooves me to acknowledge the good thing and give
credit where credit is due, usually to the hard-working rank and file,
who were (in this instance) not impeded by the cabal.
Un-COVER!!! (Individual prayer or contemplation) In Jesus’ Name
I pray, HOOAAAHH!!!
Recently, I was required to submit to the extortion of the smog check,
in which I have on good authority that moonbeam brownstain’s family
has been heavily invested, since its inception under the edmond g.
brownstain regime.
Having obtained the requisite (very expensive) certificate of ransom,
I hurried to the DMV, anticipating a lengthy stay. To my pleasant
surprise, it took longer to find a parking place than to renew my
I had read about the installation of “kiosks”, in some DMVs. The line,
from the intake window, came out to the door, curved toward the wall
and curved toward the back of the office. It resembled a very large
“J” comprised of impatient people.
When I had made my way to the end of the line, I noticed a couple by
the wall, at what appeared to be a vending machine. On further
inspection, it was the described “Kiosk”.
When the couple finished their transaction, I scanned my ransom
demand, fed the ransom into the “cash” slot and was “rewarded” with
printed permission to drive my vehicle and the requisite sticker, to
avoid being stopped and ticketed.
To whomever created this marvel of efficiency, GOOD JOB!!! HOOAAHHH!!!
By the way, during the registration process, I had what the Scots
would call “,,,a wee bate of a problem...” While driving thru some
tall grass, I ran over a large rock (whose position I had noted, but
not marked) and broke the weld on the exhaust discharge pipe.
It needed welding and I was pressed for time, needing to get it
“smogged”. Being a practicing Redneck, I delved into the “redneck tool
box”, consisting (largely) of duct tape, bungee cords and bailing wire
and selected bailing wire as the most logical material. Looping the
wire under the hanging pipe, I jacked the pipe into position. This
action required several tries, before the pipe seated and there was no
exhaust roar. After that, it was a simple matter of tying the wire to
a secure point and creating a “turnbuckle” by inserting an anchoring
shackle thru the wire and twisting it to take up the slack. Voila!!!
The exhaust system was tight enough to pass. Never underestimate the
the power of redneck mechanics!!!
And now back to our regularly scheduled class, where we examine the
numerous and varied offenses, committed by moonbeam brownstain, et al
against “WE, THE PEOPLE...” and our “...LIFE, LIBERTY AND... PURSUIT
Anyone who knows that disarming school personnel creates a killing
field should begin petitions for a recall election for moonbeam
brownstain and his cabal of evil doers. The next time it happens will
be too late, for some people and action should start NOW!!!
Speaking of recall elections, any “judge” found to be “legislating
from the bench”, should be recalled so quickly as to prevent them from
warming their chair cushion. Pres. Trump is doing his part, in
appointing Constitutionalist judges but “WE, THE PEOPLE…” need to be
watchdogs on elected judges and chastize or remove any proven to be
exceeding their authority.
“You must remember this…” that anyone who doesn’t think that good,
law-abiding citizens should be armed is someone who (if elected) plans
to do things that might inflame feelings of patriotism and outrage,
among “WE, THE PEOPLE...” and should be stopped b-4 they create a
situation that costs lives or injury to innocent people.
And speaking of unspeakable cesspool sludge, the recent rant by a
“tenured professor”, at fresno state “college” and the resulting wimp
out of the “administration” seems to be just the latest in a series of
highly reprehensible actions by the “intelligentsia” that is warping
the minds and characters of innocents who SHOULD be aspiring to higher
things than becoming more cesspool sludge, in the image of their
“intellectual leaders”.
I am not in favor of abandonment of freedom of speech, but there needs
to be some requirement for decency and respect, from our intellectual
leaders, instead of an apparent competition to drive the institutions
of “higher learning” into the toilet.
When students observe “teachers” defecating on the flag of our country
(which many have died to protect) and spewing vile epithets that
require bleeping, for radio broadcast, and see a spineless, or corrupt
“administration”, that condones or encourages such low-life behavior,
where the norm should be one of ELEVATION of thought and action, it is
past time for the community to take action.
Voters need to elect conservatives, who will not tolerate such radical
leftist behavior. Parents need to withhold tuitions from such
cesspools. Alumni need to tell them to “GO WHISTLE” for donations and
voters need to VOTE DOWN “education bonds”, actually INDOCTRINATION
BONDS, until the socialist republik of kalifornia straightens out the
mess our publik screwels have become.
Respectful dissent should never be discouraged. As an NCO, I have
respectfully dissented and even corrected my superiors and been
thanked for my efforts.
That is a far cry from stating that one is happy that Barbara Bush is
dead, which should qualify as “hate speech”. Even to opine that the
Presidents Bush were murderers could be acceptable, without the use of
of vile epithets. I didn’t hear all of the rant, by the “tenured
professor”, but enough to know that (had I made such statements) my
family would have ostracized me.
It does no good to say these cesspool sludge should be ashamed. They
believe themselves to be above any societal norms and limits. The only
way to get their attention is to smack them “up-side the head” with
some kind of penalty that, while it won’t make them realize they are
wrong, may cause them to modify their behavior out of sheer
There should be some clause in their contracts that requires that
(anytime they identify themselves with the school) their conduct and
speech must conform to minimum standards of decency. This would not
censor the CONTENT of their speech, but require that the MODE of
speech be on a higher plane than that of the cesspool.
The bottom line is this state is going to HE77 in a hand basket, ably
facilitated by the evil left. Those of us who are conservative, and
especially patriots, have a task to stop the head-long descent into
evil and bring the “Golden State” back to what it was, when it was
passed into our care.
On your FEET!!! Un-COVER!!!
Again, Heavenly Father, we seek Your wisdom, guidance and protection.
We are in a state of decline and only You can save us. In all things I
thank You and praise You and, especially I thank You for the Gift and
Sacrifice of Your Son Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, in Whose Name
I pray, HOOAAAHHH!!! COVER!!! Get to work. Dis-MISSED!!!
Sgt Mack leaving the air and closing station. HOOAAHHH!!!
All opinions stated in this class are the opinions of the instructor
and may not reflect the opinions of the Editor and publisher.