Think about it,Troops!!! What (rational, thinking) person would go so
blatantly against their solemn oath, the constitution and their
employers, creating one of the most divisive controversies of our
time? Who would profit from such an upheaval in our society.
I can only see 2 categories: 1) Those Earthly foes who want to weaken us
(U.S.) in preparation for a take-over of our country & 2) Someone who
is under the influence of a foul demon from hell (or IS, personally,
such a demon) and doing everything within their power to weaken the
main force for good, on this planet, as well as the best friend of
It is my, considered, opinion that (if this obamanation passes) it
WILL be the work of demons from hell and I, therefore, propose that
the sleazy, slime ball, lying, backstabbing, corrupt method of the
sleazy, slime ball, lying, backstabbing, corrupt POLI (poly, meaning
many) TICIANS (tick-ians, meaning having the characteristics of a
blood-sucking vermin) shall, in this one instance be called The DEMON
Pass Rule & that exorcisms be performed on the persons & offices of
all of the minions of the dark side who are committing this
If a religious exorcism is not successful in consigning them to hell,
them we need a secular exorcism, in November. For those involved, hell
would be losing their phony-baloney jobs, with all of the "perqs" &
privileges &, actually, having to work for a living.
Spread THE WORD (& the word) & educate your neighbors.
God bless y'all, our Troops in harm's way & all other guardians & God
bless America!!! HOOAH!!!
Sgt.Mack out closing station & leaving the air.