Stand at EASE!!!
Once, again, I see that the inmates are running then asylum.
Let us pray that our elected employees (whom "WE THE PEOPLE..." [who
are anointed by God, to rule this country] hired, to do the day-to-day
business) begin to remember that they (are SUPPOSED TO) work for
UNCOVER!!!! (silent prayer or contemplation/meditation)
In Jesus' Name I pray, HOOAAHHH!!!
COVER!!! Take SEATS!!!
Before we begin, I have a pearl of wisdom I'd like to impart. Don't
know if it is original, but I
don't recall having heard it b-4. At this time (& unless advised
otherwise) I claim copyright
to it and give permission (subject to confirmation of my claim) for
anyone to use it, without
charge, as long as the use is not for profit.
Anyone wishing to use it for profit must first check for existing
copyright (predating 26Mar2012)
and I will accept reasonable and customary royalties. It would be
great for bumper stickers.
Never trust the LEFT to do what is RIGHT!!!
Now, let's get into unraveling the "tangled web" THEY'VE been weaving,
as they've been trying to deceive us, FOR YEARS!!!
As a member of a recognized minority, Sons & Daughters o' Erin
(Ireland) I feel discriminated
against (and dis-advantaged) by the fact that there are curfews on
serving booze.
Everyone knows that we "Micks" are more likely to be hard drinkers
than the Hispanics are
to not possess a valid I.D. So, if we can't have voter I.D. because
the Hispanics would be dis-enfranchised, DOWN WITH BOOZE CURFEWS,
because we "Micks" will bloody well
sure be THIRSTY!!!
Funny thing, about that I.D. thing, though, my WIFE and (I believe)
EVERY other Hispanic I know, who is here LEGALLY!!!, has a bloody I.D.
and would be PROUD TO SHOW IT!!!!
So, who are these poor, downtrodden Hispanics for whom it would be
such a monumental
undertaking, to GET an I.D.?
I WANT TO KNOW!!!, so that I and my THOUSANDS (if not millions) of
public spirited, Christian, patriotic citizens can assist them. I will
make it a PERSONAL MISSION, to seek out
and assist every LEGALLY ENTITLED potential voter, in my area, to come
out of the darkness
and despair of disenfranchisement (because, without a valid I.D. they
are denied so much more than voting, such as renting movies, buying
liquor & cigarettes & having a library card)
& join their fellow citizens in the full exercise of citizenship, in
this great country.
Can I get a HOOAAHHH!!!????
O.K., settle down, the Field 1ST SGT will have a sign-up list, for
y'all to show your GENUINE
concern for the less fortunate by helping them GET I.D.s
You troops, from other areas, start your own drives. NOW, you people
who started all of this
Bravo Sierra, put your efforts where your big mouths are & start
IDENTIFYING these needy
folks, so we can HELP them.
If not, you are LIARS, CHEATS & FRAUDS!!!
I figure it THIS way. If your aim is to DISARM the populace, you must
want to do something TO
them that can't be done, if they are ARMED!
If you don't want to enforce our immigration laws & make it harder for
non-citizens to vote, or for anyone to vote fraudulently, you must
want more undocumented democr-ASSES and want to STEAL ELECTIONS, under
the motto of, "Vote early, vote OFTEN!!!"
I WANT to be asked for my I.D., when I vote. I'll show my Driver's
License, V.A. card, Military
I.D. or any combination, thereof.
Then, I want to see everyone else given the same requirement. If it
isn't important enough
to be able to prove you have the RIGHT to vote (legitimately) then it
isn't important enough
(to you) to be ABLE to vote.
AND I WANT ALL CANDIDATES who want me to HIRE THEM, by voting them
into positions of
public trust to be REQUIRED TO PROVE THEY ARE QUALIFIED, by age,
citizenship, residency AND ANY OTHER REQUIREMENTS!!!
I ALSO want anyone who FRAUDULENTLY misrepresents their qualifications
(Extended pandemonium, including HOOAAHHH!!!s)
Now let's look at the actions of the naacp (AKA, North American
assembly (of) confidence (persons) (and) pickpockets, AKA, narcissistic
anti-American carping prevaricators, AKA, no-goodnicks anti-all constuctive
progress) in this matter.
This bunch of super-twits has chosen to file charges against the
Fortress of Freedom,
to which oppressed people form all over the WORLD flee for sanctuary
and are DAMNED
In what forum have they chosen to air their vitriol and spew their
cesspool sludge?
