"I pledge allegiance to The Flag of the United States of America and
to the Republic, for which it stands..."
"I (state your name) do solemnly swear that I will preserve, protect
and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies,
foreign and domestic, to the best of my ability and will bear true
faith and allegiance and allegiance to same..."
Stand at EASE!!!
I want you to consider, very carefully, the wording of these two oaths
and write them on your hearts. No matter what ANYONE tells you, when
you take these oaths, you have taken them
to the REPUBLIC, which is your friends and neighbors, across the
country and to the founding
documents, the Unanimous Declaration (without which there would BE no
Constitution) and to the Constitution, itself.
Un-COVER!!! (Silent prayer or contemplation.)
The two documents are, frequently, simply called "the Constitution" by
Conservatives because we recognize that the Declaration is the first
part of the Constitution and by the lib/left because they hope you
will forget about the primary role that the Unanimous Declaration (the
first law passed by our fledgling government) plays in governing our
This is (on the part of the lib/left) largely because the Unanimous Declaration
acknowledges God, as the source of all of our power as a
self-governing people.
Denying God gives them the illusion that all "rights" come from the "state"
and are (therefore) not rights, at all, because what the "state" can
give, it can take away.
This is epitomized by the recent litigation that forces Christians to
participate, either directly (as in performing the ceremony or
furnishing the place) or indirectly (as in preparing a "wedding cake"
celebrating a union that the preparer ISN'T celebrating) in direct
opposition to the deeply held religious beliefs of the pastor or
If I am a baker and a same-sex couple comes in and says. "We want a
cake, to celebrate our wedding.", I'd be very happy to bake as many
layers as they want and let them decorate it.
If, however, they come in (backed by the court) and say, "We want a
wedding cake and YOU have to decorate it." (such as "Come and help us
celebrate our union.") I would, most likely, tell my employees that
they need to go picket the court, to protest the loss of their jobs,
when I close my bakery!!!
Slavery; the condition of an individual who works for another
individual against his or her will as a result of force, coercion, or
IS PAID FOR THE LABOR. [The attribution line did not print, but was
from an on-line
"U.S. Constitution | 13th Amendment | main page | annotations
13th Amendment
Amendment XIII
Section 1.
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for
crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist
within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."
The Constitution SPECIFICALLY prohibits involuntary servitude, except
as punishment for a crime and the only "crime", here, is the gay
community, sanctioned by the courts, violating the 1st Amendment
rights of the pastor or baker, to practice his or her religion.
So, what we have HERE is the forced labor of an individual who has NOT
been convicted of a crime, that is sanctioned by the court (for which
I have EXTREME CONTEMPT) and by the governor, who seems to be ANOTHER
rino (like McCain) and may, also, need to be fired .
Unfortunately, I lost the e mail re: brewer's explanation for the
veto. Something
about the law being too broad? How can it be too broad? NO INVOLUNTARY
Maybe I'm just dense, but that seems to be simple, straightforward and
Can you say, "TOTALITARIANISM???!!!" I knew you could!!!
Can you say, "Rogue "judge" who needs to be BOOTED OUT???!!!" I knew
you could!!!
This is EXACTLY the type of illegal, dictatorial "state uber alles"
behavior that was described
in "Atlas Shrugged" where the "state" assumed illegal powers, to
compel actions by the producers of the country, until they were fed up
and told the "state" what it could do with its
jack-booted thuggism and the producers started disappearing, in
violation of the laws that said they had to remain at their jobs and
work for the benefit of "society".
There is a certain segment of society that has the drive, the
initiative and enlightened self-interest to create businesses.
As long as the cesspool sludge in government can either realize that
stifling these people with oppressive regulations and denying them the
ability to prosper according to their efforts is CONTRARY to the best
interests of society or the cesspool sludge can be controlled
by the GOOD people in government (who are becoming harder to find) a
balance can be achieved, whereby "society" benefits from the brains
and sweat of the achievers and the achievers benefit and (HEAVEN
FORBID) grow rich from their efforts.
When the greedy cesspool sludge upset that balance, society actually
suffers, because entrepreneurs say to HE77 with the criminals in
government and their "taking ways".
