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Muster "RIGHT" Here©
- with -
Sergeant Mack
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Print | CRA Convention : Observations & Opinions
Muster Right Here© - Apr 20 2011
with Sergeant Mack : sgt.mack@portervillepost.com

Muster RIGHT Here - with Sgt Mack Take SEATS!!! Get ready for what may be a tedious class, although I will do my best, through witticisms (or at least half-so) & information, to keep you awake.Then, there's always pushups.

The "Li'l Corporal & I spent one of the most tedious weeks of our young (?) misspent lives at the California Republican Assembly convention, on April 17th. We were credentialed delegates to the convention & at times I had to check my badge, to be sure I was with a bunch of Republicans. The lack of courtesy and civility made me think of a monkey house, in the zoo.

You may think that your political candidates (poly-tickians) just kind of sprout from the rich soil of our beloved country. In some cases, you're close. Some poly-tickians spring from fertilizer, which is almost like soil & accounts for the smell,when they speak.

In reality, there is a lonnng, drawn out process in which their electors are elected, after those who will elect the electors are chosen & (If I have all of this right) those who will influence the selection of, and provide support to, the candidate are elected.

There is, also the matter of establishing a "platform" on which an organization bases its support.

Participating in this process are some wonderful, dedicated people & some SHMUCKS!!! You can tell the wonderful, dedicated people by their manners. They listen, respectfully, to the speakers, waiting to be recognized &, when recognized, they speak respectfully.

As Forrest Gump so succinctly stated," Maama always said, 'Stupid is as stupid does.' " Or, "Actions speak louder than words", or position or money.

You can put a mink coat on a pig & it's still a pig.

It doesn't matter how much you surround yourself with money, position, fine clothes or any other trappings of class & civility, under it all, if you lack "couth & class", you'll show it.

I speak of the people, some of them seemingly highly placed in the CRA, judging by the deference shown them & the familiarity, when they spoke, whose only problem was that they lacked the class to hold their side conversations in whispers or outside the hall.

I spoke to the chairman & requested that the Sgts-at-arms be instructed to keep order & a young lady hollered at them to be quiet, as someone had the floor. (No offense meant, Ma'am. At my age MOST ladies are "young ladies", to me.)

I don't know if they lacked comprehension, if the Sgts-at-arms were intimidated by the position of the offenders, or what, but they continued until I was compelled to "Speak to them gently but firmly, in words of a single syllable that I hoped they might understand."

Actually the words were not all monosyllabic. Had I employed the traditional NCO language of "Cuss" they (pretty much ) would have been.

There were ladies present, including my wife, so I forbore. The result was instructive, to those who had never been so addressed, by an NCO, but not particularly efficacious, for the offenders.

I attempted to impress on the assembly that they needed to employ something like 3 strikes: 1) Inform the offender of the offense & proper conduct. 2) If there is doubt as to the ability of the offender to comprehend the offense, or the instruction, reiterate, more forcefully. 3) Upon the 3rd offense, eject the offender, regardless of position or influence.

Unfortunately, the chair interrupted me b-4 I was able to complete the lesson & the response of the officers was "We already have the ability to do that!" To which I would have replied, "Then why haven't you DONE IT?!!! ARE YOU INCOMPETENT, OR JUST INEFFECTUAL?!!!

But, that would have degenerated the discourse to the level of an argument & my blood pressure was already peaking, so I just said, "Then DO IT!!!" & sat down.

The day had (almost) dragged to a close and the SHMUCKS had been unable to tarnish the dedication & nobility of purpose of the good folks (that of defeating barack hussein o(whatta)bummer) so I'd have to say it was a success.

As the sun moved toward its "sinking in the West" we bade a not-so-fond farewell to the "district of criminals, left coast" & headed back to that "Hot Bed of Conservatism", the Central Valley, where people are more genuine.

Congratulations to Celeste Greig and her slate of officers on their election (in some cases "re") & we look forward to working with her and them, toward our goals. PLEASE, Madam President , take steps to ensure that decorum & order are maintained.


Heavenly Father, we ask, again, that You continue to bless & guide our country & all of our guardians. We ask that You give them a quiet shift/tour & bring them home, safely. In all things we thank You & praise You &, especially, we thank You for the gift & sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ in whose name we pray. HOOAHH!!!


Sgt.Mack, Leaving the air & closing station.

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