How about the u.n. commission on "human rights", which (last time I
looked) included (past & present) such bastions of human rights as
"...People's Republic of China, Zimbabwe, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and
Pakistan...", "...and the past memberships of Algeria, Syria, Libya,
Uganda and Vietnam..." "These countries had extensive records of human
rights violations, and one concern was that by working against
resolutions on the commission condemning human rights violations, they
indirectly promoted despotism and domestic repression."
"On May 4, 2004, United States ambassador Sichan Siv walked out of the
Commission following the uncontested election of Sudan to the
commission, calling it an "absurdity" in light of Sudan's ethnic
cleansing in the Darfur region." Quotes from Wikipedia.
Now, EQUALLY ABSURD, is the naacp taking the issue of legitimizing
elections by the requirement of a picture I.D. to this "commission"
which UNDOUBTEDLY includes (past & present) some of the most corrupt,
evil regimes ever to VIOLATE human rights.
Many of them make the imperial barack hussein o(whatta)bummer
regime seem tame,according to past history, but REMEMBER, Troops,
the chosen one got a nobel prize based on what he was GOING TO DO,
most likely including reshaping the United States of America into some
sort of socialist cesspool that would make his socialist buddies PROUD!!!
Now, looking at that "honor" role, my question is, "Is that a hand to
draw to? Do YOU want these
'upstanding ladies and gentlemen' deciding ANYTHING having to do with
the United States?"
If your answer is , "Yes!" DROP!!! PUSH 'EM OUT 'TIL I GET TIRED!!!!
If, on the other hand, you breathe oxygen, & said, "Not NO, but HE77
NO!!!", then you go stand on the backs of those dysfunctional,
mis-aligned, mal-adjusted misanthropes, so that they either get their
minds right or get REALLY strong.
They'll need it, for some of the details I have in mind for them.
While they are sweating out those details y'all & I will attend a
"Stand To" (some place comfortable) after duty hours, of course.
(UNDERSTAND THIS!!! My opinion of the naacp & their present
inexcusable action is IN NO WAY RACIALLY MOTIVATED!!!)
I have just seen too many things and people they have supported
that are anti- just about everything God and the founders intended for this
country to have ANY faith in them and ESPECIALLY when their actions are
so blatantly WRONG!!!
Martin Luther King (may he rest in peace) was, allegedly, a serial
adulterer and
may have not been a good example of a minister but, from what I have seen,
his civil rights agenda was pretty pure.
Since his death, I believe there has been a definite decline in the leadership
of the naacp, to the point at which I cannot accord them "Caps" for their name.
Nuff said!
HOLD ON!!! This just in, from the Political Insanity Division!!! rick
santorum (to whom I accorded capital letters, until now) is reported
to have endorsed o(whatta)bummer, over mitt romney (whom I dislike,
but for whom I may have to hold my nose and vote).
The endorsement was (allegedly) a kind of left-handed shot, in which
he (allegedly) said that
it wouldn't be good to vote for someone who wouldn't be much different
from the incumbent and made his repeated reference to romney's "etch a
sketch" likeness.
ANY "conservative" who compares any other professed conservative
(negatively) to a proven socialist, is deserving of contempt and I MUST
withdraw my support for them.
Jeb Bush, your country is calling you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If mitt romney wins the conservative nomination, he will become Mitt Romney,
by acclaim and I WILL support him for President, because another 4 years of
the barack hussein o(whatta)bummer regime might be the end of this country.
Heaven forbid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If romney begins to spout things that belong in science fiction (as I
have heard the
book of mormon described) we'll have to deal with that, but the continuing
encroachment on and wearing away of our God given rights has to STOP!!!
And he seems to be the best alternative.
The only solution is to sweep & shovel the cesspool sludge out of the district
of criminals and start over. Maybe we can get it right, THIS time.
We' better pray so, because I think HE is losing patience with us.
I have other work to do, so that covers it, for this class.
Your assignments haven't changed: Recruit more members to the class,
spread the word and The Word (remember this IS "One nation under
God...") remembering that we are a Constitutional, Representative
Republic and only by faithful adherence to the Unanimous Declaration
and the Constitution (READ them OFTEN & ask questions as needed. We're
HERE for you.) can we remain free.
Section Chiefs, prepare to take charge, after dismissal.
On your FEET!!!
Heavenly Father, I come with my brothers and sisters to, again, rest
our concerns on You.
pWe ask that You strengthen us for the coming battles and enlighten
the unbelievers. Help us to serve as examples of your people to the
world & let our country shine as the "City on the Hill."
In all things I thank and praise You and, especially for the Gift and
Sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, in Whose Name
I pray, HOOAAHHH!!!
God bless y'all & God bless AMERICA!!!
Sgt. Mack, out. Closing station & leaving the air.