Stand at EASE!!! For those who may have forgotten, that is a modified
position of Parade Rest, whereby you direct your attention to the
speaker & can move your head.
1) I want all Troops to stop whining about lack of transparency, from
the administration. It AIN'T TRUE!!! I told you I could see thru him,
from the start. He's a radical lefty socialist and he told us he was
going to transform America. Get ready for the "New Amerika".
The fact that he lied about putting the "health-care reform bill
negotiations" (read 1st part of the socialist agenda, by bribery,
threats & sweetheart deals against the interests and will of the
American people) on television does equate to lack of transparency. It
is just the nature of the beast. He's a liar. MOST POLITICIANS, WHO
The articulate, personable commissar-in-chief, who can't speak to a
grade-school class without a teleprompter and secret service agents,
in the picture with him, and snubs & insults our allies & kisses the
backsides of our enemies & others who do not wish us well is nothing
more than a snake oil salesman whose stock-in-trade is "hope & change"
& is sold to a gullible public who wouldn't know an honorable person
if they stepped on one. WHICH THEY HAVE!!! Threat condition alert!!!
We are at DELTA!!!, which is imminent danger!!! Things have progressed
(or degenerated) from SNAFU, thru TARFU & rapidly approaching FUBAR!!!
The only things we have going for us is that SOME of the people who
were duped by barak hussein "hopey-changey" obama are beginning to
come out of their trances & see that, not only is the emperor nekkid,
he's butt-ugly, too. Some of you may have to close your left eye, to
see the ugliness, but (no pun intended) it's there. So, hang onto your
hats, Troops. It's going to be a bumpy ride! 'Nuff said.
2) The "Tea Party" movement has been demonized by "people" who know a
lot about demons. Unfortunately, most of these "people" are
non-statesperson-politicians, which means LIARS and blood-sucking
vermin (ref: past classes, in archives), or are their bootlicking
toadies, such as the media who need a left-crutch to avoid falling
over. At any rate, God bless the Tea Party organizers & help them in
their mission as "Paul Reveres". This time it is THE CESSPOOL SLUDGE
ARE COMING & THEY'RE SLIMING EVERYONE!!!. No need for 1 if by land. 2 if
by sea. They are here, already, & more coming every day (by land, sea
& air) & they are coming for YOU!!! Be VERY afraid!!! Just don't let
fear immobilize you. Fear can be a strong motivator.
Our predecessors did what everyone said was impossible.They defeated
the most respected & feared army & navy on earth, at that time. They
did it by being willing to do what the enemy never conceived. They
did it by staying "out in the rain", when wisdom said seek shelter.
They did it because their backs were against the wall, just as ours
are, over 200 years later. They did it because failure was not an
option, just as it isn't, for us.
I am sure that the original "Tea Party" goers were demonized by their
contemporaries,just as we are. If you don't respect their opinions any
"GIPPER". Our civilization rises or falls on what we do, in the next
couple of years, starting NOW!!! This November is prime time, to fire
the bums & take the country back.DO IT!!!
IMPORTANT NOTE : 10APR,'10,Porterville Fairgrounds. Sgt.Mack approx. noon. I'll be there about
30-45 mikes, sing, spout off a bit about whatever new outrage has been
committed by the district of criminals & takeoff for the Vet's Hall &
the Spring Ball.
3) One of the bright spots in all of this gloom will take place in
Porterville, Calif. Tulare County,on 10APR,'10. It is the Rotary of Porterville
Spring Ball & is rapidly becoming one of the major events in the
county. It features the Fabulous Studio Band, of Porterville High
School, which has been mistaken for a college band & is of professional
There are, also, featured vocalists, including the producer &
director of the show, Maurice Ecung and there have been featured
(professional) instrumentalists, some of whom are alumni of the band &
return to their roots. I said it b-4. I'll say it again, as long as
the editor will publish it. If you are mobile, you need to get your
donkey to this event. $12.50 per ticket for this much entertainment &
extras (like free prom-style photos & food included & the chance to be
selected as King or Queen & come back next year, in a limo (sitting
up-right) & crown the next King or Queen, is a bargain. Like Sam the
Sham said, "Don't be L7". Draw it & you can see it forms a square, &
Elvis said, "...Don't you be no square..." & someone said "Be THERE,
or BE SQUARE!!" 'Nuff said!
4) Now, this one is going to be a biggie, so "...listen & listen
TIGHT!" obama, who hates this country & wants to make us (U.S.) over
in the image of Europe, of whom he is a wannabe, has decided to give
any non-nuke capable and nuke treaty observant country or rag-tag
pseudo-country the ability to attack us & kill your family, as long as
it isn't done with nukes, TOTALLY without threat of nuclear
retaliation. Let's see, if I strap on a sidearm & walk down the street
with a sign that says, "Anyone who wishes to attack me, with a knife,
or club, or run over me with their car (etc.) as long as you don't
shoot at me, I won't shoot you", how much of a deterrent is my
sidearm? How STOOOPID, or intentionally disregarding of our safety &
security, do you have to be to do this kind of thing? Well, it's
coming from the FAAARR LEFT, so what do you expect, intelligence?,
protection for our citizens?
On top of which, an agreement with Russia, to significantly disarm,
from which Russia can withdraw, at any time. Anybody got a weasel
guarding the hen house? Well, you have a weasel selling passes to the
national hen house. Wonder what he's getting out of it, besides a
chance to kiss the backsides of the "cosmopolitans" & (he thinks) get
a chance to join their club. FAT CHANCE!!!
They're probably laughing at him (& us for being gullible enough to
give him the chance to do all of this) & when he's destroyed the
country, they'll kick him to the curb.
Now, the dream of all lefties. DISARM the U.S., without having to
fight us!!! If commisar klintsky gets her way (& that of her [&
obama's] cabal) the ability of the citizens to defend our country from
all enemies, foreign and domestic, is going to go the way of the
dinosaur, the do-do bird & a whole lot of other extinct animals. The
government (of the u.n.) will reign supreme & all but the ruling class
(obama, pelosi, klintsky, etc) will be serfs, subject to the whim of
our masters. Gee, didn't we fight a bloody war against some meglomaniacal
mass-murderer who started out doing this exact thing?
5) One last thing b-4 I dismiss you. I, recently, answered a USA Today
Gun Poll. I answered
their question, whether or not the 2nd Amendment gives citizens the
right to keep & bear arms incorrectly, because the question was asked
incorrectly. I, then, sent the following & ask that you use this as a
model to correct future mis-statements about the Constitution.
I answered your poll ("yes") within the parameters of the question, but you
need to begin asking the correct question. The correct answer to the
question, as (incorrectly) phrased is no. The correct question is,
"Does the 2nd Amendment protect the inalienable right of the
individual citizen to self-defense through the keeping and bearing of
arms?" In this context, the answer is "HELL YES!!!"
The Amendment GRANTS no RIGHTS. If it did, the repeal of the Amendment
could remove those rights and, therefore, they would not BE rights,
but privileges, enjoyed on sufferance of & subject to the whim of, the
government. Instead, it (simply) protects EXISTING rights against the
encroachment that many in (& out of) our government have been
attempting, for years, only to be stopped by a (truly inconvenient)
truth, that the 2nd Amendment prohibits their agenda.
When you ask the wrong question, even with the best motive, you can
cause people to view the larger question in a smaller context, which
can allow the forces that are arrayed against us (U.S.)
to twist meanings & mis-lead the unwary.
God bless Y'all, our Troops & all other righteous guardians & God
bless America!!!, & all of Sgt.Mack's Troops said, in one LOUD VOICE,
Sgt.Mack, out. Leaving the air & closing station.