Stand at EASE !!! This is an ACTION ALERT !!!
Don't get comfortable 'cause you ain't gonna be stayin'!!!
For the benefit of new Troops, a "Stand-down", for Combat Troops is
when they come "off the line" or out of the "combat zone" into a "rear
area", where they can relax their vigilance and unwind.
They are able to get hot chow, hot showers, clean uniforms and clean
beds that they (hopefully) will not have to share with indigenous
In the Tulare County area, we have a rather large homeless population,
an entirely too large percentage of whom are Veterans.
Many of these brothers-in-arms (& maybe a few sisters) are combat
Vets, whose situation is either caused or exacerbated by their
experiences while serving US, in conditions that I would not wish on
my worse enemy; well, maybe MY WORSE enemy, but I'm not as nice as you
Anyway, these Troops deserve better & WE need to give a shot at giving
back by giving to them.
THEREFORE, Put out the word that this is a PRIORITY, for MY Troops &
anyone else who is not an ungrateful slimeball, to get off our dead
a**es & on our dyin' feet & do whatever we can to make this happen.
As I bent the ears of the Porterville Area Republican Assembly,
Thursday evening (& they listened very politely, while I spouted off
[almost thought I was with my Troops]) "If this doesn't happen, in
Porterville, it will be over a rather large portion of my body."
I put 2 other (VERY IMPORTANT) classes on the back burner, to get this
started. Don't let them (& me) down, here. We have already made
contact with a non-profit organization that is working for this, so
(if at all possible) I'll work w/ them & save some energy & shoe
Right now, what I want is volunteers who are willing to do ANYTHING,
make calls, haul supplies, hand out stuff & otherwise staff the, event
do paperwork & a hundred other tasks that will be required.
Don't volunteer to work directly with them unless you are prepared for
people who haven't been able to bathe, regularly or may have some
attitude problems, as we don't want you or THEM to have any problems.
If you can do it, God bless you. You are walking His walk. If not, you
can still make a valuable contribution, in a support role. I don't
remember the exact figures, but seem to recall it takes around 10 support
Troops to keep 1 Soldier in the field. The more support Troops we have, the
more we can do for these Heroes.
I'm not looking for any glory here. I'm looking for someone, preferably
w/ name recognition who can take over, be the spearhead & "Git'er done!!!"
Plz tell your candidate it will be a hard job, but I'll be their "beast of
burden", along w/ anyone else I can recruit.
Keep the Faith!!!
God bless y'all, all of our Guardians & God bless America!!!
Dis-MISSED!!! Sgt Mack out, leaving the air & closing station.