Stand at EASE!!!
Sorry about the long time between classes. Been “putting out fires”.
In addition, working on my 4th cancer & been sort of down with the
results of the election.
Un- COVER!!! Silent, individual, prayer or contemplation. In Jesus’
Name I pray, HOOAAHHH!!!
cacamala harris (so named because she spouts a bunch of bad “doo-doo”)
and the other leftists are still
trying to run the country into the ground. Business as usual, for the
cesspool sludge.
And then there is a.o.c. (AKA aSSinine oCCASIONALLY intelligIBLE. but
NEVER intelligENT, cortez) hereinafter called dUMB a$$ (or d.a.)
cortez. She (?) is a radical newcomer, attempting to out-left her (?)
elders and is highly successful at being (simultaneously) more
ridiculous and scarier than the “graybeards”, male and female.
A very intelligent and (usually) very properly behaved lady of my
acquaintance became so incensed by d.a. cortez’s outpouring of bravo
sierra (B.S.) that she proposed a more extreme (but , maybe, highly
appropriate) phrase for d.a. cortez’s initials (a.o.c.) : “a’ ‘ole,
cee?” (Hint, spoken with a Cockney accent.)
And speaking of criminal stupidity, Rush Limbaugh just reported that
only 6 (six) states have been surveyed as claiming to be (majority)
liberal, not including california (the state of confusion). If the
socialist republic of california isn’t liberal, who are the criminally
stupid conservatives who are voting dim-o-cr-ASS-ic (or failing to
vote) and driving the state into ruin? Or are the dim-o-cr-ASS-ics
criminal geniuses that are stealing elections?
I can only see those 2 (two) possibilities, to explain the
OVERWHELMING dim-o-cr-ASS-ic majority, in the regime.
As Dennis Prager (best-selling author and syndicated radio talk-show host) observed, "... there are 2 (two) major parties, the stupid party and the dangerous party. My party, the republicans, are the stupid party."
As Dennis Prager (best-selling author and syndicated radio talk-show
host) observed, there are 2 (two) major parties, the stupid party and
the dangerous party. My party, the republicans, are the stupid party.
The dangerous party spreads cow-pie-in-the-sky bravo sierra, about
“bread and circuses” and universal welfare that has bankrupted many
countries, can you say venezuela?, I knew you could.
The left keeps saying that it just hasn’t been done right or deeply
enough, just as the states with the most crime say that they need more
gun-control, while the states with the least gun-control have the
least crime.
What people with at least 2 (two) half-wits to rub together (to make a
complete wit) take from this is:
It is ALL a power play, to gain power over YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND, don’t forget that all power tends to corrupt...absolute power
tends to corrupt, absolutely. When you begin with a cabal that is
ALREADY absolutely corrupt, giving it more power will make it more
corrupt, even unto despotism and oppression.
Bottom line, we are edging over the point of no return (for our
democratic, representative republic) and
will, then, be (totally) dependent on Jesus’ return, to achieve justice.
So, as stewards of this world, we have to keep the faith and the
mission firmly in sight and as a priority.
In other words, off our dead gluteous maximi and on our dyin’ feet and
On your FEET!!! Un-COVER!!
Heavenly Father, it’s bad and getting worse. Please continue to send
us good people to counteract satan’s minions that are so numerous. We
ask Your guidance and protection. In all things I thank and praise You
and, especially, I thank You for the Gift and Sacrifice of Your Son,
Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, in whose Name I pray, HOOOAAHHH!!!
Sgt Mack, clear. Leaving the air and closing station.
All opinions stated in this class are the opinions of the instructor and may not reflect the opinions of the Editor and publisher.