It isn't worth it to devote my time and effort to build something only
to have some cesspool sludge either steal my profits or confiscate
them "for the good of society", which is only semantics for theft.
ATTENTION: ARIZONANS!!!! Your legislature needs to re-pass this law, by a veto-
proof majority or get a fast-track appeal to the Supreme Court, before
o(WHATTA)bummer can appoint another lib/lefty, on the grounds that
whatever trumped-up law they are using is in violation of the
Constitution. Try these citations:
"All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void."
"Marberry vs. Madison,
5 US (2 Cranch) 137,174,176, (1803)
"Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be
no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them." "Miranda
vs. ARIZONA, 384 US 436 p. 491"
"An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes
no duties; affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal
contemplation, as inoperative as though it had
never been passed." "Norton vs. Shelby County, 118 US 425 p.442"
["The general rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having
the form and name of
law, is is in reality no law, but is totally void, and ineffective for
any purpose; since unconstitutionality dates from the time of its
enactment , and not merely from the date of
the decision so branding it." Citizens Rule Book, Webster Adams PAPER
"No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are
bound to enforce it." "16 AM Jur 2d, Sec 177, late 2d. Sec 256"
My only problem with THIS ruling is that it SHOULD say, "...and courts
are, hereby, ENJOINED FROM enforcing it." It might make them a bit
more Constitutionally aware, if they knew that enforcing a bad law
could get their over-developed gluteous maximi in trouble.
Hey!! How about that Bostonian hospital, "judge" and child "protective
service" that are conspiring to gag any mention of the young lady who
was admitted there, specifically to see
a specialist in her ailment, was denied the right to see him and was
forcibly imprisoned there
while the "cps" cesspool sludge, the hospital cesspool sludge and the
"legal" cesspool
sludge dither around about what to do TO her, as she becomes
progressively WORSE!!!
One thing that is dependable about "progressives" you can ALWAYS count
on anything that involves them GETTING progressively WORSE!!!
PLEASE join the clamor to REMOVE these cesspool sludge from any
jurisdiction over her, BEFORE they do any more harm!!!
Now, let us consider, again, the matter of who owes loyalty, to whom.
The Holy Bible says that you are to give respect to those who are
appointed to rule over you. That's great, as far as it goes, but
(if you read those founding documents THOROUGHLY, you will see that)
God inspired the founders with the wisdom that "WE, THE PEOPLE..."
should BE the rulers over OURSELVES and anyone who is elected to public
office is only a hired employee and needs to give respect to
It is very simple and logical, if you follow the hierarchy of
creation, to see where the power belongs.
God created ... "WE, THE PEOPLE..." who created ... the Law of the Land, which created ... the Government, which created ... all of the elected and bureaucratic offices
which are occupied by all of the criminal cesspool sludge who are
stealing us and our posterity blind and eroding our God-given rights.
It ain't brain surgery. You just have to look at it from the proper
perspective, one that recognizes the supremacy of God and the
fact that He gave US the authority as stewards of the Earth
and WE HIRE people to do the actual bean-counting, and
NOT to run our lives.
Remember that George Washington said," Government is not reason;
it is not eloquence; it is force! Like fire,it is a dangerous servant and
a fearful (Sgt. Mack note: I would say "...fearsome...) master."
So, next time you hear some lib/lefty pontificating about how they are
the superior beings, who are more intelligent, compassionate and just,
you should tell them, "Hey, you are just a bucket of cesspool sludge &
we're going to dump you in the toilet."
If you are concerned with repercussions, like getting your car
vandalized or getting mobbed or having to bail yourself out of jail
(because we all know that the lib/lefties can't handle the
"inconvenient truth") just say it to yourself. You'll feel better.
On your FEET!!!
Heavenly Father, we are really glad that You are infinite, because our
troubles keep growing. We are glad that, through Your power, we can move
mountains and, again, we ask for Your guidance in removing some of these
mountainous individuals.
We, hereby, dump it all into Your capable hands and get some sleep. In
all things I thank and praise You and, especially for the Gift and
Sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, in Whose Name
I pray, HHOOAAHH!!!
Sgt. Mack, out, leaving the air and closing station.