Stand at EASE!!!
Stand at EASE!!! Un-COVER!!!
(Individual prayer or contemplation.) In Jesus' Name I pray, HOOAAHHH!!!
Just off the internet! A well-respected clergyman has exposed the
latest cesspool sludge plot by the u.n. to achieve world domination,
called agenda 2030. In it, the leftist cesspool sludge plan to give us
"peace and security" by requiring all people to accept a universal
identifier (can you say "Mark of the Beast?, I knew you could.) which
will enable them to identify us, track us and control or activities
(the last part isn't mentioned) for our "benefit". Can you say "Put
your mark on yourselves, where the sun don't shine, preferably in your
methane-producing region?" I knew you could!!!
I'm just hoping that, among all of those veterans who the janet
napolitano cesspool sludge labelled as potential terrorists, there are
enough Christians who will cordially invite the u.n. to do just
THAT!!! Since the cesspool sludge left has identified them as such and
may target them for removal as "threats", we need to be acutely aware
of any efforts to implement such a "cleansing" of vets.
We, already, know of the plot to (illegally) remove 2nd Amendment
rights from those who ask for assistance in managing their finances,
by (illegally) using confidential information, from the social
(in)security department and the plot to identify gun-owners by
requiring physicians to ask non-medical questions, about gun
If we all stand together, even the russians knew that any hostile
action, on our soil, would be likely to elicit a grass-roots uprising
that would put a rifle behind every rock and dwarf their problems in
Afghanistan. Some of our people may be slow to respond, but (as the
brits discovered) Americans aren't easy to run over and the process
can be extremely expensive.
Unfortunately, some of the cesspool sludge (even in our country [we
call them "...enemies...domestic." See Oath of Allegiance]) don't have
sense enough to realise that they will awaken "...the sleeping giant."
and are liable to be squashed, like the vermin they are.
HOWZABOUT THIS, from the radio, yesterday? The pres., ceo, or
whatever of target, seems to have (reluctantly) concluded, not that
they were wrong, in their ill-conceived, ill-considered plan to be
"inclusive", by alienating the largest part of their customer base, in
favor of a small part of the population, just (I guess) unfortunate
enough to have incurred the displeasure of all of us "intolerants".
Reminds me of a smog shop, where the owner charged me twice for
smogging my car, when I had told him that it needed some work. He
persuaded me to go ahead and it failed, until I did what I had told
him it needed, after which it passed.
I paid him and made a show of writing down the automotive repair
complaint number, as I exited the shop. Later he approached me and
said,"My wife says I need to give you this money."
I didn't make the call, but haven't been back. Had he admitted that he
was WRONG, I would have respected him more.
The target boss showed no remorse for their screw-up, they are just
yielding to pressure from the public, which caused their stocks to be
devalued and their profits to slip. This is just lip-service and "talk
is cheap".
Internet chatter indicates that they may spend $20 million on
rectifying the situation, but if they try to pass the cost on to us,
thru higher prices, they will (further) alienate their customer base.
As of 10:33, 21 Apr 2017 (according to my internet research) target
stands by their policies. I hope that the public continues to express
their disapproval, until target changes their policy. I hope that
their intransigence does not cause any hardship to their employees,
but remember,"If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas." That
analogy is, actually, unfair to dogs AND to fleas, but should be
understandable, for most of the population and I wish the target
employees good fortune in finding better employment.
We congratulate the conservatives who were instrumental in making this
very clear statement of disapproval.
*New Immigration Laws* Be sure to read to the bottom or you will miss the message...
1. There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools.
2. All ballots will be in this nation's language.
3. All government business will be conducted in our language.
4. Non-residents will NOT have the right to vote no matter how long they are here.
5. Non-citizens will NEVER be able to hold political office.
6. Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no
food stamps, no health care, or any other government assistance
programs. Any who are a burden will be deported.
7. Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount at
least equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage.
8. If foreigners come here and buy land, their options will be
restricted. Certain parcels including waterfront property are reserved
for citizens naturally born into this country.
9. Foreigners may have NO protests; NO demonstrations, NO waving of a
foreign flag, no political organizing, NO bad-mouthing our president
or his policies. These will lead to deportation.
10. If you do come to this country illegally, you will be actively
hunted and, when caught, sent to jail until your deportation can be
arranged. All assets will be taken from you.
Too strict? The above laws are the current immigration laws of
MEXICO! If it's good for Americans to obey Mexican laws, then it's
good vice-versa.!!!
This came to me in an unverified e-mail, but comports with other
things I have had from reliable sources and I trust its source.
What was that about there not being any illegal people? Wasn't that a
quote from some government gas-bag, in Mexico?
Now we see the leftist cesspool sludge STILL crying
"UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!". See my previous about the left lying when their
mouths are moving, or not.
How about THIS, that I just heard, on the radio: INS should pick up
all illegals and deposit them in "sanctuary cities", with the
understanding that they can stay there, unmolested, but if they set
foot outside the "sanctuary city" they will be imprisoned. Cut of all
federal funding to these "cities" and tell them, "You wanted them, you
got them, to be supported on your own."
Then, we see how long until the illegals start to riot, because they
have overloaded the "cities' " ability to support them.
Just to support my contention about the left's lack of concern for
the truth, see "The Maltese Falcon". In it, Bogart's partner is
murdered. Ward Bond tells him that Miles has been shot with the weapon
that Bond has wrapped up in a cloth. When he unwrapped it, he
identified it as a Webley .45 8-shot automatic.
As someone with some familiarity with firearms, I can say that it DID
look like a Webley. Unfortunately, I can "guarontee" that it was not
an automatic (as it, clearly, had a revolving cylinder, which makes it
a "revolver") and it was highly unlikely that it carried 8 rounds, as
an 8-round .45 cylinder (if it exists) would have been much larger.
So, you can see that there is a distinct lack of concern for truth and
accuracy (at the very least) on the part of the hollyweird crowd, who
are a large percentage of the left.
On another leftist front, there is a group of college mush-heads that
is "trine" to escape their "toxic institution" to find some "airee to
breathee" and wants us (the people who are providing them an
education) to contribute to their gas expense.
The person(?) who wrote the unappealing appeal, further attempted to
guilt us into "contributing" by reminding us (white people?) that
everything we have came from their slavery. I would remind the super
twit that her "people's slavery" was created by their "brothers and
sisters", in Africa and ended (in America) by the service and
sacrifice of a WHOLE LOTTA white men and women.
I do, however, agree that any institution that could create her is,
very probably, a toxic one.
She sounds as if her "brain?" and "soul?" have been thoroughly
poisoned. I only hope that she and her crew can "see the light" and
become productive members of, instead of a drain on, society.
All, for now, as I have plans to make for training my "boots on ground" troops.
On your FEET!! Un-COVER!!!
Heavenly Father, again I thank You for Your many blessings and ask You
to continue to treat us with mercy, rather than justice. In all
things, I thank and praise You and , especially for the Gift and
Sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, in Whose Name
I pray, HOOAAAHHH!!!
Dis-MISSED!!! Sgt. Mack leaving the air and closing station.
All opinions stated in this class are the opinions of the instructor
and may not reflect the opinions of the Editor and publisher.